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Moderator applications/list

Discussion in 'Groups' started by Aphelion, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. Alpha-Penguin

    Alpha-Penguin Haxor

    Ahh ok sorry I didn't realise.

    Also feel free to ask me any question, this weekend I'll be on, same as normal(I'm saying this weekend because I'll be able to stay up later then normal so I can be online when your online). So if you want to come on and RP with me a bit maybe you will get to know me and I'll have the pleasure playing with you :)
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2015
  2. toffie0

    toffie0 is sweeter than you <3 Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    A pretty nice guy, both active and kind. I havent seen him rage once... (maybe being a tad bias here, but its the truth). Recently set up a clan to help new players to the community. +1
  3. kaggit

    kaggit Bison Rider

    ...so...uh......anyone looked at my app yet? xD I don't mind if I'm not accepted but if people don't even consider me...
  4. stabborazz

    stabborazz Haxor Staff Alumni

    Try expanding your application(s). I see that alot of people make very short applications, a good admin application is also important. If you don't have time to put some effort into making an application than you may as well not put any effort into moderating the server. Try seeing this as a real job application, you also have to put effort into that or else they just throw it away.
  5. Aphelion

    Aphelion Wunderkind Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Being an Admin is more than just banning griefers. I have considered accepting your application, but I'd like you to write another.
  6. stabborazz

    stabborazz Haxor Staff Alumni

    +1 Active and friendly. And a teacher type is important for a roleplay server.
  7. WuppieF

    WuppieF Shipwright

    Hello I'm WuppieF I would like to keep my name private [hacking reasons and such] so just call me Wup or something. I would like to become admin on role play because i play a lot on it and I see a lot of people stealing while allied and stuff like that wich sucks but I forget to take a screenshot a lot of times. I got admin experience at Epic and Boag mini CTF, and sopranos sandbox. If there is anything more you would like to know about me just ask it and I will add it to the post! Im from europe. I wont play as much with the vacation almost ended.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2015
  8. boagboy

    boagboy Drill Rusher

    Hello i don't make admin applications that much, but i think i could help get rid of griefers trollers ect, I have my own server and i am a admin on lovebutts server. i have played 600+ hours of KAG and (obviously or i wouldn't be applying) do not grief, i play this server regularly and would like to contribute in any way i can! I usually work well with people and dont kick for unreasonable reasons or just cause they annoyed me. Thank you for reading this, if you want to ask me anything ect just say i will answer. thanks!
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 20, 2015, Original Post Date: Aug 20, 2015 ---
    btw for the record i do recomend wup, he is cool
  9. rynardt_sieberhagen

    rynardt_sieberhagen Builder Stabber

    Dang It Feels Good To Be Back

    So, I'm back, yes, I have not been playing on Aph's for a while, it was because of a glitch where I get disconnected before I log in, but I logged back in, and Aphelion asked me if I wanted to be a Admin, and I said quote "sure", maybe you saw my other two posts, well, Stabby said some needed a bit more effort, well, I made this, and I made two, so I hope you see being a admin means a lot to me.

    Name: Rynardt (or Rin)
    Age: 14
    Timezone: I live around Africa, so, European

    So, the reason why I want to be a admin is, well, I see people like John Snow (how he was before became a better person) on the server, I have learned how to take a screenshot, and I will be reporting on the Report thread, now, what I like to do, is give people a second chance, if they disobey the rules, I will give them a temporary ban (1 day etc) and wait until they come back, If they have not learned their lesson and disobey the rules again, I will ban them, but I like to give them a second chance, all I want is to make the server a better place (its still pretty good) I have had experiences with being a admin on a game called Project Zomboid and on a old ctf server, although I have forgotten most of the commands. I hope you accept this application

  10. stabborazz

    stabborazz Haxor Staff Alumni

    +1 Good guy.
    I'd also give a +1. Never seen him do something wrong.
    The same here, +1.
  11. Alpha-Penguin

