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Devlog Weekly News – TR Preview Build Coming!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Geti, Nov 8, 2015.

  1. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Original: http://thd.vg/weekly-news-tr-preview-build-coming (yes, we know the site needs work)

    These last few weeks we’ve thought long and hard about the future of Trench Run.

    We want to get a public build released as soon as possible. However, we want to stay away from the “open alpha” preview style that we used for KAG and the division in the community that that caused.

    In effect, we want to dodge a messy fate.

    Instead, we’re planning a free, time-limited preview build. The build will only work for set periods, but you can play as much as you like during those periods. During initial testing, we’d be opening it for a week at a time. After release, probably one weekend each month or fortnight.

    We’re still hammering out the details and hitting implementation hurdles. The plan was to release it last Wednesday, but each release candidate has had too many issues upon entering testing. We’ll see how it goes this week and keep you posted.

    There is no single player mode available in the preview build. The preview build is only able to connect to one “test” region. The test lobby is capable of both “skirmish” and “run” games. The preview build will replace the current demo build, and will patch over it. It will (hopefully!) form a much more PC-relevant, online look at how the game plays, and we’re looking forward to sharing it with you!

    Stay tuned!

    Noburu, toffie0, Sturm and 11 others like this.
  2. Potatobird

    Potatobird Haxor Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    bunnie and JaytleBee like this.
  3. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    When you fix your mic :potato:
  4. TheDirtySwine

    TheDirtySwine Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    I might just be crazy or not understand the English language very well, but can someone rephrase this?

    As far as I understand: We are getting set dates that we can play TR? What's the point of that? We aren't getting an alpha release because it will tear the community apart, yet we are getting certain dates to play? Is that so people don't bitch and complain if the game turns out completely different from their expectations? As a gaming company why would you even care about that? Minecraft, COD, and a lot of other games turned out way differently than I expected, but that doesn't stop me from buying them. By making the game free to play you are opening the doors up for people to give even more shit advice and complaints. People don't appreciate something they haven't spent money on. If that's the case than I'm pretty frustrated considering I pre ordered two copies. I know it's never a good idea to preorder a game, but I trusted the regular design/release that THD followed. At this point in time I literally have no benefit whatsoever to have preordered the game. Anyone can play the game for free until release. What exactly is the logic here? Sorry for the bad tone, but I hope you understand my frustration as a loyal, longtime customer/donator.
    EhRa likes this.
  5. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    The post did not mention anything about supporter benefits because they're still up in the air, but as long as the free testing goes well, we'll be opening up multiple geographical regions for supporters without any time limitation as soon as we can (and we'll start pushing pre-orders at that point).

    At the moment, we're arguing internally over a few of the details of the pre-order stuff, which is why we're avoiding talking about it where we can.

    Assuming the worst might be a good strategy for avoiding disappointment, but from the length of a paragraph that could have said "do supporters get anything extra?" I've got a feeling your working yourself up over nothing. Don't worry :)

    Re: "what is the point" - it lets us control when the free version is available, and focus on a small period of feedback of a set version of the game from players who would otherwise not pre-order the game. Remember that with online multiplayer, having numbers is important for everyone's enjoyment. With the number of pre-orders as it stands, you would statistically not be able to find a game >99% of the time, and that's assuming people would even sit and wait for 5 minutes for someone else to join.
    TheDirtySwine likes this.
  6. Potatobird

    Potatobird Haxor Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    It's so people don't grow really attached to and continue to play a version of Trench Run that's, shall we say, a "Trench Run Classic", well into TR's release, which would both fragment the community and force the devs to leave one half feeling neglected.

