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Vote Mutes instead of Vote Kicks

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by an_obamanation, Mar 8, 2016.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator

    Being vote kicked for spam seems to be something really stupid considering the fact that when admins have the ability to mute players, why don't the players have this ability? I know you can mute them for your OWN chat, but the rest of the people still see it and if someone is spamming the !killme command it allows them to lag up a server. I think vote kicks for spam should just be removed entirely in favor of vote mutes, this way the people who have spammed can still play just not spam or speak. In terms of spamming !killme I think that would fall under griefing (mainly in TDM servers) as all it's doing is lagging up the server and other people's computers, as well as clogging up the battlefield with clones or dead bodies that archers can hide in. But at least this way people who have some mercy for those who spam !killme can show said mercy. Vote mutes could also be done to stop racial slurs and such that could offend the kag community or just any kag drama that happens during a match (Players bickering). Vote mutes I think should also be separated from the vote kick time limit of ten minutes per, this way if someone spams !killme or something and a kick vote doesn't go through because people accidentally hit "no" then they have a chance to at least mute the person for a little while.

    I dunno is this just me?
    A_Jax, Magmus, bru-jaz and 4 others like this.
  2. bru-jaz

    bru-jaz Haxor

    I would like to add:
    1) Muting message:
    Even the "[You have muted this player]" is annoying with spammy chat players, even more since you cant scroll the chat box*. Ok, you can't read what the spammer wrote, but you still get the real chats moved up because of the server message.
    I suggest to stack the "you have muted..." messages in a single line until another player says something or some time has past.
    2) Admin mute:
    Why the hell isn't there an option to mute an admin... really. It's up to you if you get kicked for not doing what he says, but you can quickly unmute him since most times admins freeze a player a couple of seconds before kicking him.
    The reason i have for this is really an odd one
    there was a match a time ago when two players... swaped to spectator and asked all the players to do so because they didnt like the map. Some of the players did and others dont. The two bastards keep talking aggresive nonsenses on the chat and then some admin started playing their game. I told them to stop and telling them i would mute them. They start to insult me and talking shit about me... even the admin that was on my team, team killed me droping spikes. I didnt said anything 'cause he was an admin, and you dont want to piss off an admin.. or at least not when you wasnt recording the whole thing.
    So, ive muted the two jerks, but ive still reading what they said through what the admin responded to them, and ive still read the shit comming from his own comments.
    In that case i wasn't in risk to get kicked/banned but it still was annoying having to read their shit (as it is now)
    Maybe you can add a description telling you: "You are about to mute an admin. Use it at your own risk", so you can't use it as an excuse for getting unbanned.
    *Thanks, @Lavaguy678 i didnt know that :thumbs_up:. We learn something new every day
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2016
    Blue_Tiger, Magmus and Osmal like this.
  3. Darknighte9

    Darknighte9 Haxor Staff Alumni
    1. KAG Competitive League

    Considering there have already been numerous instances where vote kicks were abused when admins were not present, I don't think it makes sense to add yet another feature that has the potential for abuse by players.

    Admins are supposed to enforce official server rules, not the player enforcing what the admin is doing. I'm not saying there haven't been instances of misconduct but without an actual chat log from the alleged match you are mentioning you're basically saying "two unnamed persons started acting aggressively while some unnamed admin encouraged them".
  4. bru-jaz

