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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. Beef

    Beef ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ ก้้้้้้้้้้้ Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    It's actually 10 minutes. It ramps up significantly though. Permabans are reserved for hackers and repeat offenders. They're not easy to get.

    IP bans, and failing that, machine address bans. Unless they want to buy a new computer then they're gone. Also it takes us a few seconds to ban someone once they start speedhacking, and a few minutes for the report to be forwarded to one of the main admins to administer a system wide permaban. It takes them a lot more time to come back, to play for a few seconds, to repeat the process. There are few people odd enough to continue beyond three cycles.
    Valkyrie and FuzzyBlueBaron like this.
  2. Sqquall

    Sqquall Shipwright

    I support that, i saw him too in my server, at first i froze him, so he turns off, but then i saw again and kick him...
  3. Miczu

    Miczu Shopkeep Stealer

  4. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Thanks for clearing that up, Beef. I recall seeing a discussion on how punishment should be meted out that the beginning of this thread, but I don't think an official policy was ever clarified, which leaves a lot of people wondering (as I'm sure you're noticed with all the "What are the guards/admins doing?" posts that have been going up lately).

    Is there somewhere where the official policy on banning has been posted? And if there's not, would it be possible for it to be posted up? It would be nice to know in one's mind that 'X player has done this Y may times, so they're up to *here* on the road to permabannage' and knowing that someone was banned for Z numbers of days lets you know when to look out for them again and see if they've learned their lesson.... Plus, it would help stop ordinary players being confused as to why people who have griefed in the past have come back if there was an obvious "This is how banning works" post. Thanks! :)

    Read the Frequently Asked Questions & Public Policy. Also pls do not discuss in this topic. It's sole purpose is to report malicious players.
    - illu
  5. archont

    archont Shopkeep Stealer

  6. Miczu

    Miczu Shopkeep Stealer

  7. sj67

    sj67 Greg hunter

  8. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    Thx Beef, it helped = )
    Now, to the griefers report:
    hailhitler: He had a couble buddys on the other team, so he started to help them, making ladders to our base and etc.
    screen-11-11-26-02-55-03.png screen-11-11-26-02-55-15.png screen-11-11-26-02-55-27.png screen-11-11-26-02-55-36.png screen-11-11-26-02-55-41.png
  9. Rusher

    Rusher Catapult Fodder

    1. vladce5255
    2. Griefer - Skybridge, outpost, and normals bridge! He stay putting blocks in doors so annoying grifer..
    3. Heart Attack
    4. 26 november 2011 1 hour ago

    I hope this guy get perm ban!!! he stay fuking our game for 1 hour screen-11-11-26-16-57-17.png
  10. UnnamedPlayer

    UnnamedPlayer Arsenist Administrator Global Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]

    1. Bittleton / Fear The_Frill
    2.Colapse our castle. When i asked him to stop and explain the basics (i thought he was a new player) he stoped, but then start to grief our entire base. Then we kick him.
    I wasn't report him, but them he came back, with another account, asking us to unban bittleton. He said he was a friend of he. I explained that the ban would only last a day. He stays there, trying to convice us that bittleton (he) was a good person and asking to talk to the admin on another server ("bittleton will wait you there") and them he gave out and leave (after saying some cute last words)
    3. Experimental Attack Defense
    4. Half an hour ago
    5. Yeah, i got part of the talking, and 3 witness that cofirm what i'm saying
    Bittleton-Fear the frill.png
  11. LLC

    LLC Shipwright

    1. lachiespockie2435 & rileysvil (I think rileysvil is a friend of achiespocki)
    3[VirtuaTI.com.br] Global - 64 Slots!
    4. 1:00 AM-2:00AM, Nov 27
    lachiespockie2435 & rileysvil

    [90278] Unnamed player is now known as lachiespockie2435
    [104843] lachiespockie2435 joined red team
    [105111] lachiespockie2435 joined blue team
    [118988] lachiespockie2435 joined red team
    [123388] <rex-le-francai> griefer!
    [124511] <rex-le-francai> jachie griefer!
    [125712] <rex-le-francai> kick jachie spokie
    [125895] <LLC> 2345 is a griefer
    [126167] <aquabob> is gonna be carful
    [126296] lachiespockie2435 left the game
    [126847] Unnamed player is now known as lachiespockie2435
  12. sj67

    sj67 Greg hunter

    1: DDD (Again)
    2: Speedhack and greif.
    3: Blue Luigi's Experimental (AD) server, also, every other server. I've spotted him on rapid death match, US server, Unlimited respawns, ect.
    4:Today, a few minutes ago.
    5: I kicked him for a while, here is a screens. I also have logs if you need him.
    Also, this is my second report on DDD, he should be globally banned. :) (If that is possible.)
    Rusher likes this.
  13. przemekczech

    przemekczech Shopkeep Stealer

    i played today and DDD was speedhacking
    Rusher likes this.
  14. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Playing admin on Action! CTF - Unlimited Respawns! and found a few griefers there...

