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Important Ban Appeals

Discussion in 'Groups' started by Aphelion, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. zhuum

    zhuum Builder Stabber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    The things you want have already been done since the moment I had banned you.

    You had problems at me banning you for not roleplaying vs a person who roleplayed (though not at best). Therefore you called that out to be bad, I saw nothing unfair to that. If you think everything in server full of different people will roleplay on story set on rails then you will have problems. You still don't know about chaos effect and thus you being mad or irritated is just for no true cause here. And indeed I first said you'd get 10 minutes for such silly thing to break roleplay over for which you proceeded to continue disrupt the server, for which I gave you to have a nice day off.

    As for me rethinking bans in future, I do that all the time.
  2. Winterbird

    Winterbird Shark Slayer

    You banned me permanenetly for questioning your ban ingame?
  3. Aphelion

    Aphelion Wunderkind Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

  4. zhuum

    zhuum Builder Stabber
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Alright, soviet will be unbanned if not done so before, but On 26th (day he wrote that) I had not been online.
  5. reddigex

    reddigex Builder Stabber

    Thank you soo much! I promise I have changed :)
  6. MadMeerkat

    MadMeerkat Shark Slayer

    Enclosed with fixed grammar, spelling etc etc etc

    I have been banned for destroying an elf team's doors, I was permanently banned without questioning. So, an undead knight was rising out of a tunnel chasing me, I ask the elf [username] to let me through and he disagrees, I try to vote for peace and he immediately declines so I was left with no way to get through, so, I break down the doors and run like mad #### because the undead knight was tearing his #### up bad. He later claims to have reported me so I apologized but he said "its too late idiot" never once did I curse at him. I am very displeased with this and I wish that I get a chance to tell my side of the story (which i have). Please inform me of the results soon! :( I apologize for any inconveniences I may have caused. My ingame name is The Soviet and my username is reddigex
  7. reddigex

    reddigex Builder Stabber


    I am sorry that happened quite awhile ago and I couldn't remember his username
  8. NL_Kevin

    NL_Kevin Shipwright

    I want an unban. Has been more than a year.
  9. Ivan54

    Ivan54 Catapult Fodder

    (This is of course my first post on the forum so don't expect it to be wonderful i'm sorry for that) 1 and a half years ago i was banned from this server fr the first time by Duke_Jordan and i was appealed through a makeshift appeal through the admin and my good friend stabborazz i did appeal and played for a moderately long time every day for a matter of fact but tehn as of about a half a year ago i was banned a second time by Jordan for reasons at this time are a bit foggy for me i am sure we were arguing over the armors as usual but this time i was silenced as a warning and after making a simple skull face at duke i was perma banned now a year and a half after these events i am here to appeal for a second time as i heard that Duke_Jordan has resigned and i believe it may be time to appeal since he wont be the one conducting the unbanning and if i am honest i found him somewhat unfair at times but none the less a good admin also i did not want to appeal twice to the same admin as he would have the urge to say no instantly which is why i am hear now to if all goes well be unbanned i love this server it would mean the world to me and i have learned as many a man knows how much of a warlord i was when the armors were at stake of being taken admittedly i will still go for them but i now know the arts of control the art of war peace love compassion and most importantly trust i miss being that dwarf new to a wide world of wonders and mystery i mean WOW is ok but i'm looking for a mellow time of fun and friendship of which this server always provided i understand my mistakes i understand i acted like a warmonger but the art of war and peace are 2 things i would never had thought of back then with my new found knowledge i wish to be unbanned. My original username is Kirish54 and my current steam and game name is Ivan. (i hope you guys understand what i mean since i might be confusing at times but just take a chance to give a chance)
  10. MadMeerkat

    MadMeerkat Shark Slayer

    I am no admin, but, you seem to have been banned quite a few times and given about 2 last chances.
    Just saying.

