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problem for buying the game

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Outplayed, Nov 25, 2011.

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  1. Outplayed

    Outplayed Shipwright

    So i just buy the game online with paypal but my in game character still can't change head nor has a yellow name on top.

    do i get a code or something after paying or something?

    plz help me
  2. luckyfrost

    luckyfrost Shopkeep Stealer

    yes, you got codes before you pay on your e-mail, you have to reedem it.
    Outplayed likes this.
  3. Outplayed

    Outplayed Shipwright

    thx m8 :D
  4. luckyfrost

    luckyfrost Shopkeep Stealer

    Nope, one hand washes the other :)
  5. CoDhUnTa9

    CoDhUnTa9 Shipwright

    Please somebody help me i just bought the game, i ave the confirmation code here and i went to my emails and it wasn't there please help. ASAP

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