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Anti-Stalemate (and Camp)

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by PanduhsFTW, Dec 20, 2014.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. PanduhsFTW

    PanduhsFTW Ballista Bolt Thrower Staff Alumni

    I had this idea (forgive me if its been suggested before) to get rid of stalemates on CTF and camping on TDM.

    On CTF servers without timers, there is always the issue of the stalemate. On servers with timers, there really isn't, though players don't seem to like timers because they feel rushed, or the round ends when people are still having a lot of fun. I was thinking that after the timer was up Tickets could kick in. So after say, a 30 minutes time limit has elapsed, the "Sudden Death" ticket mod turns on, and runs out eventually, effectively killing the stalemate (or so I hope).

    On RTDM, "stalemate" votes always happen when everyone else is dead and its like a 1v1 or something. Most people are impatient and vote instantly, but some people wait. One thing that always inspires a stalemate vote is an archer hanging out on the bottom of the map, where knights can't reach. A lot of folks just want to practice knight and don't want to switch to archer to chase a camper around. I was thinking it would be a cool mod/gamemode if, after a certain amount of time (perhaps like the Sudden Death ticket timer I suggested above) lava came up from the bottom void, effectively forcing archers out of hiding. Maybe even on some maps the lava mod could be used to force people onto higher ground where there is possibly less room to mess around (making things more serious/risky).

    I've put some thought into these, but haven't hashed out all the possibilities (and don't know if these things are even possible, for that matter) so please don't bash. Just poke or patch holes in my idea please. Thanks for the read!

    Stinky Butt
  2. dayleaf

    dayleaf Haxor
    1. The Thieves Guild

    I like the TDM idea to get rid of campers, however, the CTF one has a fault.

    back in Classic days, the servers had tickets (without a mod) but it had something bad, when the tickets got to 0-0 the teams started to camp as archer or guarding knight in their castles, causing the match getting long as Xenoblade map, what i mean with this, if we translate this to beta, the stalemate would get multiplicated due to people don't want to die and one solution is just camping.

    +1 to TDM solution :thumbs_up:
    PanduhsFTW likes this.
  3. tickets are cancerous shit
    startselect3, Yagger and PanduhsFTW like this.
  4. PanduhsFTW

    PanduhsFTW Ballista Bolt Thrower Staff Alumni

    I respect your opinion.
    Hmmm. That makes sense. If both people are acting cowardly, there is always the trusty old vote system to get to the next map. I thought it was a happy medium between maps taking forever and people not necessarily wanting to vote stalemate. Also, if only two people are left, camping it out, everybody else is more likely to vote "stalemate" to next map because they're tired of watching two people play defensively. :P
  5. Superblackcat

    Superblackcat baideist baide Staff Alumni Tester

    The only bad thing right now with CTF are the cancerous water maps. I've not had much stalemate experience otherwise.
Mods: Rainbows