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Windows My Friend's Downloading problem

Discussion in 'Help' started by ZN_IrriNinja, Apr 2, 2016.

Mods: makmoud98, Mazey
  1. ZN_IrriNinja

    ZN_IrriNinja Builder Stabber

    My friend downloaded one of my head mods, and he said that my new heads were invisible but the normal KAG heads were visible.

    What is the problem? The file is still named heads.
  2. Show Pictures.
  3. toffie0

    toffie0 is sweeter than you <3 Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    I think there is two head Sprite sheets. Your friend may have the wrong one... (Trying to remember where the one you need is locates but cannot remember, and considering I'm on iPad at 2am.. :/ )

    It's somewhere in the base... Probably doesn't help much, sorry, I'll find the correct folder in the morning if your still having troubles.


    Alright, the correct folder is found:

    (wherever your kag folders located) > Base > Entities > Characters > Sprites

    then edit / copy and past + replace the existing one. Although I highly recommend you create a backup of your heads.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2016
    DragonUnitedtm likes this.
  4. ZN_IrriNinja

    ZN_IrriNinja Builder Stabber

    My friend dosen't have anything to show evidence
  5. Nicuwins

    Nicuwins Haxor

    that happend when i try to Change the heads. I have to deleted and download it again.

    Attached Files:

  6. kaizokuroof

    kaizokuroof Agkubuk|'Kaizokuroof' Cilobakil, Roofpointy Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Run the forceupdate.bat if on windows. Or delete App/version.txt and launch the game again. Probably just doesn't have the texture. You can post your KAG/Logs/console%date%.txt and we can look as well.

    DragonUnitedtm likes this.
  7. Nicuwins

    Nicuwins Haxor

    I made a mistake: i forgot to rename the old head.png in head1.png xD
    DragonUnitedtm likes this.
Mods: makmoud98, Mazey