    especially if you demand "I want an unban."
  11. nnnyancattt

    nnnyancattt Builder Stabber

    i am banned, i dont even know why, i was just building my dwarf base (my bc rest of ppls were bots) and then i fought i was ping kicked so i waited about 5 min and tryied to join which didnt work then i decided to play other game , on next day i am still banned :c unban pls .
    thx for reading

    my user name is nnnyancattt and game name is derpy horse

    nevermind now i am not banned anymore (but still ???) anyway if somebody unbanned me then thanks :) if no then sorry for trouble
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2015
  12. HeX5

    HeX5 Catapult Fodder

    I was banned a while ago for arguing with 2 admins (bad idea I know) about them claiming a mine that was located under a base that didn't belong to them I argued with them for a good while until one of them said that he was tired of arguing and banned me I have to admit I wasn't being particularly nice to them and when I first saw the structure around the minerals I started mining into it because of how ridiculous it seemed to me but I wasn't mean. I honestly don't think i did anything that would justify banning. Now the reason it took me so long to come and try to get unbanned is because I was banned before and I saw the rules about getting unbanned so I figured that my request would fall on deaf ears but recently more and more I want to play on the server and I figured that it couldn't hurt to try. I wrote this knowing that it probably wouldn't help but I would very much appreciate it if you would let me go on the server again.
  13. stabborazz

    stabborazz Haxor Staff Alumni

    Do you remember with wich admin you were having an argument ?
  14. HeX5

    HeX5 Catapult Fodder

    Sadly no it was a long time ago and I didn't write down their names I recall the second admin having a wolf head but I am not sure if he still wheres it or if it would even help identify him I don't remember anything about the admin that actually made the call to ban me sorry for being so vague but I don't remember anything else about them.
  15. stabborazz

    stabborazz Haxor Staff Alumni

    I will unban you for now, just be nice to people and / or admins when having an argument.
  16. HeX5

    HeX5 Catapult Fodder

    Thank you I will do my best to make sure that this dose not happen again.
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 13, 2015, Original Post Date: Sep 12, 2015 ---
    I have tried getting onto the server multiple times and it still says I am banned from the server I apologize in advanced if it just takes a day or something to get unbanned but I was just wondering if I was missing something.
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 13, 2015 ---
    I am able to get on the server now and thanks again for unbanning me.
  17. CookieKiller

    CookieKiller Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I'm hoping I could be unbanned and I'm sorry for calling you a fail roleplayer, Aphelion I get in a bad mood if I'm killed as a Rune Scribe on pirate robs server because it took many suicides and sometimes my bad mood just follows me from server to server and as for the orcs well I didn't exactly grief them because me and and admin bbpolk were trying to destroy a zombie portal because it is the cause of lag and the orc kept accusing us of griefing because he was "Using it for harvesting purposes" I know you might have not been told this bit ( I assumed the orc asked you to join the server for dealing with griefers ) and if I'm in a bad mood again I will try my best not to call you a fail roleplayer. I respect your opinion on calling me a immature ****.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2015
  18. Markoss

    Markoss Bison Rider Official Server Admin

    so a guy has the admin i ve told the dwarves destroyet castle
  19. MR_ALFA

    MR_ALFA Catapult Fodder

    i was banned yesterday and because i was pissed off at aphelion because he restarted the map and i worked 3 hours on getting us to where we were im sorry and i hope we can put it behind us and ill try to not get angry at stuff like that thx for reading hope i can come back to the server
  20. madmurderer

    madmurderer Catapult Fodder

    I would like to appeal for my ban. It was originally gonna be a week ban but it is a perma ban because i just left. I was really pissed off on what the elves were doing the dwarves (the team i was on). They came to our land and cut down all the trees and took the seeds and put them in there land. Leaving the dwarves with no source for wood. They had 6 people and we had 2 so we could wage war for the trees and they said that we couldnt cross the borders and having 2 admins with them, if we tried to sneak across to make a tunnel they would just ban me for fail rping. I don't know why i think it was a good idea but i placed spikes inside the elven area and snuck out. I was caught in the act and just dc because i didn't care.