    1. frostrayn
    2. Griefing.
    3. Action! CTF - Unlimited Respawns!
    4. 28/11/2011 @ 12:10 AM-ish
    5. Fairly sure. I froze him and while I was asking him for an explanation he disconnected.

    Chat log: http://pastebin.com/UtTm2M9t
    I was disconnected shortly after this and the console log is missing - I am deeply confused... :S

    Forgot to screenshot him. :oops:

    1. slimeking23
    2. Swapped teams to grief.
    3. Action! CTF - Unlimited Respawns!
    4. 28/11/2011 @ 12:35 AM
    5. Yes I'm sure. Froze him, went to kick him after telling him why, but he switched teams and left the game so as to avoid being kicked. :>:(: <---(MM, can we get that workaround fixed??!? I know you're busy, but when you've a spare moment?)

    Chat log: http://pastebin.com/DfdjYNyd
    Console log: http://pastebin.com/CBzsJeyc

    Screenshot (original available):

    1. ashcatchum
    2. Griefing.
    3. Action! CTF - Unlimited Respawns!
    4. 28/11/2011 @ 01:27 AM
    5. Yes I'm sure. I froze him and he immediately disconnected.

    No chat log worth showing.
    I don't know if auto bans from frozen people disconnecting shows up in the console log?

    Screenshot (original available):

    Aaaaaaaaand, seeing as that's all my griefers posted, it's now time for bed! YAAAAAYYYYYY!!! :D
    Valkyrie likes this.
  15. Miczu

    Miczu Shopkeep Stealer

    Name: vividup (premium)
    Server: Incarnum
    Persistant Griefer - thinks that he bought game so he can grief without worry
    Date/time 11-11-28 16-06-42


    Had time to make 14 picks and I heard on chat that he was griefing way before I started to screenshot him. Hope he will get extra hard punishment so he won't say friends "yeah, I waited 3 days and could do it again and nobody could kick me, was so fun, what a noobs" ...
  16. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    I have the worst luck - playing 1v2 on BoW against Acavado and some other guy, when another dude joins the game. Turns out he's a griefer.
    1. HexMan
    2. destroying allied structure
    3. [BoW] Official CTF 1
    4. 11/28/11 2:51 EST
    5. http://imgur.com/a/hRuzR#0
  17. Rusher

    Rusher Catapult Fodder

    1. {asd}ukilop - GOld member-
    2. Destroying our outpost, bombshop,restroom, arrowroom, grifing our tower, and destoyer our bridge..
    3. server : ACTION CTF
    4. 10 min ago... 29 november 2011
    Image : screen-11-11-29-00-04-16.png

    Logs : <KFC Chayeh> new map?
    [10097] <AUSS FuzzyBlueBaron> RED: you got problems?
    [10656] <rusher> {asd}ukilop: ukilop sty grifing
    [10796] KFC Chayeh joined red team
    [10972] <rusher> kick this guy AUSS
    [11053] <{asd}ukilop> no im not
    [11117] <AUSS FuzzyBlueBaron> RED: is there grifing going on?
    [11218] chrissama left the game
    [11436] mutre321 left the game
    [11456] <AUSS FuzzyBlueBaron> would you like me to come over?
    [11609] KargaZane left the game
    [11616] <rusher> Fuzzyblue baron stay grifing!!!!
    [11659] New player joined the game
    [11678] Unnamed player is now known as HoST McChunks
    [11873] <{asd}ukilop> gtg guys bye
    [11947] <rusher> {asd}ukilop: Ukilop stay grifing man
    [11971] <{asd}ukilop> rusher: and btw
    [12063] HoST McChunks left the game
    [12115] <{asd}ukilop> rusher: IN UR FACE!!!!!!!!!

    LOg : txt.

    Attached Files:

  18. Apparently from reading this chat, your telling people to stay griefing. If this is the case, you have reported yourself as your encouraging the griefing, which is like you because you tend to cause trouble and grief as well. However i may be wrong and your saying that he still griefing, but from the chat, people can take it either way.
  19. knightl

    knightl Base Burner

    1. What was the players name? DeathADDer
    2. What did the player do? swapped to red then collasped our major defence then swapped back
    3. In what server? cloudcube
    4. In what time? around 4:40 est
    5. Are you sure? (any screenshots/logs as proof) i can pull a log out somewhere and i have a video of some of the chat afterwars and a few people who also saw him

