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Windows (1390) Player Sprite Stuck in Recoiling/Flinching Pose but Able to Move Normally

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Ajax, Feb 7, 2015.

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  1. Ajax

    Ajax Arsonist

    Category: KAG Client

    Operating system: Windows 8.1

    Build number: 1390

    It seems to be relatively rare but player sprites sometimes become frozen in the recoiling/flinching pose; however, they are able to move around and attack like normal. Animations do not show at all for the character no matter what they're doing (slashing, jumping, shielding, etc.) and stays stuck on the recoiling/flinching pose, so combating these players is extremely difficult. The bug appears to be client-side with the observer and the frozen player has no indication that their sprite is stuck.

    Steps to reproduce:
    Currently do not know how to reproduce. This bug typically appears with just one player on the opposite team as soon as one joins the game. The bug generally appears within those first seconds of game-play and I have yet to see it pop-up after being in game for a while. Death seems to fix this bug and un-freezes the sprite


    Bug can be seen in this screenshot. The blue player on the far left is the frozen one and retains all movement and attacking abilities; however, his sprite is stuck and reflects none of these actions.

    Tern and icemusher like this.
  2. Ajax

    Ajax Arsonist

    Just saw it again the moment I joined a game. This time with both ally and enemy player experiencing it.

    icemusher likes this.
  3. startselect3

    startselect3 Arsonist

    Yeah this is a well known bug, pretty much everyone knows about it. This started a few builds back (if not the beginning). If you look around it may be in the archive.
  4. Gurin

    Gurin Stop That! Global Moderator Donator Tester

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