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Let's Fix TTH - Accepting Your Suggestions!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nand, Feb 7, 2015.

  1. Nand

    Nand Arsonist Tester

    TTH is kill!

    And it makes me :QQ::QQ::QQ: so hard.

    But YOU can help fix that!!!

    I'm going to begin work on a tweak mod intended to address many of the complaints regarding competitiveness, and I'll be throwing up a rapidly updated experimental server intended to test out potential changes.

    So how can YOU help?

    Two ways,

    1. Post your suggestions here. I'm pretty well-versed with Kag's code base at this point so I expect implementing most ideas won't be too hard.

    2. Play on the server! I'll need your feedback to understand which tweaks work, and which one's don't.

    Some potential ideas to get you started:
    • Change workshops to work like shops with purchases, rather than automatically generate items.
    • Adjust research to be built up via player contributions instead of a timing system.
    • Significantly slow down rate of bomb arrow/keg generation
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2015
  2. AmestriStephen

    AmestriStephen Haxor Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    You should not be able to have a certain amount of the same workshops
    e.g. max 3 bomb arrows shops IN THE WHOLE MAP
  3. TheDirtySwine

    TheDirtySwine Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    You should be able to buy scrolls with coins. You should start out with materials to build with during build phase.
  4. AmestriStephen

    AmestriStephen Haxor Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    Err... no coins... Also why does he have to add coins only for this kind of thing?
    It's kinda pointless
  5. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    Its not a bad suggestion it allows skilled players to actually accomplish something from killing a lot of scrubs ofc you wouldn't want tht you scrublord
    It is also good for newer players who aren't good at the game because they'll have more shops because of the more scrolls bought by better players.
    Then theres the fact I never really liked the parachuting supplies but idc if that changes
    hierbo likes this.
  6. AmestriStephen

    AmestriStephen Haxor Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    lil pricko pt.2
  7. Verzuvius

    Verzuvius Shark Slayer

    The halls should already be built when the maps start. Then building phase could be reduced to 120-180 seconds.

    Maps should be smaller.

    Respawn time should always be the same.

    No respawn when capping a hall. It works sometimes and it's just shit.

    The lower part of the tech tree should be modified so fire arrows can be used some more so that fire isn't totally overpowered.
    J-man2003 and ThE_HeRo like this.
  8. TheDirtySwine

    TheDirtySwine Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Ive got a good one: Get rid of night! There is no point. Very frustrating
  9. toffie0

    toffie0 is sweeter than you <3 Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    As mentioned before smalle maps would be good, I'll try and find some good small tth maps if you want to include them @Nand just tell me if you do want to have smaller maps first.

    With the maps also I find less water, since ATM there about 2 maps or so that litually have an ocean in them.
    J-man2003 likes this.
  10. kittycity

    kittycity Haxor

    Ok here is my 5 point plan.

    - Remove Halls
    - Remove Migrant Workshops
    - Add coins
    - Normal Shops
    - Add 2 flags 1 for each team.


    But seriously adding coins to ctf and maybe turning down the amount of bombs the workers could spawn would make it more playable imo.
  11. lare290

    lare290 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Big map, with 2 oceans, 2 mainlands and 1 big island. 2 halls on island, and 1 on both mainlands. Somewhat flat land areas for siege stuff. (Yes, i love boats and siege thingys)
    also: bomber balloon. Pls.
  12. mcrifel