    [132287] <[HaR] Riletyface> ballsballsballsballsballs edit lol epic comment
    [132647] <clobii> stop greafing
    [132938] <clobii> stop greafing
    [132938] <B,A,M Blueboy23> B,A,M barge74:
    [132972] New player joined the game
    [133036] Unnamed player is now known as Changu
    [133169] <Swiftninja0> an u make an archer tower?
    [133352] <B,A,M Blueboy23> meet me at attack and deffend
    [133493] <B,A,M barge74> ok
    [133825] B,A,M Blueboy23 left the game
    [134039] <Foxodi> viktharrrrrrrr
    [134043] <Swiftninja0> GOT THE BARSTARD\
    [134124] <Changu> zzzzzz
    [134142] <PatchesOhoulihan> kick deathadder
    [134173] <Vikthar> lol
    [134251] <B,A,M barge74> gold
    [134584] <ROC knightl> hes premium
    [134653] DeathAdder joined blue team
    [134841] <PatchesOhoulihan> fucker
    [135050] <[HaR] Riletyface> sigh
    [135219] <PatchesOhoulihan> yep look at our castle
    [135395] <Swiftninja0> SOLDIERS GO
    [135559] New player joined the game
    [135567] <B,A,M barge74> yay
    [135664] <ROC knightl> im getting the guards on him
    [135700] Unnamed player is now known as bouh
    [135775] <PatchesOhoulihan> haha
    [135854] B,A,M barge74 left the game
    [135903] New player joined the game
    [135933] <ROC knightl> no1 kill me im at top of castle
    [135972] <PatchesOhoulihan> pay the fine or go to jail
    [136006] Unnamed player is now known as Red_Raptor
    [136016] <Red_Raptor> hello
    [136034] ddww left the game
    [136107] <[HaR] Riletyface> WHAT
    [136172] Red_Raptor joined red team
    [136182] <[HaR] Riletyface> TYROLOLOL
    [136712] <Swiftninja0> bouh: i got soo much god damn money
    [136922] <Swiftninja0> ill get sum bombs
    [137288] <Swiftninja0> have a bombs
    [137332] <[HaR] Riletyface> yesh
    [137522] <PatchesOhoulihan> defend!
    [137546] <roosterofjustice> ty
    [137556] <Swiftninja0> FIRE
    [138633] <Vikthar> saigh
    [138852] <Swiftninja0> WTF
    [138905] <ROC knightl> whats the server name?
    [138945] <[HaR] Riletyface> Changu: WHOA
    [138963] Requesting list...
    [138975] Received 37 servers
    Total 99 people playing
    [139269] bouh left the game
    [139381] <Swiftninja0> GO MANHUNTER
    [139762] New player joined the game
    [139770] <Swiftninja0> DIG UR ASS OUTTA THERE
    [139785] New player joined the game
    [139914] Unnamed player left the game
    [140058] Unnamed player left the game
    [140185] New player joined the game
    [140185] Unnamed player left the game
    [140185] New player joined the game
    [140189] Unnamed player is now known as djdasubz
    [140379] New player joined the game
    [140391] <Changu> gg
    [140472] New player joined the game
    [140545] Unnamed player left the game
    [140568] drone joined blue team
    [140577] New player joined the game
    [140596] Unnamed player left the game
    [140642] New player joined the game
    [140677] Unnamed player is now known as AUSS Wonkyth
    [140781] * Can't spawn units depleted
    [140810] <ROC knightl> wonkyth is coming to handle the griefer
    [140898] Unnamed player left the game
    [140929] New player joined the game
    [140973] Unnamed player left the game
    [141078] <ROC knightl> Deathadder
    [141388] PatchesOhoulihan left the game
    [141388] <clobii> kick him
    [141498] chris left the game
    [141529] <ROC knightl> hes premium
    [141778] <ROC knightl> and a guard is here for him
    [141795] <[HaR] Riletyface> Who
    [141813] <AUSS Wonkyth> who's the griefer?
    [141968] <Foxodi> i dont see how a griefer lowered ur k/d
    [142097] <ROC knightl> DeathADDer
    [142170] <Changu> lololol
    [142275] <MiniMan> I KNOW AY
    [142384] <Changu> ruined defence
    [142387] New player joined the game
    [142415] Unnamed player left the game
    [142495] New player joined the game
    [142507] <MiniMan> liers
    [142542] Unnamed player is now known as bouh
    [142747] <Changu> meh anyawy gg
    [142845] <ROC knightl> mini u were at blue base charging
    [143019] <ROC knightl> so u couldnt see our base
    [143115] <MiniMan> yeah
    [143407] <ROC knightl> so you lied about what u say as u could have no knowledge
    [143584] Swiftninja0 left the game
    [143665] <ROC knightl> disagree?
    [143994] <MiniMan> :)
    [144464] <drone> kick death
    [144795] <AUSS Wonkyth> I think guards have been disabled