    bru-jaz Haxor

    Not that night, m8. Enjoy:
    [01:09:55] * Scrambling the teams...
    [01:09:55] Lefty (L3fty) has joined Red Team
    [01:09:55] [T4R] NastyCamper (NastyCamper) has joined Red Team
    [01:09:55] JakeBunyan (JakeBluroe) has joined Red Team
    [01:09:55] [ª] Starbob95 (Starbob95) has joined Red Team
    [01:09:55] paulone has joined Blue Team
    [01:09:55] pUnk (PUNK123) has joined Blue Team
    [01:09:55] DetectiveColumbo (DarkHelmutt) has joined Blue Team
    [01:09:55] Chronomad has joined Blue Team
    [01:09:55] * Switching put_sagat_in_tf2 back to spectator - teams unbalanced
    [01:09:57] JakeBluroe left the game
    [01:09:58] paulone left the game
    [01:10:00] omgsupxd left the game
    [01:10:02] okarowarrior has joined Red Team
    [01:10:03] NastyCamper left the game
    [01:10:04] put_sagat_in_tf2 has joined Blue Team
    [01:10:04] <[ª] Starbob95> 4 spectators
    [01:10:06] <[ª] Starbob95> 2
    [01:10:16] <okarowarrior> This map is shit. 3 flags is way too long
    [01:10:16] <Righty> tfw he comes back after the match
    [01:10:17] <JazUno> ya me uno
    [01:10:17] Clev (The_Clev) is now spectating
    [01:10:19] <Righty> saltquit
    [01:10:19] <okarowarrior> could we skip?
    [01:10:25] <Righty> everyone spectate
    [01:10:26] <2.0 Clev> EVERYONE SPECTATE
    [01:10:27] Righty (DatNob) is now spectating
    [01:10:29] [ª] Starbob95 (Starbob95) is now spectating
    [01:10:31] pUnk (PUNK123) is now spectating
    [01:10:35] <2.0 Clev> CMON LEFTY
    [01:10:36] <MVP pUnk> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:10:38] <Righty> now
    [01:10:40] <[ª] Starbob95> specation entensifies
    [01:10:42] <Righty> we judge and shit on everyone
    [01:10:45] <Righty> for every mistake
    [01:10:47] <[ª] Starbob95> Yep
    [01:10:52] Gh0st (Gh0st0) is now spectating
    [01:10:56] <[ª] Starbob95> WAY tOFUCKIng gOCHRONO
    [01:10:57] <2.0 Clev> Ah derpy you cant make that jump
    [01:10:58] <[ª] Starbob95> WAY
    [01:10:58] <2.0 Clev> you suck
    [01:10:58] <[ª] Starbob95> TO
    [01:10:59] <[ª] Starbob95> GO
    [01:11:02] <[ª] Starbob95> YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE
    [01:11:05] L3fty left the game
    [01:11:06] <[ª] Starbob95> YTAKING ALLTHE GOLDFORURSELF
    [01:11:09] <Righty> nice tunnel placement
    [01:11:11] <Righty> you fucking nerd
    [01:11:16] <Righty> NICE THROW
    [01:11:18] <2.0 Clev> Whatd that chicken do to you
    [01:11:28] <Righty> THAT'S SOME GOOD WOODEN DEFENSE
    [01:11:28] <[ª] Starbob95> YEAH
    [01:11:30] <derpysquirrel64 | tr> * lel evry 1 left *
    [01:11:30] <[ª] Starbob95> DUMBASS
    [01:11:32] <2.0 Clev> YOU CALl ThAT DEFENSE BLUE?
    [01:11:32] <okarowarrior> * i dont like this map *
    [01:11:33] <Righty> FIRE DOESNT EXIST IN KAG RIGHT
    [01:11:38] <okarowarrior> * is too long *
    [01:11:39] <Righty> OH WAIT IT DOES AND YOU'RE FUCKING BAD
    [01:11:45] <[ª] Starbob95> YEAH
    [01:11:47] <[ª] Starbob95> FUCKING
    [01:11:51] <[ª] Starbob95> CXMU
    [01:11:51] Gh0st (Gh0st0) has joined Red Team
    [01:11:53] <[ª] Starbob95> MINING DIRT
    [01:11:55] <derpysquirrel64 | tr> damn da chat it salty
    [01:11:56] <[ª] Starbob95> THERES BACKWALL
    [01:11:57] <MVP pUnk> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:12:00] JazUno has joined Red Team
    [01:12:01] <Righty> NICE FUCKING TRAP
    [01:12:02] <[ª] Starbob95> YOURENOTACCOMPLISHING SHIT
