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How to make a KAG server on a Mac tutorial - What worked for me

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by brreed93, Aug 18, 2012.

  1. brreed93

    brreed93 Catapult Fodder

    It took me forever to figure out how to run a KAG server on my mac so I figured I'd post a tutorial of how I did it so others can benefit. I'm not going to say this will work 100% with you but it should. I'm running 10.6.8 Snow Leopard. If you have any questions you can post them and I'll try and help you the best I can.

    What you will need:
    1. Portmap: http://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/27342/port-map/
    2. Trelawney's Dedicated OSX Server: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/23114384/kag/osx_dedicated.zip
    3. You will not need the Linux dedicated server

    Part 1:
    1. Make sure that KAG is in your applications folder. This should be default for most users
    2. Make a copy of KAG by right clicking it and selecting "Duplicate"
    3. Right click on the original KAG and select "Show Package Contents"
    4. Follow the folders to the "Scripts" folder via Contents>MacOS>Base>Scripts
    5. Open the "Scripts" folder and right click on the "dedicated_autoconfig.gm" file and open with textedit
    6. Configure your server be sure not to miss the "sv_name" and "sv_info". Make sure the "sv_ip" is set to 0
    7. Make sure the "sv_port" is equal to 50302. The default 50301 did not work for me
    8. Save this file

    Part 2:
    1. Unzip Portmap and launch it
    2. Open the following ports on both UDP and TCP:
    i. 443
    ii. 80
    iii. 50301
    iv. 50302
    v. 50328
    vi. 25565

    All of these ports probably aren't necessary but it worked for me so that's what I'm suggesting. All the ports should have a green light. If they are yellow or red PM me or post in this thread and I might be able to help.

    Part 3:
    1. Unzip osx_dedicated and launch it
    2. You should come to a point where it says "Make sure to edit dedicated_autoconfig.gm" and a copy of KAG launches. This is not an error or a freeze! This confused me a lot but this is what is supposed to happen.
    3. Go back to your Applications folder and launch the Kag Copy not the original. You should see your server in the browser.

    Again I am by no means an expert at this but I got it to work. If you have problems post in this thread and I'll try and help you the best I can. A sticky would be appreciated for future users.
    Gurin, SkiPzZ_, Ej and 2 others like this.
  2. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Great guide! Will add this to the infinitely long list of stickies. Gonna have to smash those together soonishly.
  3. kl4060

    kl4060 Haxor

    so the shad thing opened my kag but its not open
  4. brreed93

    brreed93 Catapult Fodder

    did you make a copy of kag? if you want to host a server and play on it on one computer you have to make a copy of kag, then play from that copy not the original
  5. kl4060

    kl4060 Haxor

    i did
    </br>--- merged: Oct 11, 2012 8:23 AM ---</br>
    so help please.
  6. haaseart

    haaseart Catapult Fodder

    thanks it works! but only, by this way: the modified kag is in the applications folder and the kag copy is on the desktop. osx 10.8.4
  7. timothy

    timothy Catapult Fodder

    why dosen't open a copy of kag
    and i can't find my server in browser
  8. xeba

    xeba Bison Rider

    i think you need update your KAG
  9. timothy

    timothy Catapult Fodder

    I have already updated my KAG and what do you mean by update do you mean latest version?
    i play on Kag the first one