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Kag World Cup [Finished]

Discussion in 'Old Events/Giveaways/Contests' started by Snake19, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. Got to love CountryBall

  2. Snake19

    Snake19 RIP Staff Alumni Donator
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

    haha i love your pictures Ice :D
    daskew87 likes this.
  3. http://country-balls.com/
    Here's the site where all these hilarious comics are from.
    --- Double Post Merged, Dec 28, 2014, Original Post Date: Dec 27, 2014 ---
    Don't know how to edit pictures into a post, but here's some banners I made for fun!.
    upload_2014-12-27_19-59-16.png Props to xiaojin's comics, used Meow and Woof.
    upload_2014-12-27_20-12-4.png This one's kind of bad.
    Fuzzle, Lumeos, Sir_Walter and 2 others like this.
  4. Snake19

    Snake19 RIP Staff Alumni Donator
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

    Nice work! Icemusher :)
    I will add in my signature :)
    daskew87 likes this.
  5. upload_2014-12-27_21-33-6.png
    Here's one !with your name on it
    Snake19 likes this.
  6. Snake19

    Snake19 RIP Staff Alumni Donator
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

    :O Thanks you Icemusher the picture is beautiful
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 10, 2015, Original Post Date: Dec 28, 2014 ---
    Here are the advancement of Kag World Cup: http://challonge.com/KAGWC123

    Many video coming soon!
    daskew87 and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.
  7. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    rymcd and Solaris like this.
  8. Snake19

    Snake19 RIP Staff Alumni Donator
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

    KAG World Cup Reward :

    1st: 20€ + 5 KAG keys

    2nd: 10€ + 2 KAG keys

    3rd: 5€ + 1 KAG key

    It's possible that other rewards comes afterward.

    The rewards are given to the leaders of each team.

    - The leaders can give a small amount of money to every member of their teams.

    - Pay a server for their team (because I know that many people of the KAG World Cup are from clans)

    - Give the KAG keys to friends who didn't have the chance to play KAG.

    It's at your free will to use your rewards as you like! ;D

    Enjoy yourself!

    Sorry to have informed you all a little late about the rewards and I'm sorry to not give that much, but the money comes from my own pocket and I'm still a student. ^^'

    Sincerly yours,

    daskew87, Blue_Tiger, Lumeos and 5 others like this.
  9. Tern

    Tern Quickfish Donator Official Server Admin
    1. Zen - [Zen] - (Invite Only)

    It's really generous of you to give out of your own pocket. :')

    Thanks, Kevin. :heart:
  10. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    As a fellow poor student I salute you, sir! o7 GG
    Fuzzle, Verzuvius, Tern and 1 other person like this.
  11. Snake19

    Snake19 RIP Staff Alumni Donator
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

    I'm glad you like it's, Austin :P

    The Final stage approach, I hope all the teams give the best of themselves, to try to win this World Cup! :)
  12. Potatobird

    Potatobird Haxor Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    USA v Canada - Round 1

    USA v Canada - Round 2
  13. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    23:35 of round 2, I rip my dick off.
  14. Snake19

    Snake19 RIP Staff Alumni Donator
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear


    Hello everyone!

    The first matches of the "Final Stage" of this Kag World Cup will be played on the weekend of March 21 to 22

    This weekend will compete:

    Team United States of America against the Oceania team
    And Team Canada against the team of France!
    So these matches likely to be epic!

    Source: http://challonge.com/KAGWC123

    Also, to make up the lack of video of Kag this World Cup, I will do everything to make these great matches is recorded and commented! :)

    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 29, 2015, Original Post Date: Mar 15, 2015 ---
    And here's the first videos of this Semi-Final!​

    Here is the France against Canada!

    This has been more than just a Clan Wars as we used to see.
    No, this was a legendary battle!

    Result :
    France Win 1-0 against Canada
    1 Cap on European server for the France
    0 Cap on the United States server for every Teams.

    Round 1 (EU Server)

    Round 2 (US Server)

    Thank you @Potatobird for had record the match.

    Last edited: Apr 15, 2015
    daskew87, Stevedog, Konoko and 7 others like this.
  15. Verzuvius

    Verzuvius Shark Slayer

    Fuck this shit. The most competitive KAG matches and you know what? No archers in the teams. Except for one time where both teams send out one archer to bomb arrow spam. That is what archers should do? Bomb arrow spam? Now is also the time to nerf bomb arrows as that is the only good thing about archers. Retarded.

    And all this happens just because @Geti and all the other "testers and fixers" never plays archer... Disappointed.
    Stevedog likes this.
  16. Colargolator

    Colargolator Horde Gibber
    1. KAG Competitive League

    If archers actually attended appointments, that would solve this problem :teabag::dance::knight::teabag::dance::knight::teabag::dance::knight:
  17. kedram

    kedram Drill Rusher Tester

    lets not turn this into an archer discussion thread, reserve posts here for the topic at hand.
  18. Snake19

    Snake19 RIP Staff Alumni Donator
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

    Verz during that match our archer "@Elowan" was absent otherwise we will undoubtedly play with him! :)

    But it is true that the last archer nerve was not necessary.
    daskew87 likes this.
  19. kedram

    kedram Drill Rusher Tester

    Just reporting that from the US vs Auss, Auss forfeited the match. Not sure if this was reported or not
  20. First of all, its USA vs OCEANIA, and secondly, we have not forfeited the match.