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[denied] eragon200012 (EhRaGoN)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by EhRa, Aug 12, 2015.

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  1. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    Ok so I've written another app before, but i'm writing a new one for a couple of reasons, mainly that I feel that I have matured during that time and would like another try.

    Which continent are you from?

    I am from Australia.

    How often do you play?
    On and off, usually every day for at least and hour, depends on irl timetable, But I am usually available.

    What times are you usually available (Please answer with your timezone)?
    AEST, 4pm onwards.

    Which well known servers have you had admin on before?

    Aphelions Role-play and if this counts as classic then Xebo Role-play and Eric999's various servers. Role-play Colonization/Tsilliev's roleplay and CTF Expanded.

    Did you simply get admin because you are a friend of the owner?
    No, I had to apply for all of them

    How long were you admin?

    Aphelions Role-play: Probably around 4 months or so, didn't really count the time.
    Xebo Role-play (classic): Until the server shutdown, probably around 2 months).
    Eric999's (classic): Probably 3 months, left classic for beta.
    Role-play Colonization/Tsilliev's roleplay and CTF Expanded: Maybe 6 months (again I didn't really count).

    Was your admin status ever removed and if so why?

    My Aphelions Role-play admin status was removed partly because of inactivity (timezones) and I kinda wanted to do other things.

    Do you have any recommendations from guards or server owners or other notable people?
    @Lawrence_Shagsworth @toffie0 @cincoscuencas

    Why should you get admin and what makes you a good admin?
    I have got experience in game (about 2/2.5k hours in game, this is not counting steam since I finally bothered to get that), so I am able to help any new players or even older players with any problems. I have also kinda got to that amount of hours mark where I don't really care if I have to go spec in the middle of a game etc. to fix a problem and ruin my play streak.
    I am active in both the forums and the game.
    I am friendly to players (correct me if i'm wrong).

    I just feel like I want to make the game fun for everyone. I've had my fair share of teamkillers and griefers ruin a game and I can tell you it's not a nice experience. I feel like I can adequately deal with the rule breakers, quickly and efficiently.

    I am, correct me again if i’m wrong, well known in the AUS kag community.

    I may have my times of fun, team killing friends etc, but it is never game breaking.

    I also feel like, with the total amount of hours, that I thoroughly understand the game/rules and I am able to explain any relevant information to new players.

    I have grown up playing this game and I've loved every part of it and now I feel like I want to take a bigger part in the community/game (if you can call admin a bigger part).

    Any other information you think might be relevant?

    This may not be relevant to adminship but I have run a clan for quite a while, in both classic and beta.

    I am also learning to speak German, So I may (if this ever happens) be able to help/redirect German players onto the write server if they ever happen to stumble to AUS servers.

    Username: eragon200012
    ING:EhRaGoN (accidently messed up the title of the thread).

    Edit: Forgot a server.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2015
    Asu and butterscotch like this.
  2. Lawrence_Shagsworth

    Lawrence_Shagsworth Joke Slayer Official Server Admin

    Has previous experience being an admin on other servers, and I see him playing on the AUS servers regularly
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2015
  3. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I've ran into him a couple times on US and EU servers, and was always a chill guy.
    He has plenty of KAG experience, and seemingly a decent amount of previous admin experience.
    Unless there are some big skeletons in his closet, seems like he will do good.
  4. +1 I've known him for years, always a swell guy.
  5. Solaris

    Solaris Batlord Sliftensnurgh Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. Practitioners of War Extreme Revolution - POWER

    Era is a good dude but I still get the feeling you haven't matured enough yet.

    Last edited: Sep 1, 2015
  6. Alpha-Penguin

    Alpha-Penguin Haxor

    -1 for now, he is a really nice guy and I think he's mature enough but I don't see you playing KAG enough to have the admin role. Hopefully I can see you play more so I can change my vote

    EDIT: Changed my vote to +1
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2015
  7. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    You realise I've played more than you have, everyday almost.
    PUNK123 and icemusher like this.
  8. You said you play everyday for an hour, which is a decent amount. There are quite a lot of hours in a day, and if Penguin also plays an hour a day, you two might not meet very often.
  9. Eragon is very mature and has experience as an admin on other servers, which makes him quality admin material.

  10. Horse_That_Goes_Ni

    Horse_That_Goes_Ni Your favorite Persian Staff Alumni Donator

    Eragon has always been a nice person, and to me that means a lot growing up surrounded by assholes. If you guys are looking for aus admins, I think he'd do a swell job. +1
  11. TBA_LordKnight

    TBA_LordKnight Haxor

    +1 seems like a cool guy. I've spoken to him several times before, the only problem I've had with him is that he doesn't appreciate FTL much.25252525
  12. Alpha-Penguin

    Alpha-Penguin Haxor

    I have played about 3250h give or take a little, you said you have played 2500h, there is quite the difference. I play about 4-5h a day.
  13. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    Can I just say that I have only seen you play for about 2 weeks in beta.
  14. Alpha-Penguin

    Alpha-Penguin Haxor

    Ok, well I can't help that sorry. I was only saying I have played more then you.
  15. Does this really matter? I know you might be concerned about his active-ness, but 2500 hours is a shit ton to me. The fact that you've played 3250 hours amazes me even more.
  16. Alpha-Penguin

    Alpha-Penguin Haxor

    Yeah that's true, still thinking though. Most likely going to change my vote, but still need to be sure
  17. Atheon

    Atheon Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    +1 I have known him for 2 years now. Nice, kind and friendly person, well do great on aus servers as admin :)
  18. 101i

    101i Haxor Forum Moderator Tester

    -1, Sorry man :-(
  19. Graver

    Graver Haxor

    -1, I've came back to KAG after 350 days and he totally pissed me off by acting like retarded 9 year old kid. I quit again because of him.
    EDIT: He's a liar.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2015
  20. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    I have never met you in game, talked to you or done anything to you. Stop making stuff up.
    Dargona1018, Stevedog and Graver like this.
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