    Wonder why they would be worried about that? :wink:

    And if you preorder something with the hopes that you'll get something special for preordering, when it wasn't really explicitly stated about there being anything like that, you're just setting yourself up for disappointment. There isn't meant to be a "benefit" to preordering, except in this case a possibly reduced price. I think it's basically just to show trust/support in a dev... the only groups I can think of that I would preorder from are Supergiant because they make beautiful singleplayer goodness that I really appreciate, and THD because kag is gud
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2015
    EhRa, butterscotch and Mazey like this.
  7. Darknighte9

    Darknighte9 Haxor Staff Alumni
    1. KAG Competitive League

    I like the direction that THD is taking with this. Not sure what's so bad about them reaching out to potential buyers and/or skeptics like myself with limited, free preview periods. Additionally, I think that by pre-ordering a game, particularly one that isn't even finished yet, you go in knowing that the game will be changing quite a bit and that the developer can change the direction that the game goes in at any time. It's to be expected and that is the reality for many indie games that people support.
  8. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I should add that an especially attractive part of this is the ability to keep doing free periods as a regular thing to help draw people to the game. If a community does end up forming around the free version (lets call them "Free weekend casuals") then they're still an outreach vehicle for us, in telling their friends that there's this fun game that you can play for free on the Nth weekend of each month or whatever. In our eyes, the promise of permanent coins, tiered play, and no time limits should be enough to bring most of the recurring players over, but there'll always be freeloaders :)

    (The recurring free weekend stuff is something we'd love to do for KAG, but the infrastructure issues we've been having with getting it working for TR are probably going to block that. Anything's possible though!)
    Darknighte9 likes this.
  9. TheDirtySwine

    TheDirtySwine Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Ahh, I have a better understanding now. I had tunnel vision and was focused on only the people who had already bought TR. I totally forgot that KAG classic was free. I now see how this could benefit you guys. It'll also build up hype if executed correctly because you'll start getting groups of people waiting to play during whatever time the free build is open.

    Sorry for my misunderstanding. I think it's due to my interest/excitement for TR to be released and small amounts of information flowing in that is driving me crazy haha. Appreciate the response and look forward to the upcoming free releases.

    On a side note I'm having difficulty opening the current demo on my Windows 8 PC. Can someone point me in the direction of fixes for that? I'm afraid of having the same problem when the free build is released.
  10. 101i

    101i Haxor Forum Moderator Tester

    Last edited: Nov 9, 2015
    Noburu, butterscotch, Mazey and 3 others like this.
  11. Gurin

    Gurin Stop That! Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Looking forward to playing the preview build with the community, seeing their reactions and thoughts on how to make this game become amazing. Myself, the testers and the devs have been working hard to keep this game going. It's great fun and I feel like the community will feel the same experience. Although there a few bugs here and there, they will be squashed so you damn people will stop complaining. :kappa:
    On another note, playing with lag isn't that bad. So don't feel discouraged to try the game out with a little bit of delay.

    Honestly can't wait, be prepared for the @makmoud98 meta. Have fun.
    makmoud98 likes this.
  12. Sounds like you already know the problem.
  13. Loominati

    Loominati Shipwright

    As long as it's on the weekends.. no talk is only weekends now. Is of important to do this on the weekends so I can check it out. (I've used up the one free polandball grammar nao.) ::D:
  14. GreyHCK

    GreyHCK Shark Slayer

    i really can't wait to be a dank snaipa..
    No kag related news though? like, not really a tiny little news?
  15. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    KAG isn't in active development (it's 4,5 years old). Like Verra said (maybe Skinney too) a bug fix/tweaks build for mines/tramps will come out. Nothing else to report, norill hasn't worked on new menu's I think, and Skinney is still going to make SP content and editor.
  16. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    So hyped for trench run. Can't wait to stab you all inth back. THE COMMANDOS WILL RISE.
  17. MadRaccoon

    MadRaccoon Haxor

    The preview is fkin beutiful, my pc can't handle shit atm, but as I saw my tiny little civilian laggly falling into the loby I fell in love. :heart:
  18. Bint

    Bint Haxor

    Yep, this is ruddy brilliant, also since this is now the THD Forums we need some TR emotes money.png :rekt: money.png
  19. MadRaccoon

    MadRaccoon Haxor

  20. Bint

    Bint Haxor

    xx.png This one might be a little too big o.o ded.png
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2015