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Story Goodnight, Sweet Prince...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DarkDragonBoy, Apr 26, 2016.

  1. DarkDragonBoy

    DarkDragonBoy Haxor

    I think we can all agree on King Arthur's Gold Classic being mostly dead now. This game was as it was in the title, a classic. Anyone remember the good old KAG days where the community were full of such nice people and those amazing builders that used to play (Ikea, I still remember you my love <3). I used to be so god damn exited to come home after a boring, terrible day of school to play with some really good old friends here. I even got people from my college to become addicted to this shit :D. I even remember the people who first helped me understand the game and it's concepts in addition to playing with a clan or being forum active. Clans used to be far more exiting than sitting waiting for a clan war to happen in the next week, clans used to get recognised for their skilled players and leaders that could even make the most outweighed fight in their own way.

    Now all it has reduced to is a few (mostly) interesting people who you could just talk to instead of playing the actual game. I know many people do not know who I am, but I've been around for years trying to boost my reputation and create friendships. I wish Beta would have been more like Classic but clearly the company wanted to be known for more fast paced games.

    I hope most of you can relate to this and thank you for all your great friendships throughout the years. It has been an amazing experience but of course the best of things never last...
    I was playing for a while today. Many, many rude raging and inconsiderate people at first. But then a lot of the old fags came on and I had some good fun.

    Anyway, this is probably the last time i will play this game, Goodbye sweet Prince :D
  2. _Cuffs_

    _Cuffs_ Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Your description of the "classic experience" is spot on but, I disagree with your decision to quit KAG. While release KAG is different then classic the expirence is still the same. The game while having more fast paced combat still plays very much like classic. Many matches devolve into massive battles in between to huge sprawling towers. There is still the perpetual fued between knights and archers. There is still the silly buggy experiences, the rivalries, the ragers, and the epic plays. Every class is just as powerful as they were in classic. Knights are still a close range powerhouse. Archers can still provide that powerful support. And builders are stronger then ever being equipped with an ever greater arsenal. The game play has slightly changed but the expirience is very much the same.

    This is all coming from someone who despised KAG release when it was in beta. I barely touched it. But when I gave it another shot, much more recently, I realized that it isn't all that different from classic and it's defently just as fun.

    Maybe give it a shot maybe don't. Good luck.
    bunnie likes this.
  3. makmoud98

    makmoud98 You are already DEAD Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    maybe you should play release. there are lots of fun mods to play on release as well. do you have a copy?
    bunnie and _Cuffs_ like this.
  4. eric999

    eric999 Haxor

    Personally, Classic is the only version that exists for me. I didn't get used to Beta, and I probably never will. Classic is .... well, classic.
    Froghead48, jcjc012 and lisedupuis111 like this.
  5. makmoud98

    makmoud98 You are already DEAD Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    you're missing out bud. why dont you give it another try?
    bunnie and EhRa like this.
  6. DarkDragonBoy

    DarkDragonBoy Haxor

    Hi Everyone!

    I've given much thought into why Beta is not the same as Classic, and everyone who owns both will know them. Yes I have Beta and I loved the initial release as it was a breeze of fresh air to the scene. I just dont find it too enjoyable now-a-days as i think it might be "too" hectic? Now I'm not saying this game is terrible it has its ups and downs, what i find fun isn't what everyone else enjoys and vice versa. I dont think i will completely quit KAG as i do tend to jump on classic once in a while or go on Beta to just get destroyed :P. I must agree with Eric though, Beta is not for me and KAG classic will always live on in my heart.
  7. 8x

    8x Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Realité Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Those that played classic massively will hardly get used to Release (i won't call it beta), thus the belief of Release is a bad game, "I don't get it, too many features, noobs kill me, knight combat is bad etc". Being objective, Release is a more refined piece of software.
    In my case, I played alpha since late 2011 and It really took me around a year to make the transition to Release (it was not until I dedicated plenty of time and effort to play the game as it was supposed to be played, when I was recording clips for my fan-made trailer competition entry).
    Thing is in alpha (fuck i won't call it Classic) we all were pals, more or less mature, and the game was crappy and free. In my opinion since it went into Steam the age average decreased notoriously ( hand by hand with sells increase prolly), and with it the dedication of the players started to decay. On alpha we were discovering a game, checking forums for trap ideas etc. In release we have these cool features and funny things, but that strange spirit of alpha died.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2016
    Rayne and Elf like this.
  8. Elf

