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The Bar (KAG Memories Thread)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by jimmyzoudcba, Feb 3, 2016.


I always have a poll, so......

  1. Red team?

    7 vote(s)
  2. Blue team?

    2 vote(s)
  3. Spec?

    1 vote(s)
  1. jimmyzoudcba

    jimmyzoudcba Haxor Tester

    I just opened this to share my funny and heartwarming moments of KAG with others on the forms, and I hope others will do so too.
    I still remember, back then, decades ago, when Guro had astonishing amount of giveaways. I saw his 'I'm Back' Giveaway, jumped in, and posted some facts about crabs and 'GIB ME LE CODE GURO'.
    Later I won (as 1 of the winners) because he said something like 'I like crabs'. That allowed me to give the key to my friend (Now Megaloldon?), and I will thank him forever for that.
    BTW Guro are you still alive?
    Post your own thoughts poeple ;D
  2. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Okay, I changed the thread name to reflect what (I think) the thread is about. I considered merging it with an older thread, but I don't recall any similar ones, except this one from 2.5 years ago. (I guess I missed the 3rd and 4th birthdays.) :skull:

    On topic: I still remember pretty clearly the day I first played KAG (Classic). After TotalBiscuit did a video on it, I downloaded the game simply because it was free. I fell in love instantly--first, with the archer, then the builder. (Okay, I was a dirty minecrafter, but still I liked it.) Eventually, I learned how to play knight better than the average grunt, and that became my favorite class. (Now, I'm starting to like the classes more equally.)

    I remember the first time I accidentally griefed. I destroyed a few blocks to get through a wall, but the whole thing crashed down. I was so embarrassed that I left without saying anything, which probably made people think I did it on purpose. :oops:

    I could probably write a whole essay about my growing up with KAG. (I started playing when I was 14, and I'm 19 now.) Maybe if I'm really procrastinating on other work.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2016
    Lava and jimmyzoudcba like this.
  3. toothgrinderx

    toothgrinderx Ballista Bolt Thrower Staff Alumni Tester Official Server Admin

    I remember my first match of captainerinos, waffle couldn't make it and this was when I was in nova so he sent me to play for him. I was so new to the game I thought it was a match of some importance lol. But playing a match like that so very early in my kag career alongside the likes of griever, kedram, ternary etc was what really got me hooked into competitive style kag. More than that it was what has driven me to become as good of a knight as I am within such a short time span.

    Now I'm the one begging others just to get a game of captains going lol.
    Lava and jimmyzoudcba like this.
  4. Darknighte9

    Darknighte9 Haxor Staff Alumni
    1. KAG Competitive League

    One of my favorite memories was when I was playing a match a while back on Four Rivers as Blue and Red had pretty much established the whole map (they had about 8 or 9 tunnels as I remember in that large mid area alone). I was able to burrow down into mid and go through each of their tunnels one by one and we were able to take back mid and win the whole game.

    After that, another one of my favorite memories was helping bring together SURGE after the implosion of Nova from what people first saw as a bunch of nobodies to the best clan in KAG and winning MLK2 :B):::D:

    As far as saltier memories go, I remember the time I was first vote kicked for griefing during like my second or third match as builder since I had no idea what I was doing (pretty sure this was when the KAG Brazil server was still a thing). I also remember when I was first false vote kicked (one of many times), by a guy named Jts as well as when I invigorated max salt in Oodle by using water on him in TDM. Sig related. Feels bad :>:(:
  5. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator

    I remember the first time I heard Enderzilla747 do an anime rant.

    The day was as happy and curious as a kitten with a new bit of string, the blood and guts of my enemies and I flowing through my hair. When all of a sudden I see Ender go to spec. I was slightly curious but I payed him no mind and continued fighting until 5 minutes later he starts talking about giant robots and weird Japanese names. I did enjoy a bit of irrelevant banter during battle so I sat and listened

    This was the biggest mistake I have ever made since I ate 9 tacos from taco bell within an hour.