    [144921] <AUSS Wonkyth> sorry, cant do shit
    [144949] <ROC knightl> ooo
    [145093] New player joined the game
    [145095] <ROC knightl> that sucks
    [145124] <MiniMan> Foxodi: lol
    [145243] Unnamed player left the game
    [145256] New player joined the game
    [145403] Unnamed player left the game
    [145424] <clobii> stufpid death adder
    [145600] <ROC knightl> griefer paradise here
    [145854] <AUSS Wonkyth> who's the server ownner
    [145961] <MiniMan> Horribl histories
    [145973] <AUSS Wonkyth> ?
    [146195] roosterofjustice left the game
    [146238] <pimpleman123> =(
    [146238] <MiniMan> lol
    [146238] <ROC knightl> he has a site ill check
    [146238] <pimpleman123> =(
    [146465] AUSS Wonkyth joined blue team
    [147025] DeathAdder left the game
    [147581] <ROC knightl> hes offline...
    [147670] New player joined the game
    [147819] <AUSS Wonkyth> well, gtg
    [147899] <ROC knightl> well he left i guess thats no too bad
    [147905] AUSS Wonkyth left the game
    [148129] Unnamed player is now known as DeathAdder
    [148272] <ROC knightl> he back
    [149669] <[HaR] Riletyface> Rhyno: OI
    [149749] <[HaR] Riletyface> Changu: OI
    [149777] <Rhyno> move
    [150392] New player joined the game
    [150623] Unnamed player is now known as recaptcha
    [150851] recaptcha left the game
    [151244] <Foxodi> so vikthar
    [151252] <MiniMan> Foxodi: You alive (no moving)
    [151496] <Foxodi> think you gonna check the KAG forums? >.>
    [151670] <ROC knightl> \
    [151810] <MiniMan> maybe
    [152038] <ROC knightl> sent this to one of the devs
    [152501] New player joined the game
    [153015] Unnamed player is now known as zevear
    [154136] MiniMan left the game
    [154937] New player joined the game
    [154968] Unnamed player is now known as Epic_Pigeon
    [155079] <ROC knightl> did anyone else see deathadder grief?
    [155436] New player joined the game
    [155528] New player joined the game
    [155570] Unnamed player is now known as H8TER MR_TROLLFACEEE
    [155605] Unnamed player is now known as seamus101
    [155764] <[HaR] Riletyface> i idint
    [156103] <ROC knightl> ur new to server i guess
    [156132] <Vikthar> omg
    [156228] <Changu> doh
    [156361] <seamus101> bob licked his thingy of icecream
    [157463] <Vikthar> drone: stop with the catas
    [157623] <drone> why?
    [157770] <Vikthar> we need other shit too
    [157885] New player joined the game
    [157924] Unnamed player is now known as Heartlessachievement
    [158004] Epic_Pigeon left the game
    [158168] <clobii> Red_Raptor: move
    [158474] <seamus101> idiot
    [158792] <DeathAdder> MOVE
    [159234] <ROC knightl> brb
    [159677] New player joined the game
    [159912] Unnamed player left the game
    [160244] <Foxodi> vikthar...
    [160442] <seamus101> ROC knightl: some eople have different heads to the preset changes
    [160530] H8TER MR_TROLLFACEEE left the game
    [160703] <Vikthar> ;olo
    [160769] <elgranfanto1> arrow workshop
    [160979] bouh left the game
    [161109] <Vikthar> Heartlessachievement: oi
    [161372] <Heartlessachievement> there is 3 in the main base
    [161727] <Heartlessachievement> i dont want the enemy gettin free ones
    [161857] <seamus101> Greif!
    [161924] New player joined the game
    [161957] Unnamed player is now known as bird
    [162011] New player joined the game
    [162083] Unnamed player left the game
    [163382] Requesting list...
    [163394] Received 37 servers
    Total 113 people playing
    Edit by Kagesha: paste gigantic chatlogs externally/upload the full chat file or put it in code tags.

    and this when its processed is some more of the chat
  20. Rusher

    Rusher Catapult Fodder

    Steven Dogs!!!

    "ukilop stay griefing".... for sure my english its very bad, but you see the Print? ??I don´t encouraged the others to griefing... I just saying for Guard Auss most fast possible to STOP the grifer... Just see in chat... this guy did the Guard ban the innocent guy.. he grifer and put fault´s in other guy!!! ... ..if you look the chat... he SAY IN YOUR FACE and puts down our tower in the ground, its my fault too??? Please just make your job...i don´t need speak your english when you have a SCREEN SHOT AND LOGS in TXT...in Brazillian server..
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