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Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Dubovnik, Feb 21, 2015.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. Dubovnik

    Dubovnik Drill Rusher
    1. Top Hat Squad [THS]

    I have idea of trebuсhet, that cannot be moved. It has extended range, but needs more time to attack & throw.

    IMPORTANT: Trebushet can only be placed on your base. Cooldown: 15 Seconds.

    Health: Low

    PRICE: 1.5x price of the catapult

    DPS/Damage: Low

    Note: can be useful in throwing knights far far away (if they have bombs too)

    What do you think?
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2015
    J-man2003 likes this.
  2. mcrifel

    mcrifel Haxor Staff Alumni Tester
    1. MIST

    I am not sure if the game really needs new siege, great ideas like siege towers and battering rams didn't get in the game. I can tell you this won't get in either.

    However I do really like Trebuchets, hey are some of my favorite siege weapons that exist in the real world and in games. I like the idea personally but it does need some tweaking so it does not become overpowered nor useless.
    J-man2003 likes this.
  3. Dubovnik

    Dubovnik Drill Rusher
    1. Top Hat Squad [THS]

    You can always use your mind to see what need to be balanced in trebushet. Fortunately, i think my idea pretty stable because its cannot be move in enemy base or in middle of the battle only for defence, and its very expensive than other siege weapons. opposite team will be lucky if they steal one of these boys.
  4. Fernegulus

    Fernegulus Bison Rider

    I don't see how it would improve anyone's game experience, and please don't make so many critical language errors when posting on a forum.
    Dubovnik likes this.
  5. Dubovnik

    Dubovnik Drill Rusher
    1. Top Hat Squad [THS]

    Sorry, i do my best. I didnt learn English language completely yet, so i can make mistakes.
  6. J-man2003

    J-man2003 Haxor

    I have had an idea for a trebuchet before but, according to the list of things already suggested and the heartless galen, I'm to scared to suggest it.

    It would be similar to yours, slow attacking, cannot be moved, costly, etc. And then in my idea, it would replace the spawnpoint role of ballistas, (ballistas realistically are the weakest of all 3 different catapults, mangonels (named catapult in KAG), ballistas, and trebuchets.) Its attack pattern would be an explosive boulder thing, like a cannonball, you would have to buy ammo for it, and of course you can load any entity into it like the catapult (Including players :wink:.)

    EDIT: Also It would have a longer range that a cata and have a larger arc.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2015
  7. Dubovnik

    Dubovnik Drill Rusher
    1. Top Hat Squad [THS]

    MM, but i dont think that trebuchet needs special ammo, stone will do the job instead.
  8. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    Its spelt Trebuchet.

    I think more siege weapons would be fun. Especially more ranged weapons.

    AOE2 <3

    But with the abuse, they should set a max to the amount able to be bought.
  9. Fernegulus

    Fernegulus Bison Rider

    I'm afraid KAG isn't about technology race (what about the first team that reaches the moon wins and ussr falls apart?)
    J-man2003 likes this.
  10. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    How is that a tech race? Just setting a max of 1 or 2 can stop massive abuse.
  11. Fernegulus

    Fernegulus Bison Rider

    What I mean is, "Everyone's OP means noone's OP" is wrong. If we keep adding buffs, however costy they aren't, we just get more unbalance.
    blackjoker77777 likes this.
  12. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    I don't understand parts of what your saying. however costy they aren't?

    But adding a max limit to something can stop abuse. Think about this for a secound. A siege weapon that fires explosive balls of fire that can fly huge distances. Now times that by 10. Thats how abusive it could be. Just adding a cap of maybe 2 or 3 can just stop a massive rain of explosive bolts.
    J-man2003 likes this.
  13. jpbkiller

    jpbkiller Shark Slayer

    Imo a new siege weapon isn't actually needed in the game , the catapult already does this job , by simply building it on the battlefield .
    If it had to be added tho , for me it's woulb be really big and resilient , real low fire rate , long to build . Gotta be hard to set up and use or it would make it over powered .
    J-man2003 and EhRa like this.
  14. Fernegulus

    Fernegulus Bison Rider

    What I mean is, simply making a very powerful thing that costs very much doesn't mean it won't cause unbalance. Thing is, that making stuff that's ridiculously OP won't suddenly get balanced because it costs much money. It will just be so that the first team to get it wins, which is not a very good way to make a game.
    I'd like to see the trebuchet as a weapon of low resistance to bombs, arrows and such, doing rather little damage and yet being capable of throwing stones at a very big distance, for example you would place it behind your tower and throw stuff over it.
    Blue_Tiger likes this.
  15. Corpsey

    Corpsey Haxor

    Why not just buff ballista range, and then make ballista weaker, to the point where fire actually damages ballista quite a lot. As it is now I hardly ever see ballista used unless you basically have a fortress outside of the enemy's base - because the range on the ballista is garbage. To make it even more balanced with the extra range, have it so that cranking out that extra range takes extra time - much like the charge attacks that the characters have (slash, legolas), so there's a larger 'pause' between the shots.

    I guess using them defensively would become a problem. I guess explosive bolts could then be nerfed again in terms of cost per amount you get, so it would require people to be attacking to get coins to feed the machine. *shrug* just some ideas.

    When I had an idea for a trebuchet, it would require 2 stages, first a base to be built and then the arm, but this is a race war mechanic that's apparently unwanted (although... SC2 got away with it.... there were unit tiers and that game did fine). Once completed, you basically have the option to load stones which would do 1 dmg to players only (and come out in a 5-stone shotgun kind of thing, for supressing an area), a boulder that would be similar to catapult dmg (if not greater), and kegs - which would be what it would mainly be used for. Not quite sure how the seating and stuff would work, as I dropped the idea after reading many posts that said something like this wouldn't be implemented.
    J-man2003 likes this.
  16. J-man2003

    J-man2003 Haxor

    Interesting concept with having it have main ammo that's used mainly for something else anyways (kegs) I just figured the trebuchet would be a costly, stationary, slow-attacking and powerful siege machine that chucks long distance explosive boulders, but yeah it should have low health IMO.
  17. Dubovnik

    Dubovnik Drill Rusher
    1. Top Hat Squad [THS]

    Main Post edited, Now trebuchet have low damage (which is CAUSED by throwing very far) Health is already low and wont be lowered.
    P.S Can be destroyed if throwing 3 bombs, or 50 arrows instead.
  18. J-man2003

    J-man2003 Haxor

    It should have high damage, what's the point if it is slow-attacking and low health?
  19. Dubovnik

    Dubovnik Drill Rusher
    1. Top Hat Squad [THS]

    If the trebuchet needs high damage, it needs more wood/gold to build up. slow-attacking is truly because its big and needs a lot waiting before power comes to max. Low health need too, so the teammates will get more attention of arrows and bombs.
Mods: Rainbows