    Ender proceeded to go on for an hour and 30 minutes about this stuff as the battle raged on below his ghostly spectator plane. The chat was almost entirely filled with Ender's rant and some other people in shock that he could go on for so long. No matter how much I begged, screamed, and cried out with pain at the confusion he was attacking my brain with he could not shut himself off, as the anime beast had consumed his very essence and mind. Eventually he stopped, and came back to our realm of "rekt noob" and "fag". I have learned my lesson about anime with Ender but the creature still lurks within him just waiting to strike whenever the name "Shinji" is uttered. Everyday without a rant is a day that the almighty Cthulhu was merciful.

    Point is: Never mention Cortex Command, Gurren lagann , or Half Life around Ender if you want to keep the beast at bay. You have been warned.
    Magmus, Yagger and jimmyzoudcba like this.
  6. enderzilla747

    enderzilla747 Bison Rider Tester


    *A cold chill goes down your spine* The Beast is near Terrier.....he's coming for you...... SHINJI IS STILL ALIVE AFTER THE 3RD IMPACT IN END OF EVANGELION, THE CROSS WITH THE CROSS NECKLACE OF MISATO'S STARTED TO RUST, so therefore Shinji was out on the bloody beach for MONTHS for the metal to start to rust, he must have ran out of food or something so he decided to start choking Asuka but then she said disgusting and he started crying so he saw his mistakes and didn't eat her like a cannibal. Unit 01 still remains in space in a cross position with it's awesome Adam's wings as shown in the Opening, if the creators still had $$$, would we have seen the wings in the anime series or was it just there for the opening? We will never know.

    My greatest moment is when I hanged out with all of my old KAG buddies about a year ago, I never added all of their Steam (if they had Steam) so they all died out or something. Now i'm surrounded by these plebian scrubs and stuff. Steam Drama all the time. Great stuff:kamina::kamina:<---That is from Gurren Lagann. Also Geti once worked or helped OR MODDED Cortex Command. I have also made a Cortex Command Brainbot but I ain't sharing CYA.
  7. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator

    Ahh, today me and Rathax from BOW as well as @Titmau5 were total dicks in a 2 hour long CTF game. Rathax did his ratty business down below, making obnoxious tunnels to make our trips to the base completely safe, and me and titmau directly assaulted their base as a builder knight combo (Me as the builder titmau as the knight) and I must say he's fucking amazing. He was able to keep me safe for an insanely long time in a really cramped environment. This combination almost destroyed blue team until I eventually pulled my mercy card and said that I would help the losing team. I think people are gonna hate me for the fact that I switch to the losing side to help them when we're about to win but I think I can make a general discussion about that without it getting locked, right @Galen ? : ^)
  8. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    You're probably the best player in the history of kag
    EhRa and an_obamanation like this.
  9. Yagger

    Yagger Kouji's bitch 5eva Staff Alumni Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    @Arcrave and I working as COOP partners in KAG Classic, him building and I being the overwatch archer who defended his pleb existence from all the other classes.

    Also my first time applying (I applied almost a year after actually joining) on the forums and putting my shitpost in the historical thread that is [!] Action.
    an_obamanation likes this.
  10. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator

    Dew mor CO-OP stuff with arcave cuz sharks are da bess. =>
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 15, 2016, Original Post Date: Apr 15, 2016 ---
    Nope, unless you mean in personality in which case HELL nope =)
  11. Lava

    Lava Former Lag King Staff Alumni Donator Tester

    I remember from the classic days I bombjumped and landed on @Overlord 's head two times in a row...
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 15, 2016, Original Post Date: Apr 15, 2016 ---
    And fighting Sean, Rubix etc on Sean's TDM (on classic) and the one time they showed me how to get to the perfect bombjumping spot (slash jumping)
    + the first time i played kag i thought it was stupid now i play it everyday ._.
    Overlord and an_obamanation like this.