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[LGN] - Legionnaires

Discussion in 'Dead/Inactive' started by Marcelorodfu, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. Marcelorodfu

    Marcelorodfu Shark Slayer

    Salve, commilitones. :B):

    Hello, guys, i'm here to introduce this new clan to the forum, and hope it will be in kag for a long time! ::):

    ::P: I'm a maniac about the roman empire, i love it and like to learn more about it, the thing that has me the more excited: its army. Specially the Legionnaires, they were backbone of the roman warmachine. The first proffesional soldier ever. The most efficient of history. So my friend Cyanad and me had the idea of making a clan, so if we were going to make a clan, why not about the Roman Empire? We're trying to bring back this great warmachine to this game, KAG (Classic, ::(:)

    :yes: Ranks:

    :gear: Consul: Highest posible rank, just the owners can have it. Political figure that leads a group of Legions. They have the right to recruit and kick people, but must discuss it. (Consul stronk :r_flex:)

    :gear: Centurion: Highest rank among members. They're able to recruit people, this must be notified to the owners; can kick members with a reason.

    :gear: Principal: The principals have more privileges than normal members, they're able to recruit people, and obviously must inform an owner, but can't kick them.

    :gear: Inmunis: Member, will be heard if suggests member recruiting.

    :gear: Miles: Footmen, member.

    :yes: Members:

    :right: Marcelorodfu (Co-Owner) - :sword: & :hammer:

    :right: Cyanad (Co-Owner) - :sword:

    :right: daRkCross0 (Centurion) - :bow: & :hammer:

    :right: kuukucu (Centurion) - :sword:, :bow: & :hammer: (kukuu multipurppose, op nerf blaze it 420/69)

    :right: DanseMacabre (Miles) - :sword:

    :right: SirTaintsAlot (Miles) - :hammer: &:sword:

    :right: platy1knight (Miles) -

    Bertenson (Principal) - :sword: & :hammer:

    :right: Lokuzt (Principal) :bow:

    :right: ArtificiallyFlavored (Miles) :sword:

    :right: Larry the migrant - :migrant: (oops, no.)

    :yes: And we're open to stay growing! :X3:

    !!! Log:

    08/31/2015 - platy1knight joined LGN.

    09/04/2015 - Bertenson joined LGN.

    09/30/2015 - Lokuzt joined LGN.

    01/10/2016 - ArtificiallyFlavored joined LGN.

    :yes: Requirements:

    No requirements, if you want to join, and you're a great person, then tell us in the comments, and send me a private message so i'll contact you.
    Well, i just remembered there's one requirement, please, have a skype account.


    The only rule is that you don't talk about rules. See you in battlefield. :rekt::lantern:


    Well, i really hoped not having to do this, but since they started doing it, i'll have to do the list.

    1. - DragonFlame99
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2016
  2. Adrianza

    Adrianza Shark Slayer
    1. Zen Laboratories

    GL, Classic or beta? I've never seen you before :huh?:
  3. Marcelorodfu

    Marcelorodfu Shark Slayer

    Yeah, i just used this account to make the clan official, i play in classic. 25252525
  4. platy1knight

    platy1knight Haxor Tester

    Marcelorodfu will LGN ever be in beta? If so I'm pro at all beta classes
  5. Marcelorodfu

    Marcelorodfu Shark Slayer

    The rest of the members should pass to beta first, so maybe never... ::(:
  6. Lokuzt

    Lokuzt Catapult Fodder

    Add me mhmen
  7. Marcelorodfu

    Marcelorodfu Shark Slayer

  8. Withror

    Withror Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Literally never seen your clantag, and I have 700h+ on classic.
  9. Marcelorodfu

    Marcelorodfu Shark Slayer

    I play every day so i find that weird.
  10. Remus753

    Remus753 Catapult Fodder

    I think this is the perfect for me. My screen name is Remus, so you can tell I like Roman things. I primarily play builder, but am learning some knight stuff.
  11. Marcelorodfu

    Marcelorodfu Shark Slayer

    Nice! Do you have a Skype account?