    mcrifel Haxor Staff Alumni Tester
    1. MIST

    -Bombers (for the love of god devs please add them!)
    -Less water
    -Somehow make siege more important
    -More scrolls that can be bought
    J-man2003 likes this.
  13. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Something that occurs (don't know if it'd actually be good, just throwing it out there) is changing how scrolls and research work:
    • Building a shop requires/consumes a scroll (in addition to normal wood & stone cost).
      • Specifically, this is on a per-shop basis (i.e. 1:1 ratio), so if you want to build a 20 shop stripmall you'll need to get yourself 20 scrolls in addition to the other building materials (think of scrolls as, effectively, one-off blueprints).
    • Scrolls are purchased with coins from the Hall (borrowing Swine's idea and running with it in another direction).
      • This makes the loss of shops somewhat more bothersome than "Oh well, looks like I need to go harvest some wood from our tree farm of infinite+1 wood. lol :potato:".
      • Additionally (and perhaps more importantly), the coin cost of different scrolls could be set to make some shops (like, say, keg and bomb-arrow) much, much more expensive than others (like, say, bombs & arrows shop)--which would help to reduce some of the spam that goes on.
    • Scrolls (and some tech, like saws, etc.) are independently researched/unlocked/made available for purchase by players contributing wood/stone/gold/bananas (costs, depending on what you're unlocking, probably being something like: heaps of wood, a fair amount of stone, some/a little gold, no actual bananas).
      • What I'm actually suggesting here is that each item on the current research tree can be researched independently of other items (i.e. no pre-requisites required before you can start researching something---you could unlock kegs before bombs if you really wanted to).
        • This could be done via the expedient method of players selecting the "research" icon in their Hall, selecting the scroll/tech they want to unlock, and then selecting which resources from their backpack they'd like to contribute towards unlocking that scroll/tech.
        • Incidentally, once a scroll/tech is unlocked you'd buy it the same way: select "research" icon in your Hall, select the scroll/tech (now highlighted, bc it's unlocked) you want to purchace, done.
      • This means teams can either:
        • i) Discuss between themselves which scrolls/tech they (as a collective team effort) will focus on unlocking, and in which order; OR,
        • ii) Fail to communicate with one another and individually focus on unlocking scrolls/tech without reference to others (so, e.g., A & B focus on unlocking the basics [saw, bombs & arrows scroll], C is a pyro and focuses on firearrows, and D & E are... special ...and decide the're going to plough all their resources into unlocking longboats so they can go sailing).
      • Obviously the amount and type of resources needed to unlock tech/scrolls should vary between fairly cheap (saws, bombs & arrows, basic stuff) and relatively expensive (kegs, siege, fancy stuff).
    • Gold can be traded for individual scrolls/tech (e.g. a saw) from the Russian Trader (note the word individual--meaning you're not actually unlocking a scroll/tech when you buy it here; you're just getting one (1) copy of that scroll/tech to use as you see fit).
      • See where gold becomes really, really important? Huh? Huh?! 78787878
      • Basically, it splits the possible uses of gold between short-term gain (get a single ballista shop scroll from the Russian, right now!) and long-term gain (invest the gold at your Hall towards getting the ability to buy ballista shop scrolls whenever you want--but first you'll have to harvest some more wood & stone to finish researching them).
      • This gives teams the chance to play:
        • A rush game (start with several high-level shops; try to steamroll, or at least claim the high ground);
        • A turtle game (try to hold out long enough to finish unlocking all the tech you put your early gold towards); or,
        • Something in the middle (blow some gold on an early waterarrow scroll for early-game shittery [:bow::rekt::water_arrow:], but invest the rest in unlocking scrolls/techs you'll want later on).
    • sdf
    Make of the above suggestion what you will; but I certainly know that I'd be a lot more interested in TTH if there was more strategy and less "hurhur, we bought a bomb arrows scroll and now we have like 60 shops making just bomb arrows--before the match has even started, hurhur" BS surrounding how research worked.

    Added spoilers to make it a little less WoT.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2015
  14. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Oh, I almost forgot. To deal with excess coinage problems (i.e. make it so that coins have a use other than to buy scrolls):

    • Slow the production of resources from shops and make it possible to buy items from said shops (at inflated prices--say, for example, double what they cost in CTF).
      • This means if you're, you know, not a nub you can afford to buy your own stuff and either a) have extra bombs (for example), or b) not have to wait around for the workshop to produce its next batch of bombs (again, for example--I'm not implying it's a knight only game; please stop riddling me with arrows ;_;).
      • Also, this would help to kill the twin frustrations of:
        • "Nub stole ma keg! :QQ: " (Solution: "Oh well, imma buy myself one. :B):")
        • People spamming shit everywhere just because they can (Solution: with slower production the only people spamming kegs are the people who've earned the coins to spam kegs [:keg::rektlord::flex:] so fair enough, more power to them.)
  15. mcrifel