    [01:12:06] <[ª] Starbob95> WOW
    [01:12:07] <2.0 Clev> FUCKING SHIT TRAP
    [01:12:11] <[ª] Starbob95> NOWAY TOGET INTOTHE BLUE FLAGS
    [01:12:18] <[ª] Starbob95> YOU FUCKING IDIOTS
    [01:12:22] <Righty> WOW
    [01:12:23] <[ª] Starbob95> HOW R U GONNA CAPNOW?
    [01:12:24] <Righty> LOOK AT THAT
    [01:12:28] <okarowarrior> shut up you spectator fags
    [01:12:29] <Righty> STUCK IN HIS OWN FUCKING DEFENSE
    [01:12:31] <okarowarrior> use the team chat
    [01:12:34] <[ª] Starbob95> WOW
    [01:12:35] <Righty> NO DOORS
    [01:12:35] <[ª] Starbob95> USE TEAMCHAT
    [01:12:37] <2.0 Clev> WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?
    [01:12:37] <[ª] Starbob95> WHAT KIND OF
    [01:12:38] <[ª] Starbob95> FUCKER
    [01:12:40] <[ª] Starbob95> AREYOU
    [01:12:40] <Righty> MFW
    [01:12:52] <okarowarrior> and turn caps off
    [01:12:53] <[ª] Starbob95> WOW CHRONO
    [01:12:54] <2.0 Clev> DONT CALL ME A FAG KID ILL SKILLFUCK YOU
    [01:12:58] <[ª] Starbob95> ALLWOOD
    [01:12:59] <[ª] Starbob95> WAT
    [01:12:59] <Righty> TURN YOUR CAPS ON YOU FUCKING NERD
    [01:13:00] <[ª] Starbob95> A
    [01:13:01] <[ª] Starbob95> FUKBOI
    [01:13:03] <Righty> STOP WHISPERING FAGGOT
    [01:13:08] <MVP pUnk> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:13:09] <[ª] Starbob95> "TURN CAPS OFF" MY ASS
    [01:13:12] <2.0 Clev> WE CANT HEAR YOU BITCH
    [01:13:14] <Righty> NICE FUCKING BOMB
    [01:13:14] <[ª] Starbob95> IMHARD OFHEARING
    [01:13:20] <2.0 Clev> IM JUST HARD
    [01:13:24] <Righty> WHAT A GOOD WOODEN TOWER
    [01:13:24] <[ª] Starbob95> IM BOTH
    [01:13:28] <Righty> IF YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT
    [01:13:28] <[ª] Starbob95> SAME
    [01:13:29] <2.0 Clev> ^^^^
    [01:13:31] <[ª] Starbob95> WOWPUNK
    [01:13:33] <[ª] Starbob95> WERE LIKE
    [01:13:34] <[ª] Starbob95> TWINNING
    [01:13:35] <okarowarrior> i think someone hadnt much sex lately
    [01:13:36] <2.0 Clev> GAY*
    [01:13:38] <[ª] Starbob95> INEVEr USE CAPS LOCK
    [01:13:39] <derpysquirrel64 | tr> the cock of war is ready
    [01:13:43] <Righty> HADNT MUCH SEX
    [01:13:43] <[ª] Starbob95> I ONLY EVER USE SIHFT
    [01:13:47] <2.0 Clev> YEAH MY COCK IS READY
    [01:13:51] <[ª] Starbob95> ALRIGHT
    [01:13:52] <2.0 Clev> TO SKLLFUCK OKAROW
    [01:13:52] <Righty> I
    [01:13:57] <Righty> SKILLFUCK
    [01:13:58] <[ª] Starbob95> LETSYELLOUT SEXY GORANS TOBOTH TEAMS
    [01:14:02] <[ª] Starbob95> MMMMMMMMMMM
    [01:14:02] <Righty> GORANS
    [01:14:03] <[ª] Starbob95> OHNOB
    [01:14:04] <[ª] Starbob95> WHAT
    [01:14:04] <[ª] Starbob95> A
    [01:14:05] <[ª] Starbob95> BIG
    [01:14:06] <Righty> GORANS
    [01:14:07] <2.0 Clev> F
    [01:14:07] <[ª] Starbob95> FUCKING
    [01:14:07] <2.0 Clev> U
    [01:14:07] <[ª] Starbob95> COCK
    [01:14:08] <MVP pUnk> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:14:08] <2.0 Clev> C
    [01:14:09] <2.0 Clev> J
    [01:14:13] <[ª] Starbob95> HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhNG
    [01:14:17] <Righty> nice fucking GRAPPLE NERD
    [01:14:18] <2.0 Clev> WHATS THAT SPELL?
    [01:14:18] <XxdragonedgexX> what the fuck is everyone doing in spec modo
    [01:14:19] <[ª] Starbob95> ILOVE THEBIG COCK
    [01:14:20] <2.0 Clev> FUCJ
    [01:14:22] <2.0 Clev> FUCJ
    [01:14:23] <[ª] Starbob95> HEY DRAGON
    [01:14:23] <2.0 Clev> FUCJ
    [01:14:25] <Righty> gorans
    [01:14:33] <2.0 Clev> NIGHT FAGGOTS
