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If you freeze or disconnect while joining...

Discussion in 'Groups' started by -Q, Mar 26, 2015.

  1. -Q

    -Q Donator

    Hello all.

    I've noticed that sometimes, after a particularly well-developed map (i.e. with lots of blobs), initial loading becomes difficult. Specifically, either A: You can disconnect while loading or B: The game will seem to freeze and hog memory.

    If this happens to you, I've discovered a work-around. For some reason, you can manage to join the server if you do not put focus on the window while it is loading. Switch to a different window, and only switch back once you begin to hear the map.

    Why this occurs? I speculate that the game does not handle back-end window commands well while it is loading a lot of blobs. These commands are what lets the game know where the cursor is, as well as other things.

    Additionally, if you begin to lag after having been on a well-developed map for a while, simply rejoin the server. Completely closing the client is not necessary, since the angelscript module is completely cleaned up. Again, I speculate this is caused by a memory leak, either in the Roleplay mod or angelscript itself.

    If anyone else has been having this problem, please state so in the comments. And if I've helped, feel free to thumbs-up this post.
  2. zhuum

    zhuum Builder Stabber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    This is a very well known issue we have on the server. It has been here for quite some while now and unfortunately I do not know why this occurs, neither it seems anyone else.

    Indeed this happens mostly when there are lots of blobs. And when joining gets "bugged" as in players freeze when connecting then we call that the server is bugged and usually an admin should next map as soon as possible to reset the blob count and "fix" the things. This works temporarly though, when the blob count gets high again it will start causing this problem.
  3. Ironhead14

    Ironhead14 Catapult Fodder

    I'm still having this problem, and i simply can't play sometimes :QQ: ::(:

    EDIT: For example, i can't play now and your solution doesn't works (at least with me) ;c
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2015
  4. zhuum

    zhuum Builder Stabber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    As I said earlier, it is quite common issue and admins try their best to restart map so it will get fixed for now. Keep on trying to connect, it usually takes us couple of minutes to understand that server is bugged and then nextmap. If it is not fixed yet it will be in next minutes.
  5. orange_otter_01

    orange_otter_01 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    whenever somebody fights noom i crash...