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Favorite Music Artist?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by icemusher, Feb 27, 2016.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. I know there's similar threads, like ones about favorite kag songs, but there isn't one dedicated solely to music yet(I think).

    So what is your favorite artist?What's your favorite song? Genre? I love Kendrick Lamar and J.Cole the most, with To Pimp a Butterfly, My Dark Twisted Beautiful Fantasy, and All Eyez on me as my favorite albums right now.

    Crooked Smile by J.Cole is my favorite song, with Mortal Man and M.A.A.D CITY coming in at a close second and third.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2016
  2. Achillios

    Achillios Pilgrim
    1. Gather Oceania

    Nigel Good
    Aero Chord
    (check out the info tab on my profile to see more + with more detail [links + photos])
  3. Rayne

    Rayne ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    Andre Nickatinas
  4. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    Joiken likes this.
  5. Hermap

    Hermap Haxor

    DAE Elliott Smith?
    He's the only artist I can say I'm truly a fan of, I think.
  6. Monstercat - WRLD, Haywyre, Stonebank, Insan3Lik3(Good taste @AjaxZaith !),
    Electro Swiiing - 11 Acorn Lane, Parov Stelar, Caravan Palace, Sirensceol + Too many others to name
    Rap - Hilltop Hoods, Bliss n Eso + heaps of others but I jump artists frequently, these ones are staple.
    Launchpad - Madeon, Shawn Wasabi, M4Sonic, Shift K3Y
    Misc. - Rayne (Top stuff, wherever you are!), Manganas Garden, State Champs, Lemaitre, The Glitch Mob (<3 !), Daft Punk, The Noisy Freaks- Better stop myself before I go overboard, heh.
  7. I've also started taking in Born Sinner by J.Cole, This Unruly Mess I've Made by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, and Friday Night Lights by J.Cole. Blow Up and Breakdown are becoming favorites, as well as Villumanati, Miss America, and Untitled Unmastered 7.
  8. Depends on the genre but I've been listening to Being As An Ocean and La Dispute a lot.
    And I also love Allah-las, The Growlers, Angus and Julia Stone, Streetlight Manifesto, NERVE, Ash Is A Robot, Betraying The Martyrs, The Voynich Code, Blink 182, Gorillaz, Godspeeds, Manu Chao, Rage Against The Machine, Suicide Silence, The Waterboys OH I could go on and on ahaha

    EDIT: Forget everything I said, @Rayne is da b0ss. Dat Iggdrasil Spring remix is still on my phone and it's so guddddd
Mods: BlueLuigi