    [01:14:34] <[ª] Starbob95> AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
    [01:14:37] <[ª] Starbob95> NICE ONECHRONO
    [01:14:39] <JazUno> ñi
    [01:14:41] <[ª] Starbob95> 3BOMBS FORONEPERSON
    [01:14:44] <[ª] Starbob95> WAY TOGOFUCKO
    [01:14:45] Clev (The_Clev) has joined Blue Team
    [01:14:46] <okarowarrior> shut up bitches
    [01:14:47] <Righty> NICE BOMBING CHRONOBAD
    [01:14:50] <[ª] Starbob95> WOW CLEV
    [01:14:52] <[ª] Starbob95> ON BLUENOW
    [01:14:52] Clev (The_Clev) has joined Red Team
    [01:14:52] <okarowarrior> just keep that shit for you
    [01:14:53] <[ª] Starbob95> WAY
    [01:14:53] <[ª] Starbob95> TO
    [01:14:54] * Balancing derpysquirrel to Blue Team
    [01:14:54] derpysquirrel64 | tr (derpysquirrel) has joined Blue Team
    [01:14:55] <[ª] Starbob95> FUCKING
    [01:14:56] <[ª] Starbob95> GO
    [01:15:01] <Righty> OKARO CAN YOU SPEAK UP
    [01:15:06] <[ª] Starbob95> ^
    [01:15:08] <[ª] Starbob95> WE CANT
    [01:15:09] <[ª] Starbob95> HEAR U
    [01:15:13] <[ª] Starbob95> YFW
    [01:15:14] <[ª] Starbob95> MFW
    [01:15:16] <[ª] Starbob95> YFW
    [01:15:17] <[ª] Starbob95> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:15:20] <MVP pUnk> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:15:26] Blue Team's flag has been picked up by JazUno!
    [01:15:28] <derpysquirrel64 | tr> i got switched
    [01:15:30] <2.0 Clev> AND GOODNIGHT
    [01:15:30] <Righty> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:15:40] <2.0 Clev> LOVE YOU TOO PUNK
    [01:15:41] put_sagat_in_tf2 left the game
    [01:15:42] Blue Team's flag has been captured by JazUno!
    [01:15:42] put_sagat_in_tf2 connected
    [01:15:43] put_sagat_in_tf2 has joined Blue Team
    [01:15:46] jeanvaljeanjean connected
    [01:15:48] jeanvaljeanjean has joined Red Team
    [01:16:20] <MVP pUnk> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:16:21] <2.0 Clev> I KNOW
    [01:16:22] <[ª] Starbob95> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:16:31] <2.0 Clev> YOU CHRONOMAD?
    [01:16:40] <Righty> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:16:40] <okarowarrior> fguckj you too shut up cunt
    [01:16:43] <okarowarrior> way to spam
    [01:16:51] Atsuiai connected as PhDashing!
    [01:16:52] PhDashing! (Atsuiai) has joined Blue Team
    [01:16:53] <okarowarrior> ive never chat ignored an admin but you are it
    [01:16:55] <jeanvaljeanjean> fuck all ?
    [01:17:08] Yeti5000707 connected
    [01:17:10] Yeti5000707 has joined Red Team
    [01:17:23] <[ª] Starbob95> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:17:32] MagicFish connected
    [01:17:33] MagicFish has joined Blue Team
    [01:17:38] <MVP pUnk> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:17:40] <2.0 Clev> I CANT FUCKING STOP LAUGHING AT CHAT
    [01:17:41] <Righty> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:18:05] <2.0 Clev> LOL
    [01:18:11] Yeti5000707 left the game
    [01:18:13] <derpysquirrel64 | tr> heheh how u like da taste of shark
    [01:18:15] DarkHelmutt left the game
    [01:18:21] cjhey11 connected
    [01:18:22] Red Team's flag has been picked up by put_sagat_in_tf2!
    [01:18:24] cjhey11 has joined Red Team
    [01:18:24] <[ª] Starbob95> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:18:24] jeanvaljeanjean left the game
    [01:18:39] <2.0 Clev> LEL
