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KAG Server randomly crashes after someone joins

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by makmoud98, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. makmoud98

    makmoud98 You are already DEAD Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    [04:17:01] <PUNK{NINJA}> makmoud is doing lsd
    [04:17:27] <FerretFerret> Actually pretty snazzy
    [04:17:29] <FerretFerret> holy shit
    [04:17:36] COLLAPSE by NegaoPaul (size 11 blocks)
    [04:17:38] <FerretFerret> gg we win the beauty contest
    [04:17:39] <PUNK{NINJA}> its baide
    [04:17:56] * firstangel2003 connected (admin: 0 guard 0 gold 1 tester 0)
    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'utf8::not_enough_room' what(): Not enough space
    [04:17:57] Closing console device: Signal 6 received

    Everyone was giving me complements on my shitty build when all of a sudden KAG crashes and the server does too
  2. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    im confused are you saying angel fucked up the server?
  3. makmoud98

    makmoud98 You are already DEAD Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    lol no, its the error after he joined, idk if he caused it or not
  4. kaizokuroof

    kaizokuroof Agkubuk|'Kaizokuroof' Cilobakil, Roofpointy Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Include more information if you want people to help you.

    Just some basic things to include:
    1. What kind of OS are you running, Windows, Linux or Mac OSX?
    2. Is it home hosted server, or a VPS/Dedicated server?
    3. What build is the server running?
    4. Do you have any modifications installed on the server?
    5. Can you attach the console logs from when this happened?
    Provide the above and you might get some more meaningful responses! Thanks!!!
  5. makmoud98

    makmoud98 You are already DEAD Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    I'm running windows. The server is hosted by gshost.us.. so I'm guessing VPS.. idk. The build is 1236. There are no mods installed. The console log I attached is what happened right before. There wasn't anything else important in the logs.
  6. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    This has actually been fixed and there's a hotfix coming out tonight.
    makmoud98 likes this.
  7. Leo

    Leo Haxor

    I like hotfixes :wink:
  8. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Tonight? Yes. I hoped it wouldn't take more than a day.
  9. makmoud98

    makmoud98 You are already DEAD Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    Thanks for the fix!
  10. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    After the recent patch my server started crashing.
    [21:24:04] SENDING 786 FILES
    [21:24:08] Closing console device: Signal 6 received
    2-3 days ago it was fine server was running non-stop now it runs like 3 hours before it crashes.
    Maybe its from the patch?
  11. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    I'm not aware of any changes to this part of the code. I'll ask MM/Geti.

    EDIT: Release servers have symbols in it so you might want to try use GDB on it and get a full back trace for the crash.
  12. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    thanks,what is gdb?
  13. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    gdb is a debugger for linux. It lets you do a lot of things, but the most important one here is keep a program around after its crashed, and report what part of the program was running when it crashed.

    Instead of running ./KAGdedi , you can run gdb ./KAGdedi and then type run to run it once it's loaded - when it crashes, you'll be able to type bt full to see where in the code it's currently up to. If you could paste here (or pastebin) what comes up after it's crashed and you type bt full, that would be great - we'll know at least where it's crashing and be able to look into the bug.
  14. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

  15. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    Thanks for the help guys, the server haven't crashed from yesterday which is good. About the autorestart after crash that would be nice, couldn't install dgb because of privileges maybe @AsuMagic can help me with that.
    The server havent crashed from yesterday which is more than 24 hours although now when I joined the server i crashed although the server was still there, i did send the report, not sure if you have it or not but let me put the log file when the server did crash at 14th march at around 21:00 and was offline until I saw it in the morning. About the crash that my client had not the server, well i dont see any errors but here it is. Not sure if its the mod doing that.
    The log from 14th march is the log from the dedicated server, while 16th my client.

    Attached Files:

  16. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    @Tsilliev, log in as root to install gdb.
  17. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    This may have been fixed by a patch yesterday, fwiw. Please try running it in gdb in case it's not though.

    You shouldn't need to log in as root, just use sudo if your permissions are set up for it.
  18. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    Using gdb now, thanks for the help guys, appreciate it.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 18, 2016, Original Post Date: Mar 17, 2016 ---
    Oops, server is down again even with gdb, maybe I am doing something wrong, checking if the process is still on with screen -list:
    And when i go into that screen it shows the same what its showing in the log:
    normal grass is just a print of the biome. So right now the server is not in the kag server browser, strange.
    I will try again and to make sure i am doing it right:
    After this I type run and server is still offline, saying port is taken?
    But I killed the last process.Hmm.
  19. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    You may just want to start a screen on its own and work there instead of chaining them like that, but it should work. See if there's a left-over process using top or a similar program.
  20. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    I restarted hard restated the computer, now I type screen first and afterwards cd to the main dir and gdb ./KAGdedi, after run and here is the output no longer blocked port but server is still offline.
    I will try to run without gdb.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 18, 2016, Original Post Date: Mar 18, 2016 ---
    Even without the gdb its still offline, the same happened yesterday, I have to copy original dedicatedserver.sh there, it breaks it somehow.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 18, 2016 ---
    Actually I cant find the dedicatedserver.sh in the main kag folder, so it did disappear because of the gdb.

    Funny now that the deddicatedserver.sh is there it still is offline i will try without gdb
    Doesn't work even after restart, but the other folder ZFB works, so this means that some of the files in the CTP may be damaged, I will move the mod to the ZFB and try to run it from there.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 18, 2016 ---
    Its online now, i guess the files were damaged when I tried to forceupdate, and should reupload the client.