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[denied] UndulatingTitLord

Discussion in 'Archive' started by UndulatingTitLord, Aug 20, 2015.

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  1. UndulatingTitLord

    UndulatingTitLord Óðinn Donator

    Which continent are you from?
    New Zealand

    How often do you play?
    Once or twice a week most of the time, though sometimes nightly.

    What times are you usually available (Please answer with your timezone)?
    New Zealand Time Zone : (UTC+12:00)
    I usually play in the evenings from 7pm to 12am. On weekends often all day.

    Which well known servers have you had admin on before? (if yes, answer the following sub-questions below as well)


    Do you have any recommendations from guards or server owners or other notable people?
    No notable members other than friends who are standard KAG members.

    Why should you get admin and what makes you a good admin?
    Being an admin would straighten out all my forms of game play, it would make the game more enjoyable for myself in many ways as I enjoy to spectate as well as resolving conflicts and issues. I think I could both bring value to the title as well as find myself becoming even more aware of my actions and others in the game.

    I also think it will help me as a person, I think this sort of responsibility and pressure helps not just an individual person evolve their skills as I previously said, but your skills out of the game as well. From simple things like fixing your diction to problem solving, choice of words to resolve issue and conflict without further escalation, ect.

    Any other information you think might be relevant?
    I understand that my history on the forums has ups and downs, and that playing KAG I have had squabbles with moderators and admins alike, but I think some of this strengthens my case. Every conflict I have had I have questioned from another stand point, and I have not just resorted to insults like some do, I have taken it to other sources and continued speaking with others in and out of the game to try and resolve these conflicts.

    If you give me the chance, I will not disappoint you.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2015
    Blue_Tiger likes this.
  2. Solaris

    Solaris Batlord Sliftensnurgh Staff Alumni Donator Tester
    1. Practitioners of War Extreme Revolution - POWER

    I don't see you around a lot, also your posts on the {SAP} page don't do you any favors.

  3. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Ballista Bolt Thrower


    Hasn't shown many good traits with his overall presence on the forums.
    Don't know whether he is a "le kek-y meme troll" with what he says or if he's just a kid who doesn't know better, but most posts I've seen haven't shown any semblance of maturity.
  4. PanduhsFTW

    PanduhsFTW Ballista Bolt Thrower Staff Alumni

    My thoughts exactly. -1
  5. Lee_Shioon

    Lee_Shioon NinjaBrian in disguise Donator
    1. Practitioners of War Extreme Revolution - POWER


    Side Note: -1. Your recent and past behaviour in the forum obviously contradicts the generic app that you posted. In addition, some of the "jokes" you may or may not have intentionally said or the "role plays" per se that you are trying to convey doesn't really reflect that of an admin's "standard" attitude/mindset. Just because the Internet is a way to fully express yourself, doesn't mean you can conduct yourself however you want to be.

    I'm not implying the "you shouldn't be doing that" nor trying to scold you. You know, learn to know the limitations; ethics/moral code and all that. Oh well, I'm only here to express what I think of you and I don't really care if you take these kinds of criticism as lesson learned or just simply ignore it. Maybe in the near future, you can have more luck than this insignificant -1.
    Dargona1018, Asu, PUNK123 and 2 others like this.
  6. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG


    Reasons were summed up exactly by Darg and Sol.
    PUNK123 likes this.
  7. Alpha-Penguin

    Alpha-Penguin Haxor

    Sorry -1
    PUNK123 likes this.
  8. 101i

    101i Haxor Forum Moderator Tester

    -1 I've had to ban you before for griefing, why is this thread even open.
    PUNK123 and RadioActive like this.
  9. UndulatingTitLord

    UndulatingTitLord Óðinn Donator

    I assure you I am not a kid, though my personal life is my own, I am an adult, married, have children and one career at moment that fuels the family, and another that is more of my past time. I understand my past actions are not helping matters, but it is what I would do as an admin, not as a standard member (not that I should misbehave as either). Again, I promise that my action would be professional as those I use at my place of work. I would be willing to stake my account, and my ability to play on all official servers that I will not be foolish if granted the privilege of being an admin. But in the end, I understand I may be asked to prove my maturity and re-apply at a later point. I can except this, though I do believe that this would help me and help the KAG team as well.
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 21, 2015, Original Post Date: Aug 21, 2015 ---
    I respect your response, entirely. Though I do note that you are telling me that I don't know where the boundaries are. This is something you cannot state as fact, because I assure you that I do. Have I stuck to them? No. Again, does that help my case? Well knowing and doing doesn't but also if I can easily differentiate the difference, then I could. But like I have said and will say no matter how many question me. Given the chance I would not do anything on the official servers but servery, play by the rules and help to guide others to them and if necessary enforce them.
    Another added piece of information not again that I plan to prove it and just make a statement of it, is that I am a successful author (i know my spelling and grammar is not great, I have a good editor). In the past I have served in the army, and have done time in the police force. Best of all. I am one of the few early childhood teachers in the country that is male. But again, none of this I can prove. And no-one has reason to believe me other than maybe the way I choose to phrase my words in a manner that people might pause and think that I might have a grain of intelligence.
    I do not intend to judge you like you have judged me as it is not my place to judge someone I have not met. But should you judge me, I will listen, I will take it in, and I will consider it if I am not already aware of what you are telling me.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2015
    Blue_Tiger and icemusher like this.
  10. Lee_Shioon

    Lee_Shioon NinjaBrian in disguise Donator
    1. Practitioners of War Extreme Revolution - POWER

    Care to explain your posts on {SAP} then. The only thing that bugs me is the way you conduct yourself and the amount of profanity you used towards yourself and others; that doesn't really convince me that you are worthy of it. I understand if it was only jokes and shenanigans but to realise 'enough is enough' didn't seem to occur into your head at that time. I know that this may all be in the past and you may or may not have changed yourself back then until now in a short span of time; however, it doesn't really justify your actions and you didn't explain what those are all about as you merely stated it as "ups and downs".