    [01:18:42] <MVP pUnk> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:18:42] <Righty> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:19:18] efranx connected
    [01:19:20] efranx has joined Red Team
    [01:19:29] <[ª] Starbob95> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:19:30] <2.0 Clev> THAT SHARK THO
    [01:19:41] Red Team's flag has been captured by put_sagat_in_tf2!
    [01:19:42] <derpysquirrel64 | tr> shark is vp
    [01:19:47] <MVP pUnk> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:19:47] <derpysquirrel64 | tr> shark is mvp
    [01:19:51] carlosatscg connected
    [01:19:53] <Righty> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:19:53] carlosatscg has joined Blue Team
    [01:19:55] <PhDashing!> shark mvp
    [01:20:15] MasterCri connected
    [01:20:17] MasterCri has joined Red Team
    [01:20:37] Red Team's flag has been picked up by put_sagat_in_tf2!
    [01:20:45] <[ª] Starbob95> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:20:50] noobnonin connected as Vladímir Ilich Uli?
    [01:20:50] Red Team's flag has been returned!
    [01:20:51] Vladímir Ilich Uli? (noobnonin) has joined Blue Team
    [01:20:53] <Righty> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:21:00] pUnk (PUNK123) has joined Blue Team
    [01:21:02] <MVP pUnk> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:21:13] derpysquirrel left the game
    [01:21:18] Righty (DatNob) has joined Blue Team
    [01:21:27] Blue Team's flag has been picked up by JazUno!
    [01:21:30] Red Team's flag has been picked up by put_sagat_in_tf2!
    [01:21:39] [ª] Starbob95 (Starbob95) has joined Red Team
    [01:21:46] <[ª] Starbob95> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:21:47] Blue Team's flag has been picked up by The_Clev!
    [01:21:50] Niyado connected as White
    [01:21:51] White (Niyado) has joined Red Team
    [01:21:56] <2.0 Clev> GG FAGGOTS
    [01:22:15] Blue Team's flag has been captured by The_Clev!
    [01:22:16] <Chronomad> the lack of team
    [01:22:19] Blue Team's flag has been captured by JazUno!
    [01:22:21] <JazUno> GG
    [01:22:21] <Chronomad> apalling
    [01:22:31] * Scrambling the teams...
    [01:22:31] okarowarrior has joined Blue Team
    [01:22:31] [ª] Starbob95 (Starbob95) has joined Blue Team
    [01:22:31] Righty (DatNob) has joined Red Team
    [01:22:31] BarbaricEric (eric_r_stjean) has joined Blue Team
    [01:22:31] Gh0st (Gh0st0) has joined Blue Team
    [01:22:31] JazUno has joined Blue Team
    [01:22:31] pUnk (PUNK123) has joined Red Team
    [01:22:31] put_sagat_in_tf2 has joined Red Team
    [01:22:31] PhDashing! (Atsuiai) has joined Red Team
    [01:22:31] carlosatscg has joined Red Team
    [01:22:32] <FoD:~ BarbaricEric> gg
    [01:22:36] Chronomad left the game
    [01:22:38] <FoD:~ BarbaricEric> you are welcome.
    [01:22:40] <2.0 Clev> NIGHT LOSERS
    [01:22:46] The_Clev left the game
    [01:22:50] <Mr.White> griefer
    [01:22:53] <Righty> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:22:55] vaeroth connected as Vaeroth
    [01:22:56] Vaeroth (vaeroth) has joined Blue Team
    [01:22:57] <okarowarrior> the youngest admin ive never seen
    [01:22:57] [ª] Starbob95 (Starbob95) is now spectating
    [01:23:04] <[ª] Starbob95> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:23:07] cjhey11 has joined Blue Team
    [01:23:12] [ª] Starbob95 (Starbob95) has joined Red Team
    [01:23:33] <Mr.White> kick him
    [01:23:43] <okarowarrior> * ader please *
