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Things you may not know about Archer

Discussion in 'Archer' started by HA1TER, Sep 14, 2011.

  1. lehoon

    lehoon King

    The mid-air charged shot while falling down towards a shielding knight does wonders. With an appropriate amount of leverage, an archer can take out any knight in close combat.

    wow. I definitely never knew you could pick up shot arrows. I've been playing for months. Thanks KAG forums ;)

    44. Want to accumulate lots of arrows without the labor of holding down your mouse button? Hold down right click button to start chopping wood, press ESC, release the right click, read a book, chat in-game, and then press ESC to resume. You now have 250 arrows!

    This really applies to any action in KAG that doesn't require releasing any buttons. Any action you do continuously + ESC will allow your person to keep doing that action.
    Ex. If I want to run across the majority of my base and I need to spit some words, I just hold a direction + jump button, press ESC, start chatting, and then press ESC to resume the game. (Warning: the camera screen is stationary while your player moves until you resume the game, and of course, you risk yourself of damage from spikes/falls/enemies) Other uses: Chopping wood, mining single rows of stone or dirt, shield-all-day, etc.)
    Eggnogg likes this.
  2. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Just please, please, keep the ESC trick to a minimum. Apart from the fact that I've seen many an archer/builder get in the way of repairs and construction because of this, but some people seem to use it as some kind of excuse for staying in the game while they're AFK for longer periods of time.
    Eggnogg, FuzzyBlueBaron and Neat like this.
  3. kalidor

    kalidor Shopkeep Stealer

    45. Find something suspicious? hover your mouse over it, it could be an enemy archer laying amongst some bodies, in the grass, or in the shadows. Numerous times I've surprised/avoided enemies with my stealth tactics because they just dont double check if they really killed me or not.
  4. Kurohagane

    Kurohagane Shipwright

    46. If you hit the tree trunk block above the base two times, then destroy the base, the almost-broken part of trunk will revert to state of undamaged. Use this method to gain 5 arrows per one trunk, given you have atleast one block of tree trunk above the base.
    Wonkyth likes this.
  5. LINUS

    LINUS Shopkeep Stealer

    I just noticed 1 other things that could be helpfull:
    - If your shot is full charged and if you are in the good position you can hit opponants throught edges, when they are hidden behind.
    It can be usefull if you need to kill a builder who is trying to escape or if you need to kill digging knights.

    See the picture if that is not enough clear for you.

    Attached Files:

    illu, Eggnogg and Wonkyth like this.
  6. cowabunga410

    cowabunga410 Shipwright

    47. If you're like me, and start out as an archer, because you only get in the way of building, be polite to the builders and don't make arrows yet. The builders have to have wood immediately, whereas archers can afford to wait until the building period is almost up.
    Just my observation!
    [Edit: Thanks Monsteri! You're right, don't fully break each section, just take two arrows from each section so that the builders can harvest resources faster.]
  7. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    ^Or better yet, you can cut each piece of wood only for two times, allowing you to get arrows and your builders to get resources 2x as fast!
    Noburu likes this.
  8. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Of course, you could always let builders get their resources from the tent, which is much faster...
    Wyeth likes this.
  9. Wyeth

    Wyeth KAG Guard Donator Tester

    If someone botheres to compile this into a list and marks outdated tricks I will put it in its own "archer guide" thread. I like the numbers, but it might be much easier to do it with dots instead (easier to correct outdated stuff etc).
    If no one wants to do it I gonna do it as soon as I find the time (kinda busy this week).
  10. SunNoise

    SunNoise Shipwright

    IMO, you should try to be builder in that time because you're really just doing nothing for about 4 minutes(depends on server) if you just start as an archer, while you could be helping in the defenses for a better chance of winning.
    Eggnogg, allknowingfrog and Nixito like this.
  11. Nixito

    Nixito KAG Guard Tester

    This should pop up at the beginning of every build phase. Verbatim.
    Noburu likes this.
  12. dwatring

    dwatring KAG Guard Tester

    I compiled a list, just forgot to update it. Will post here in a few hours.
  13. maxdrive

    maxdrive Shipwright

    48. If 1v1 a knight, it's helpful if you're in a area full of trees that are close together! Hop from tree to tree while firing at him can serve as a distraction for some friendly knights to sneak up and kill the enemy knight or as a distraction for friendly archers to kill him. Might be able to kill him that way too.
  14. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk gaurenteed shitter

    49. If you're fleeing from a foe and you've got a little distance on them, don't hesitate to shoot an arrow or two into their face. It'll most likely slow them, and possibly kill them if they weren't paying attention.

    50. Not all Knights are stupid. They won't hesitate to throw bombs at an archer if they have them. If you see an enemy Knight even light a bomb, it's recommended that you get the heck out of there right away.
    Neat likes this.
  15. Wyeth

    Wyeth KAG Guard Donator Tester

    One thing, cut the numbers out (from now on) and put your name behind it like this: -- Nighthawk (yes in italy)
    Makes it way easier to copy paste it into the sticky thread I am making right now, thanks. I will try to put the names of the respective people next to every hint, but I can't promise.

    Did it... well that was anger inducing... who would think that there is a 10 000 word limit?
    Wonkyth likes this.
  16. ComboBreaker

    ComboBreaker Horde Gibber

    48*. Extremely dangerous.Even too dangerous.
    If the knight is somewhat experienced,he will hit a tree with a sword , which will cause you to fall down stunned.Guess what happens next?

    So use it carefully.
    Wonkyth likes this.
  17. Oleker

    Oleker Shipwright

    Whenever I have an enemy knight around, I retreat to the tower. As much as I have more ability it or not, I'd rather go back and join the knights of the team. As already mentioned, Archer is a support class, unlike the knight.

    49 - zoom out is great. You have a small increase in range, compared to normal zoom. In addition to seeing what happens around you, you see clearly the path of the arrow. But you can be distracted by the arrows above and do not see the approach of enemies from below. Stay alert.
  18. knightl

    knightl Base Burner

    yet people don't use names yet really guys?

    knightl-if knights are shielding and your with other archers jump over them to distract them if they ignore you *fire* if they chase you hey they got a few arrows in their heads hurrah!
  19. CoughDrop

    CoughDrop KAG Guard Tester

    Practice firing while moving - a moving archer is much harder to hit and is less predictable.
  20. nerdpride

    nerdpride Shopkeep Stealer

    I want to be a gosu archer.

    This is so simple I'm surprised it wasn't in the manual. It's not just "the longer you hold the further you shoot". Last time I checked.

    50- There are only 3 states of "draw" which are brown, red, and yellow. The trajectory of your arrow does not depend on the number of dots, just on their color, but more precisely it depends on which discrete (i.e. there are thresholds) duration you've spent drawing the bow. The brown arrow does one heart of damage and has the worst trajectory. The red arrow does 1.5 hearts and has much better trajectory. The yellow arrow has diminishing returns on trajectory (it's not worth it unless you're shooting far or against someone who might dodge), does 1.5 heart of damage still, and has the popular shield clashing and stunning effect. I haven't examined velocity but I think it's similar to the case with trajectory.

    51- You can tell how long you've drawn your bow by its creaking noises, which indicate your draw state. 3 "creaks" and you should be yellow.