    You seem like a sound-minded person; unfortunately, I don't see you worthy of it regardless of what you can give back to this community. I've seen people change, but that alone doesn't convince me. JUST to make it clear, this is all based of what "I" think of you; not everyone's. Someday, if me and the community ever get the chance to know you, I'll definitely take back what I've said.
  11. UndulatingTitLord

    UndulatingTitLord Óðinn Donator

    I don't think you understand. I have not changed my person or self at all. And I am not here trying to justify myself, I am applying to be an admin. This is not a thread all about me trying to justify my past. Its about me focusing on my future. And yes I can merely say ups and downs, because those are what they are. I am not trying to hide anything, I made the posts publicly didn't I. And neither will I state I am proud of my posts nore not proud, because none of that matters.

    Everyone here seems to focused on getting caught up in what was and whats now. What matters is what I would do, not what I have done. And it seems many of those judging me are making points about me and too me that they honestly cannot make because they don't know me. How can any of you tell me why I did things or what I think about the things I did. Don't tell me about my judgement. You don't know any of my reasoning. You don't know my story, nor my background. In fact as far as you could be aware, I may be someone desperate for change, sitting at home in front of his/her computer, depressed and messed up in more ways than you can imagine.

    There is one thing in life that you can learn. What harm is there in trying and trusting others when the consequences don't result in someone dying. What is the worst that could happen? I could turn out to be the person I have shown myself to be so far? Its called account removal and banning. Simple solution. I WILL SAY AGAIN.

    I would promise. You have as much reason to trust my promise as anyone else, because I haven't made one yet to prove I wouldn't keep one.
    icemusher likes this.
  12. UndulatingTitLord

    UndulatingTitLord Óðinn Donator

    @Furai I would be interested to speak to you about this as well. I don't see me being successful, but I would like to discus it all with you as well. If and when you have the time.
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 21, 2015, Original Post Date: Aug 21, 2015 ---
    I like you. You have not tried to reason. I respect your mark, and I hope when judged your mark is taken for what it should be valued at on your knowledge of me as a person, as it is me as a person that would govern my administrator rights. (if granted)
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 21, 2015 ---
    Do not apologies unless you are making or have made a mistake, or else your apology is meaningless. A harsh view I know, you are trying to be polite.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2015
  13. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    Its really funny to see how people can change when they apply for an admin application HAHA.

    -1. One more troll (and you are an adult, oh gosh...)
    PUNK123 likes this.
  14. Lee_Shioon

    Lee_Shioon NinjaBrian in disguise Donator
    1. Practitioners of War Extreme Revolution - POWER

    I don't care about you personally nor the things you are friggin' going through, I have enough with my plate as is. My point is, it is hard to just trust someone blindly and appoint them without knowing something about said person that makes you stand out i.e. charismatic, sociable, forgiving, approachable, funny and all that shindigs. And what are the experiences/first impression we got from you? Your excessive use of profanity and some kind of weird roleplay that I am not even gonna talk about.

    Do you see me judging you as a person? Or did I mention anything personally? No, I am judging you through your past behaviour and actions and that has nothing to do with your personal life or something. So tell me why should blindly trust you when all you offered in the community is either garbage or profanity and yet you are promising to do something good when all they can remember from you is bad things.

    That said, I will not stand corrected.
  15. UndulatingTitLord

    UndulatingTitLord Óðinn Donator

    Indeed, its easy to slip under your radar. All you need to do is just say some childish things and people immediately assume you are a harmless immature child.
  16. fraser741

    fraser741 Shipwright

    +1 I think although he has a sketchy past when @UndulatingTitLord promises to do something he does it %100 of the time. He will make a very good Admin, he puts time in to the things he loves and he loves kag. There is nothing more he hates than griefers. He will make a good admin, the best you have. I know him personally he is a bit of a dick with nothing to do but give him responsibility and he will not scwander of abuse or piss around with it. Great with conflicts as a third party. Really I don't know what you have to lose putting as an admin. If he make one slip up just cut him, but he wont.
    Good luck @UndulatingTitLord I know you've worked hard and long at this.
  17. UndulatingTitLord

    UndulatingTitLord Óðinn Donator

    You still are unable to comprehend. I am not going through anything, frankly I am quite happy. And yes, you just admitted to judging me through past behaviour. Past behavior that is a glimpse into my behavior. How long have I been here? And to type a post takes seconds, so each post represents seconds of you knowing my past behavior. If that is all you have to make an opinion of me, then I suggest you don't because it is little information to make an opinion on. Your not being forced to, so you must be choosing to do this. You may be setting yourself up to fail, and it is all well and good to say you are happy to admit if you were or are wrong. But you wouldn't have to if you didn't comment in the first place.
  18. RadioActive

    RadioActive Guest

    -1 because of all the shit and trolling on the forum and this:
    I also had to do this once on BD.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2015
    GreyHCK likes this.
  19. cincoscuencas

    cincoscuencas Ballista Bolt Thrower Staff Alumni
    1. Angels of Death - [AoD]

    -1, I haven't seen you play.
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