    [01:23:45] <okarowarrior> * ladder please *
    [01:23:47] <okarowarrior> * i have no mat *
    [01:23:49] --- Vote "Kick DatNob?" was started by put_sagat_in_tf2. Reason: Griefer ---
    [01:23:55] <Righty> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:24:18] --- Vote passed: 4 vs 3 ---
    [01:24:18] Votekick passed! DatNob will be kicked out.
    [01:24:19] DatNob left the game
    [01:24:21] <Mr.White> kick the idiot
    [01:24:21] <[ª] Starbob95> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:24:40] <okarowarrior> * wen match starts . please rush to the middle! *
    [01:24:41] gonchon connected
    [01:24:41] gonchon has joined Red Team
    [01:24:46] <Mr.White> who is the griefer?
    [01:24:50] <put_sagat_in_tf2> mvp punk
    [01:24:50] <MVP pUnk> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:24:53] <Vladímir Ilich Uli?> ok
    [01:24:57] <nose cjhey11> will do
    [01:25:00] Promoted connected
    [01:25:02] Promoted has joined Blue Team
    [01:25:05] <MasterCri> MV is griefer
    [01:25:19] <put_sagat_in_tf2> someone start a fucking vote
    [01:25:25] <okarowarrior> * wen match starts . please rush to the middle! *
    [01:25:26] <okarowarrior> * RUSH *
    [01:25:32] <carlosatscg> How?
    [01:25:43] <put_sagat_in_tf2> the menu
    [01:25:51] <put_sagat_in_tf2> hit escape
    [01:25:59] <gonchon> holy fuck this lag
    [01:26:05] <Promoted> that idoitic arhcer
    [01:26:14] <Promoted> mastercri -_-
    [01:26:17] <Promoted> no skill
    [01:26:21] <okarowarrior> * laders *
    [01:26:24] <okarowarrior> * need ubisdlers in middle *
    [01:26:26] <okarowarrior> * just jumo *
    [01:26:29] <okarowarrior> * jump *
    [01:26:31] <okarowarrior> * and make ladders *
    [01:26:50] <[ª] Starbob95> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:26:58] <Vaeroth> * wow *
    [01:26:59] <FoD:~ BarbaricEric> honestly
    [01:27:03] <okarowarrior> FUCKING COME HERE
    [01:27:11] <okarowarrior> * COME IDIOTS *
    [01:27:13] <FoD:~ BarbaricEric> who thought that the autism pit was a good idea
    [01:27:43] <Mr.White> wat
    [01:27:52] <MVP pUnk> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:28:00] <[ª] Starbob95> [You have ignored this player]
    [01:28:04] --- Vote "Kick Starbob95?" was started by PUNK123. Reason: Griefer ---
    [01:28:32] <okarowarrior> * LAUNCH ME *
    [01:28:34] --- Vote passed: 4 vs 3 ---
    [01:28:34] Votekick passed! Starbob95 will be kicked out.
    [01:28:34] Starbob95 left the game
    [01:28:37] PUNK123 left the game

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    Last edited: Mar 22, 2016
  5. Lava

    Lava Former Lag King Staff Alumni Donator Tester

    you can with page up and page down
    Blue_Tiger and bru-jaz like this.
  6. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator

    It's a less severe abuse at the end of the day. I would rather be falsely muted than be falsely kicked from a game. This idea is more for TDM servers where official admins seem to be almost non-existant. Yeah i've seen them sometimes but unlike CTF it isn't an almost constant. And again if it turns out to be a bad idea it's not like it's something that can't be fixed. Just look at the permeable trap blocks addition, people hated it so it was reverted rather quickly. Just do the same thing here, if it does more good than harm then keep it, if it does more harm than good then trash it. =D
    bru-jaz likes this.
Mods: Rainbows