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Discussion in 'Archive' started by RampageX, Feb 23, 2016.

  1. RampageX

    RampageX Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Region: North America.

    A short description of why you want to become a tester:
    I would be able to find any bugs that come across a certain build/game. I am extremely active, dedicated to the task in hand. Once I come across a potential bug, I will try to recreated to the best of my ability and won't stop till it happens. All in all, I feel I would be a great addition of the team and hopefully I am considered for the position.
    Have you ever used IRC?
    Of course. I used the KAG/KAG gather IRC sometimes and in my previous clans (in-game) we were on IRC everyday.

    What OS do you use?
    Windows 7

    Find a bug in KAG or TR and give a brief bug report on it or give some constructive feedback on a feature in one of those games.

    I've found a decent amount of bugs in KAG, I would always come to the forums and it's already been posted or fixed. Pretty sure I found one of the flying glitches/bugs in KAG, (Mak was there when it happened) I just haven't posted or had the time to recreate it. Kedram and I have also tested the rebalance of boulders back when they were oneshot. Rayne needed help, so I went along with it.

    Any other information you'd like us to know or take into consideration?
    -I'm an admin on KAG official servers.
    -Even though I hang around KAG, I am willing to test TR and other games that need it.
    -Really active ingame and the community, I don't post very much, but I am online everyday.
    Kazaco97 and _Cuffs_ like this.
  2. Verrazano

    Verrazano Flat Chested Haggy Old Souless Witchy Witch Witch THD Team Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. Practitioners of War Extreme Revolution - POWER

    For anybody looking at this thread as an example, please read the second to last question carefully. I'm not really asking if you have experience with reporting bugs, I want you to find and report a bug here, or describe one you've experienced before, or give some constructive feedback on TR/KAG. You don't need to edit your post Rampage it's still fine.
    RampageX likes this.