    mcrifel Haxor Staff Alumni Tester
    1. MIST

    Totally agree with you, add bombers and its great!
    J-man2003 likes this.
  16. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Finally, one two last thoughts:
    • Allow archers to steal scrolls from enemy shops (allowing them to then scamper back with their booty so a friendly builder can build a shop using said stolen scroll).
      • Basically: archers would go up to an enemy shop, engage their mystic voodoo powers of shittery (aka: sabotage; probably by holding down [spacebar]--you know, the key knights light bombs with and builders rotate blocks with), and a short time later (say, for example, the time it takes to capture a siege weapon) a scroll drops out :scroll: and the shop goes from active :b_shop: to vacant :workshop:.
        • First: this could easily be a thing in CTF; only you don't get a scroll, the shop just goes empty :workshop: (unless it's a shop that uses gold, ofc; those would drop their gold :gold_mat:).
        • Second: booby-traps! If the archer holds a mine while sabotaging a shop they rig the empty shop :workshop: with the mine to explode on any builder who tries to build stuff using said vacant shop. Would work equally well in both TTH and CTF. :bow::rekt::mine:
      • This idea isn't new, btw. There's be a repeated idea (for, like, years now) of allowing archers to sabotage/booby-trap shops as a way of giving them something active to do should they manage to infiltrate an enemy base (also, it would shut people up who keep whining about "archers need a use for spaaaaaaacebaaaaaaar"); I've never really heard a good reason why it would be a VeryBadIdea, so I'm thinking, why not?
    • Research is tied to the team, no their Hall (by "research" I mean scrolls and tech, be they locked, unlocked, or in the process of being unlocked).
      • This would mean stealing a Hall doesn't automatically give you unlimited rainbows and ponies. Sure, you now have all the shops that were in their base (plus, you know, you have an extra spawn point and are one step closer to winning the game), but you can't turn around and build stuff you didn't put the sweat into researching.
      • Basically, this stops those fucking awful situations where you put a lot of hard work into researching something only to have your derpy team lose your back Hall and leave you up chocolate creek w/o a popsicle-stick.
      • Both this idea and the previous idea draw from the current thing where you can break into an enemy Hall and steal their scrolls. Because I love that idea; only, the thing is, why the fuck would you bother sealing a scroll when you could steal the HALL?!? You're already in there, ffs! :huh?:
    So, um, yes. Kinda suspect I've over contributed and now people'll think I'm obsessive. Not really; just been in a good thinking groove all day and this topic popped up at the right time. Anyway. Enough. Having overall research tied to a team, but still allowing archers to steal individual scrolls, makes for a nice balance, I feel, but it's kinda up to other people (particularly those who can code!) to see whether they want to take any/all of these ideas and run with them.
  17. Nand

    Nand Arsonist Tester

    Smaller 2-3 hall maps is definitely something I'm gonna be going for. I've got a bunch on my server that I've grabbed off of here already but if you wanna create new ones this is the perfect time to submit for my custom map competition.
  18. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Re: all the stuff about scrolls living in factories and being consumed and so on - this is literally how it worked for like 50+ builds. It was certainly a deeper game, but I relinquished control of TTH to work on CTF around that time and MM wanted to take it in a direction more friendly to the player-base at the time. Keep in mind that this was right after the disheartening failures with WAR mode, which was deemed too complex to ever balance to any meaningful competitive experience (and ended up being 99% rushes anyway).
    hierbo likes this.
  19. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Mmm. I'd forgotten that.

    In retrospect, maybe the desire to avoid another WAR lead to TTH being over simplified; it certainly feels like it should be a somewhat slower-paced game--with a gradually unfolding access to higher-level techs--but in reality it just seems to plays out with a mad rush to capture enemy halls using bomb-arrows, kegs, and bomb-ballistas. I confess I'm kinda curious to see how the current player-base would react to a return to a deeper, slightly slower and more strategic, TTH. I know I'd think it was a hoot (plus, you know, if I wanted fast then there's still CTF).
  20. Sytoplasma

    Sytoplasma Haxor

    Scroll of Gib. Nothing else to be said. FBB has already spoken wise, so I'll agree with him.
    J-man2003 and hierbo like this.