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Forum Deleted thread?

Discussion in 'Forum, wiki and other THD pages' started by bru-jaz, Apr 18, 2016.

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Mods: dnmr, Kazaco97
  1. bru-jaz

    bru-jaz Haxor

    Hi. I want to read again that crappy post someone made a couple of days ago about "stop foreigners ..."
    But ive found it was deleted. What happened? did the user deleted his own account and then the forum automatically remove all the content he made or some mod consider necessary to completely remove the thread even after it was locked?
    I just want to use it as a reference in the "foreign" forum to talk about something but now i can't. No flamewar intended.
  2. It was fairly racist... maybe a mod removed it.
  3. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    I moved it to the archives because as butterscotch already said, it was nothing but racism.
  4. bru-jaz

    bru-jaz Haxor

    ehem. .. huh . we.. huh .. what?! ...
    To clarify , i want to mention the post in one thread i plan to make in the southamerican forum, to encourage the community to make our own server, but first i must see if there's enough people to make it reliable. Having said that, i must add:
    1) Locking a politically incorrect thread but leaving it visible may be useful either for ovjective reference as i want or for showing any user that is thinking writing something simimilar that is a bad idea.
    2) It wasn't a big deal. Really. Locking was fairly enough for making clear the forum moral and your power. It wasnt a thread about , let's say.. PORN or something that is a visual taboo that could be mandatory to hide.
    3) As far as ive managed to read (perhaps there was actual racist comments, but again, i cant know) there wasnt anything like "beaner" or an actual ethnic insult (I dont even know if there's an insult for spanish ppl in english).
    All the guy said was intolerant and in a way xenophobic, yes. But at least for now, since i cant review the thread i found more insulting you labeling what that fool said as racism than his idea. The guy called all spanish-speaking people stupid or something as childish as that, while moaning about there're a lot of non-english speaker players in the US servers. That's no racism, it's just idiocy. So, when you call that statement racist while trying to be in an upper moral, you are implying that all the spanish-speaking people, as heterogeneous as we are (~500millon), are a race.
    Let me apology if i was virulent, but it really displeases me when I see artificial ethics.
    bunnie, jimster6000, PinXviiN and 2 others like this.
  5. toffie0

    toffie0 is sweeter than you <3 Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    I have moved the thread to the forum / wiki / other webpages section due to it not being about specifically the game and more about a thread on the forums. Even if the thread mentioned is about the game, this specifically refers to more the forum side then in game discussion.

    I was tempted to lock this as it seems as it will result in a fight if not already, and mention taking it to a convo or provide someone to contact about this. So bare in mind to steer away from the fight aspect...
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2016
  6. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    I'm not going to discuss ethics, morality or ethnic definitions with you - and I don't move threads to "display my power" either (I moved it because locked threads do nothing but clutter up the forums, if you really have to know). I have a red nick to do that for me.
    You can discuss the need for a server without having to point to a thread which will make readers of the targeted group think they're not wanted on any other server. Now, whether it was racist or just simply xenophobic can be debated, however it was clearly discriminating an entire group of people. If I would have let it stay in public who knows who would've come along and responded to that in a new thread? I appreciate you caring about the Southamerican community and bringing this up, but as I said, you don't need to point to thread XYZ to get people to tell you whether or not they want a domestic server. If you need to motivate them by showing them a thread that'll make them, I don't know, angry or something, and then force a split in the community, then that's just a bad idea.

    P.S.: It didn't matter if it had been porn or the xenophobic post it was, I would've moved both of those because they are against the rules. Period.
    Magmus and Kazaco97 like this.
  7. toothgrinderx

    toothgrinderx Ballista Bolt Thrower Staff Alumni Tester Official Server Admin

    10/10 playing on a Spanish server with my broke ass EspaƱol would give me many keks.

    bru-jaz and _Cuffs_ like this.
  8. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

Mods: dnmr, Kazaco97
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