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[VirtuaTI.com.br] Global - 64 Slots!

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Sqquall, Nov 13, 2011.

Mods: jackitch
  1. Sqquall

    Sqquall Shipwright

    Thread for VirtuaTI - Global players, some infos:
    • 64 Slots
    • 250x150 Map
    • 3 units per player
    • Friendly and active admin/mods
    • Dedicated server in Limestone (Texas) *sweet ping*
    • 24/7/365

    Team Speak 3



    Feel free to join us and have fun!
    We are accepting good custom maps to add in rotation.

    Note: Crashes happens sometimes, KAG have some problems handling with +50 players but it instantly on again. If KAG team want some logs to analize and fix it, just ask me. :)

    Let's play!
  2. Luffy

    Luffy Shipwright

    i tried to join but the engine keeps crashing its a real pain i love big servers!

    edit- some weird thing about last correct state- the thing that should not be
  3. Rectal_Exambot

    Rectal_Exambot Shipwright


    I was just wondering why I was banned off your server?

    I can only assume it was because I destroyed the skybridge I helped make(40% made) and crushed some people. I did this because everyone on the server begged me to do it for 'epicness' and 'lulz'.

    If this was the case, why I was banned for doing what the majority of the server wanted me to do? We were about to lose and no one had any qualms with me doing it.
  4. Sqquall

    Sqquall Shipwright

    we dont ban anybody just kick, i dont remember to kicks you anw, its 10mn and you can comeback.

    i apologize.
  5. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Could be an automatic ping kick as well which has the same effect and a normal kick (kick and 10 minute ban). KAG is really touchy about that.
  6. Semi

    Semi Everypony Donator


    i have try from player 48 - 80 all about 50+ crash after max 10 rounds all about 64 crash 2x so fast.
    32Player srsly the only with "no problems".
    You should also first, switch to 32Player, and once the bugs are gone, switch to 64player
    i do the same
    Noburu likes this.
  7. wizardd

    wizardd Shipwright

    Hi i recently logged onto your server today because its the best pinged server and biggest around and i was banned from the server :( i dont grief and im an all around nice guy so im wondering what the problem is. My username is wizardd
  8. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    It was likely a ping kick from a ping spike. KAG has a very low tolerance for it by default. You should only be banned for 10 minutes when this happens. If you werent griefing, this is almost definitely what happened. So dont panic :D

    Maybe we should get a stick on ping kicks somewhere in the forums...
  9. Sqquall

    Sqquall Shipwright

    Some users asked for TS, and there is:


  10. lehoon

    lehoon King

    Hi, I was just banned on your server.

    I'm not sure why, but Sqquall decided to freeze me IG, then ban. I'm a regular in this server too, so I'm a little confused.
  11. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    this server has some really tiresome maps
    Rectal_Exambot and Foxodi like this.
  12. Noburu

    Noburu Dirty, DRUNK, Hillbilly Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    I want to know as well, Lehoon brings nothing but baddassery and fun to servers!
    lehoon likes this.
  13. Sqquall

    Sqquall Shipwright

    oh, at my screen you were teleporting (lag) so my first impression was speedhax :/
    sorry for that


    i would say taht we dont have many maps (4) so, play on the same maps gets tiresome...
    But i'm trying to have good ideas for maps, if you have one just tell us and we will create it
  14. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    one of them is a giant mountain surrounded by two bottomless pits, i cannot adequately express just how grueling this map is to play
  15. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Please try more flat maps, or at least maps with less bottomless pits. It's like almost every map on the server has bottomless pits, and they are very, very, very boring. You need a builder to get over, that builder has to get a bridge or make a catapult (and hope you get over and it doesn't get shot down etc, etc), and it's basically an ordeal that doesn't make it very 'fun', just 'boring' after you've played it a bit.

    The maps also tend to lend themselves to singular pathways, this is terrible by design, everyone rushing the top because it's the only available place to build at the start? That's not good, if you were allowed some view into the mountain and could start digging and placing stuff inside of it it might work out slightly better, I say slightly because I still find huge mountains with bottomless pits pretty terrible, you're almost guaranteed to die getting to the other side unless you work together long enough without the other team paying attention and working together against you. On this map in particular I can say that I have yet to see anyone win by grabbing the flag unless it was a last man versus 30 lives left and he was digging so they decided to flag it.

    The two huge towers with the bedrock center that says Virtua Ti on the bottom suffers similar problems. There is a single option to start, above. You basically want to take the other tower, and starting higher is always better. The tower is built in a way where you can't really help build the interior at the start so unless you have a lot of people and are attaching your stuff to it as part of your castle, enjoy that being basically 'stock' and everyone knows the easy ways to maneuver up it.

    I'd have to say the biggest problem with the maps is not that they are bad, but that they choke point and force you to go into one direction by blocking the others with bedrock or bottomless pits and such. Bottomless pits and bedrock mountains have their place, but not every map, it's more of once upon a time thing for fun. The choke points mean that the team with builders that are paying enough attention are going to win as it's really easy to make knight-proof structures on this map and it can be very very frustrating as a knight to have to deal with this, constantly.

    Still, I love the server it's always got lots of people on it, not so much lag, quite a few griefers, but with the bottomless pits and such it's not exactly easy for them to grief, a lot of people will just die by sucking.
    lehoon and Noburu like this.
  16. TEH_N00B1337

    TEH_N00B1337 Shipwright

    Hey, I bombed a 1 block thick enemy skybridge, and It fell, I typed in ''That was me :3'' and I got banned? I'd like to be unbanned please.
  17. Sqquall

    Sqquall Shipwright

    there is no mods online at this time so, it's a kickvote i have no idea about the reason :/
    anw is 10mn.
  18. Threesan

    Threesan Shipwright

    I am here to appeal what believe I to be a wrongful ban.

    (I attempted to take a screenshot to illustrate, but I ended up with a capture of my other monitor somehow)

    Accused of breaking workshop. Didn't. WAS reluctantly taking down a door I had just put up 30 secs prior, to replace with bridge, after realizing that we didn't have the space for the door if we wanted to actually be able to reach next floor. The extra compartment provided by the door would have been nice, but I assessed that we already had compartments, but we had no good way to reach that second level, which extended to right atop our flag/spawn.

    I'm not sure if I was incorrectly banned for the damage done to the workshop, or if taking down the door offended Beef in some way, but feel in either case it should be lifted.

    *Edit: Looking at the chat log again, this seems to be evidence suggesting that Beef did not witness the destruction personally, and the only witness who spoke up in fact fingered someone else:

    I can only assume then that I was banned for using my hammer against something else, unaware that I was in the general vicinity of some previous crime.
  19. theidcannotbeuse

    theidcannotbeuse Shipwright

    (this is only for me to try to get un-banned from a server)

    As of today sunday,november 20th at 9:05 pm (us centrel time)
    i was banned from the server virtuaTI because they thought i had speed hack
    I made another account to join and tell them i dont hack on games EVER.
    but the ip was banned so i came here to plead to be un-banned.
    I do not hack, it looks like im speed hacking because of my computer. It happens whenver i play online for a game (minecraft,kag, ect.) So if anyof you can help with this, thank you. And i dont know how to hack if you are still reading at this point, i love online games because it is better than sp only games. PLEASE UNBANN ME
  20. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    Threesan is a samurai not a griefer, don't be ridiculous Beef.
Mods: jackitch