    Alpha-Penguin Haxor

    +1 Nice guy and admin experience already

    +1 really nice application, friendly and mature

    I'm going to go +0.5, nice guy never seen him do anything wrong but your application needs to have good spelling, I would recommend you to go back and fix the "i" up
    EDIT: +1 for boagboy
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2015
  12. boagboy

    boagboy Drill Rusher

    0_0 my greatest weakness...
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 21, 2015, Original Post Date: Aug 21, 2015 ---
    Hello I don't make admin applications that much, but I think I could help get rid of griefers trollers ect, I have my own server and I am a admin on lovebutts server. I have played 600+ hours of KAG and (obviously or i wouldn't be applying) do not grief, I play this server regularly and would like to contribute in any way I can! I usually work well with people and dont kick for unreasonable reasons or just cause they annoyed me. Thank you for reading this, if you want to ask me anything ect just say I will answer. thanks!
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 21, 2015 ---
    I's have been fixed.
  13. Alpha-Penguin

    Alpha-Penguin Haxor

    Good to see you listen to others and fix your mistakes :) +1
  14. boagboy

    boagboy Drill Rusher

    (: thanks, btw aph if you reading this, i still have angel so, err yeah just letting you know.
  15. LazarusTheGreat

    LazarusTheGreat Haxor Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    +1 For Boagboy I see him on the server alot and he is very friendly
  16. kaggit

    kaggit Bison Rider

    Will do.

    Here's my new app.

    Okay so, I'd like to become an admin on Aphelion's Roleplay Server.
    I feel I can contribute a lot to the server. I know basically everything there is to know so I'll be able to help new players. I'm a friendly person and I'm fair. I don't take sides without reason and I can handle simple tasks like, preventing greif :P And yes I do know it's not just about stopping greifers. I probably made it sound like that because I really dislike them. Being admin is about making sure those who play your server can play without fear of others ruining their game. An admin is responsible for the players safety in the sense that, the admin makes sure the player doesn't get cyber bullied, for example. (also making sure other players do not cheat or brake server rules.) Now admins are not security, they are also supposed to..you know..be nice? Being admin means you gotta be friendly. You have to be nice to new players and welcome them to the server. Make sure that, when they leave they want to come back.
    How active I am.
    I'm relatively active, being online most days for several hours. (from noon to 8PM SA Time tops. Probably not that much due to school, and the time I spend learning Unity.) I don't have a set time on exactly when I play, but usually it's during that time frame.
    I have been admin plenty times before on different KAG servers, such as Leo's CTF Expanded server. Before it was shut down. so about 3 weeks. I've also been an admin on plenty other games such as, Terraria, Minecraft and Unturned, Just to name a few. I've never been banned/kicked from a server or demoted as an admin. I'm trust worthy so you don't need to worry about me abusing my powers. I'm not interested in doing that what so ever.
    About me.
    By now I'm relatively well known as the clan leader of Shadow Prime. I've played kag for about 4 years and I've logged over 500+ hours. That's only this year, I only got Kag on steam after I realized I had a key O.o I'm a smart dude. I love computers and fancy a career in game creation. Currently taking lessons at Digital Tuters to learn Unity. I turned 15 nearly two months ago. And I plan on having my firs game out by 2018! (that's my plan, anyway) I heard you might be making your own game, Aphelion? I enjoy your server very much so if you release something on kickstarter I'll no doubt back it! (No. I am not sucking up) Maybe you could give me a few tips on where to start?
    Okay back on topic....that's pretty much it. I hope this answers any unanswered questions you had about me, @Aphelion.

    P.s This is driving me insane, please tell me how your name is pronounced?
  17. Aphelion

    Aphelion Wunderkind Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    @kaggit I'd like to see you online.
  18. denm99

    denm99 Catapult Fodder
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Hi Aphe,
    Name: Deniz
    Age: 15
    Steam İD: Denm9999 (i love 9)
    i have been playing KAG since march, for only this RP server. İ am almost every day online (usually playing as Mokoko). İ really love this server but there are so many players doesn't know what is RP. Example:
    -Can i get some foods for my daughter? She is sick.
    -What th... (died)
    İ want to help for get rid of griefers, people who dont know what is rp and make a better server.
    Edit: +1 for Boagboy, Rin and kaggit
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2015
  19. Aphelion

    Aphelion Wunderkind Donator
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

  20. kaggit

    kaggit Bison Rider

    I play often, but depending on where you live It might be in the middle of the night.