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Discussion in 'Other games' started by Mexer, Dec 25, 2014.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. Mexer

    Mexer Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. No Control - to be deleted. inactive

    A game based on the source engine that focuses on combat realism and heavy teamwork. Gameplay's between CS and ARMA.
    Anyone else playing? I need more voice chat buddies to teamwork with.
  2. Looks really cool! I might try to get my hands on it (giveaways and sales). I'll hit you up on a PM once I get it :wink:
  3. Mexer

    Mexer Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. No Control - to be deleted. inactive

    Alright! I gifted it to 4 friends on christmas :P It's easy to get addicted to it if you're into this type of games.
    Joiken likes this.
  4. darDar

    darDar KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester

    I've been waiting for this game quite a while because I was a fan of the HL2 Mod - Insurgency and I really enjoyed it. However, I am not sure if I prefer the standalone game over the mod. I really dislike the map designs. I really have no idea where I'm located on the map, where I need to go to and where opponents may be. There are also too many gamemodes, which are actually pretty similiar just with different names.

    It really requires a lot of time to really get into this game.
    Joiken likes this.
  5. Guitrz

    Guitrz Arsonist

    I play this game, love it. I played the HL2 mod too, and hyped for this standalone, it's really worth it. Rocketeer top class, even better than striker

    Edit: allahu akbar
  6. heX_

    heX_ Bison Rider

    I play it but was fairly disappointed with certain aspects of it, especially player movement. Moving over rocks for example, making small jumps to get onto low ledges etc is very very awkward. On some terrain you can't go prone easily or at all. The idea behind the game is great, and it has some things going for it (nice weapon models, great sound) but overall it's not the fantastic tactical shooter I was promised in the raving Steam reviews. It's not a bad game mind you, just hard to get into. the fact that there are indeed too many game modes doesn't help either.
    darDar likes this.
Mods: BlueLuigi