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[VirtuaTI.com.br] Global - 64 Slots!

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Sqquall, Nov 13, 2011.

Mods: jackitch
  1. Reagent9

    Reagent9 Bison Rider

    Hi, i play on this server alot and i love it. But for some reason, when i was mining some gold, i got dced. When i tried to log back in, it said i was banned? Why did this happen?... I really love this server :( It's the only server that doesn't lag for me.

    Oh yeah, you guys should set up a Appeal for bans.. :/ Would be helpful..
  2. Sqquall

    Sqquall Shipwright

    @Threesan, Jackard

    When grief occurs, we must act asap so as not to cause further damage to the game.
    Sometimes we make mistakes and it's interesting you come here to explain how you did, I'm sure you're a good player.
    Kicks are for 10mn.


    I have no idea about how we will solve that, i do not find any file to manage banned ips, i think that cases like this are with royal guards.


    Apperars to be kick, but i cant tell you any reason since i wasn't there in the moment.
    If it confirm, its 10mn and you can comeback.
    trelawney likes this.
  3. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

  4. Beef

    Beef ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ ก้้้้้้้้้้้ Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    There's a few points here. If I'm missing any let me know.

    You were swinging quite wildly if you were aiming for a door and managed to take out a workshop. And the "you're gone" was in reference to an entirely different person, one who, while I was trying to figure out what was happening with you, broke another workshop.

    I don't care about those doors; there's no need for that many doors and frankly it slows us down more than it does the other team. You wouldn't have been banned were you improving the flow of the base. Quite frankly I'd rather ban the people who build bases out of nothing but doors, but couldn't justify it, even to myself ;)

    I did witness it personally by the way; I was building at the front to begin with, and when I returned, all the workshops were broken. I asked who did it. Not seeing it myself, and the lack of consensus, meant I didn't do anything. So I repaired the shops, hid in some trap doors, and waited for whichever dope who did it to come back. Then I see you smashing away.

    Your justification wasn't enough to convince me otherwise. It sounds like a paper thin excuse from someone caught in the act. I'd normally let something like this off with a warning, but in the past few games I've had whenever I've had someone grief, and subsequently given a warning, they've waited a while and gone straight back to griefing.

    Regardless, first time bans are only 10 minutes long. If a mistake was made (and at the moment I'm about 50/50 if there was), I apologize for an unfair ban, and hope to play with you again in the future. We're only human and mistakes are sometimes inevitable. You could've rejoined by the next game most likely, and you can certainly rejoin now :)
  5. Reagent9

    Reagent9 Bison Rider

    Thanks for fast reply, :)
  6. theidcannotbeuse

    theidcannotbeuse Shipwright

    @Sqquall Yeah, i saw other people on the server saying i was speedhacking (only the blues because i was digging under the base) and 1 red member saying " Kick theidcannotbeuse he is hacking" so i still lost the round because someone was hiding our flag. The next round starts and i dig a tunnel like i did last round, no one got mad. They told me to come back up and place team doors so they could help. before i know it i was "disconnected" i was thinking "Wow they kick cause of mu pc, oh well" i made another account call idonthack to try to explain but yeah it was an ip ban, i dont know how to fix it because im only 12 so if i do get unbanned and im running really fast, it is hard for me to play also cause i jump toooooo fast. -theid
  7. Obzen

    Obzen Shipwright

    I can't play in this server for more than 20 minutes without getting ping kicked. Is there anything that can be done about this? It also crashes my client quite often. It sucks :/
  8. sj67

    sj67 Greg hunter

    Hi there,

    I was banned on your server for no reason other with the one I came up with. (I'll say it later.)

    I was trying to connect to the server but because my PC is a doodoo-head, it wouldn't let me stay on without crashing. After actually getting back to normal speed, I was banned. The thing is, it didn't say who, it just disconected me and when I tried again, it said I was banned.

    And I think I know why,

    As stated above, my PC is a doodoo-head, and it VERY slow. KAG is the only game I can play and it won't let me use Adobe Flashplayer, Minecraft, Steam, ect. Anyways, I was thinking maybe because of my ping, the server was slowed down, or something of that nature. Now if this is the true reason I am banned, if say, in 2 weeks I get a new PC, and it works fine and I can play KAG like a boss with no lag problems what so ever. Would I still be banned? That is my question and my main question is.

    Am I banned from your server because of my slow PC and my terrible ping?
  9. Obzen

    Obzen Shipwright

    You aren't permanently banned if you get ping kicked/banned. It is only for 10 minutes or so.
    sj67 likes this.
  10. sj67

    sj67 Greg hunter

    Oh few, thanks for telling me!
  11. Roc_Computer

    Roc_Computer Shopkeep Stealer

    i have an idea for a map you could make...

    make it so there is a bedrock top and you drop down to three suspended bedrock bridges in the air and you have an all-out builder war for control! hope you make it? :)
  12. Obzen

    Obzen Shipwright

    I enjoy the upside down map purely for the underground tunnel battles. Somebody should make a map that is focused underground rather than above ground.
    Beef likes this.
  13. Beef

    Beef ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ ก้้้้้้้้้้้ Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    There is one but it's not in circulation, sadly. I agree though, underground maps are awesome.
  14. Sqquall

    Sqquall Shipwright

    i don't get it... can you make a sketch on paint, just to clarify then i can make the map...

    I have a idea for underground map but i am studying how to make it '-'

    Posted in forums? Where *-*?
  15. RocketRony

    RocketRony Shipwright

    is this serve no one available? T.T
  16. Reagent9

    Reagent9 Bison Rider

    Where the server?... :(
  17. Reagent9

    Reagent9 Bison Rider

    I loved this server!!! Don't take it away from me :(
  18. Luffy

    Luffy Shipwright

    huh why am i banned
  19. What happend to this beautiful server?! :(
    BlueLuigi and Beef like this.
  20. Luffy

    Luffy Shipwright

    i miss this one and some other one that had a bunch of custom maps with the server name in gold at the bottom. i loved sky island map!
Mods: jackitch