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Discussion Maps of Roleplay - What is your favorite?

Discussion in 'Groups' started by Aphelion, Dec 8, 2014.


What is your favorite map?

  1. Eden

  2. Raelsian Peninsula

  3. Moonrise Valley

  4. Badland

  5. Misty Mountain

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. Aphelion

    Aphelion Wunderkind Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    You can vote in the poll above.


    Eden is a peaceful land, a small desert valley separates the Humans and Dwarves, while the Elves live in the forested valley that separates the Dwarves and Orcs. Corruption is spreading beneath the surface, and brave warriors must vanquish the growing evil. Created by Aphelion3371


    Raelsian Peninsula

    Raelsian Peninsula is home to many treasures waiting to be found, to the far east there are ruins, and in them a tunnel, the entrance to a crypt that only the bravest of adventurers dare enter. Created by Sgnt Sneeky Pants


    Moonrise Valley

    Moonrise Valley is truly mysterious, as it was once home to an ancient civilization. Many secrets lie beneath the waterfall, yet to be uncovered. Created by Aphelion3371



    Badland is a wasteland, with an abundant source of treasures beneath the surface. Created by Duke Jordan


    Misty Mountain

    A beautiful land nestled in the mountains, with numerous valleys, lakes, ponds and forests. The great Misty Mountain holds many secrets and treasures. Created by Aphelion3371

    Last edited: Dec 8, 2014
  2. PinXviiN

    PinXviiN Haxor

    I like badland and misty mountain the same. Too bad I can't vote for two <.<
  3. chrissf

    chrissf Haxor

    iam not really sure which one i like best i really like kind of watermaps /mountins so i woul proably say Misty Mountain
  4. Krabe

    Krabe Horde Gibber

    I like the Misty Mountain but i just get to fast laggy on this map.
    So I voted for the Moonrise Valley since it is always a good map to roleplay.
  5. KingChaos

    KingChaos Catapult Fodder
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    hey, have you thought about making a water-map? i know that it was in the *PLANNED* features, but I would REEEAAALLLY like a water map, so we can do some pirate roleplay :D
  6. Duke_Jordan

    Duke_Jordan King Arthur's Knight Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Always possible to make one if your dedicated enough
  7. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    Where is the info for mapmaking?
  8. KingChaos

    KingChaos Catapult Fodder
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    oh ye, if I could, I sure as hell would! how hard is it to make a map thats like 80% water? I just dont know what I am supposed to use to get one setup, if you know a map-creator, I will GLADLY make on for you!
  9. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    That wouldn't make a very good map. You should think of water maps being more like a long river than a deep sea.
  10. KingChaos

    KingChaos Catapult Fodder
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    well ye, I am not actually making it like that, I am just saying, a water map isnt gonna be too hard to make, I am just not sure how to do it
  11. Duke_Jordan

    Duke_Jordan King Arthur's Knight Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    I'll talk to aphelion regarding player made maps but it may not happen as he usually needs to clean them up and do some minor tweaks to them. That and I'm not sure as if it would more so count as an update.
  12. KingChaos

    KingChaos Catapult Fodder
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    alrighty, sweet, if you know how to edit a map. I can do it, but as I said, I am not sure how to do it
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 2, 2015, Original Post Date: May 20, 2015 ---
    uhm, do you know how to make a map? because thats the main oversight, since if aphelion is cool with it alright then, but I dont even know HOW to, once I do I will gladly make one ^_^
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 2, 2015 ---
    I think its cruel that everytime I join eden is the map, and it is voted the least, and I have only ever experienced the amazingness of Misty Mountain once ;-;
  13. Sasquash

    Sasquash Zicronium Merchant Donator

    "Mapping" can be done simply, open your KAG Directory go to /base/scripts/maploaders/BasePNGColors.as
    From memory of the last time I had this discussion and from being on the server the map is 700 pixels long by 350 pixels tall. you will be mapping in the rough middle of that the tops and bottoms of your maps to be left empty for the pre-spawned angel and undead bases as well as the dungeon variants.
    With that information, (and any color variants that RP USES from your mods folder/rp/scripts/maploaders
    Open up an application like paint.net, gimp or similar other applications and decorate that middle section
    Forseeable issues with a water map is that players need somewhere to build so it would have to be a long channel with a bedrock layer between the "surface" and the underground. You could have tunnels from the islands to the underground bedrock on the exteriors so that the lower areas aren't floodable from above. But I see a lot of problems in doing that. This would also limit spawn positions, and while rushing to get your boats up and running would be important for instance the elven "island" could be problematic as it would limit space for elder trees.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2015
  14. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    You could make a huge bowl of bedrock in the center of the map, fill that with water and islands. Make some hills with elder trees on the far west, for the elves, and some flatlands with a similar amount of regular trees for the humans on the east side. Put the orcs in a gold-rich area below the elves, and slightly to the east, and put the dwarves in an ore-rich area below the humans, and slightly to the west. The dwarves and orcs try to gather eachothers resources, and the humans and elves both try to conquer islands.
    Make a curved structure of bedrock in the center of the map, to allow access to the underground while preventing the water from flooding it. Then add a huge maze that leads to the dungeon, directly below the center of the map.

    Just an idea, but I think it proves that a water map can be as good as the maps we already have.
  15. Sasquash

    Sasquash Zicronium Merchant Donator

    A theory is by no means a proof. Whereas I've actually done mapping on my own. With the existant coding your idea unfortunately is not as feasible as you might think, the map is as I have stated, about 1/3 the actual map size due to the undead and angel areas as well as the dungeon.
  16. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    The map size is locked? So that leaves you only 100 of the 300 blocks to make a map with... Meh.
    You're probably right then. A water map needs to have a lot of stuff underground to explore, and if you can only tunnel down 70, maybe 80 blocks there's not much to explore.
    I guess that means KingChaos' dream is officially broken into tiny bits, and thrown into the abyss that is Aph's server coding.
  17. KingChaos

    KingChaos Catapult Fodder
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    its *sniff*
    *tear begins to shed*
    *I pull out a gun*
    get back in there