    Elf Bison Rider
    1. A Special Forces [SF#]

    @DarkDragonBoy we'll miss you bud. Didn't play with you too many times, but it's sad to see you go
  9. kaizokuroof

    kaizokuroof Agkubuk|'Kaizokuroof' Cilobakil, Roofpointy Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    I really love Classic, it has a place in my heart and always will, however, the Release version of KAG is also great. So much modding potential, so much so that the game will and can thrive for years to come. I don't play the standard gametypes in release, I feel like TDM is shitty in comparison to RTDM and that all the new features really do make it more hectic and in my opinion, this is something I don't enjoy. That said, I love it for modding. The new gametypes created like Shiprekt and Hold the crown as awesome, as well as the various class mods and graphics overhauls, it's vastly superior to Classic in that regard.

    Individual skill in classic, as well as ping really had a huge impact on teams, which I really enjoyed, as well as builders being so offensive. The game was simple and satisfying, as well as free which appeals to me in many ways. Parkour was also really cool and is 10 X better than wall running (which is still cool I might add)

    I felt sad for the Australian/Asia community and decided to up an RTDM server (just yesterday). I had CTF running a while back, but got no love, so hopefully this will continue the classic community, as I personally would hate to see it die (hit me up for some matches).
    If anyone from other countries wants a server, I'd be happy to manage them for you, but I'm not up for the costs involved for hosting a server overseas. Just drop me a PM for discussions if that's something you'd be interested in. We could have a donations pool and some competitions and shit to keep the scene alive.
    eric999, Porti and master4523 like this.
  10. Slann

    Slann Base Burner

    Is this the annual "KAG is dead" thread? I've been out for some months, recently came to play some matches and the community has shrunk a lot to be fair. But there is still some life. I wish there were more servers, maps, and whatnot.
    Psiklaw likes this.
  11. Psiklaw

    Psiklaw Bison Rider

    Yeah as a player who started playing in 2014 I can relate to the feelings you are portraying in the OP but to be honest I'm personally tired of this classic nostalgia threads. I get what you mean; if I get what you mean, I'm sure other classic players will get it. Do try the release version because it is good. Do not keep reminding yourself of the "good old days" because thats just fucked. There is a true experience similar to what you are saying waiting for any player in beta (as I didn't play classic and still feel the same things towards release version). If you don't wanna try it then stop complaining because the past is not coming back.

    I have the feeling that if one day I start playing kag classic it will be a massive emo fest with people crying about how the game is dead and their friends are gone... I respect the decision to not get into beta but its just cringey to keep joining classic, it's just a game lol
  12. kaizokuroof

    kaizokuroof Agkubuk|'Kaizokuroof' Cilobakil, Roofpointy Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Speak for your demographic. There are literally 0 players from Oceanic/Asia region and while I respect that I can go play on EU server with 350 + ping, that's really not quite playing, if you feel me, not to mention, during my prime time most EU players are sleeping. Pretty much the same goes for USA.

    Enough said.
    EhRa likes this.
  13. eric999

    eric999 Haxor

    Well, guess I'm on my own in classic.
  14. JimDeBrink

    JimDeBrink Shopkeep Stealer

    I just came back after 3 years not playing, how many active people do still play?
  15. DarkDragonBoy

    DarkDragonBoy Haxor

    For a player that started in 2014, I do not think you can relate to my thread as much as others would. I've played for around 7 years now. Saying you are tired of classic nostalgia threads just prove how little you cared about KAG classic (Once again despite only playing for about two years). If you are "Sick" of it why bother making a response? This was only meant to apply for those "Hardcore" classic players.
    But don't cry bby, maybe you will find a thread for you elsewhere :D
    Elf and Psiklaw like this.
  16. Psiklaw

    Psiklaw Bison Rider

    The facts that I can't relate to classic nostalgia or that I care little about classic are separated from my ableness to post wherever I like, as long as I respect people and abide the norms. Also you are the ones crying thread after thread about this, I just stated my opinion, but I'm sorry if I offended any of you, it was not on purpose tbh
  17. BearKnight

    BearKnight Shark Slayer
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    i remember back when i was a young knight, before we made all these fancy things such as ballistae...

    one of the many games i had on kag classic went something like this:
    >whole team goes knight, with a few builders

    >knights find a wall

    >shield tower, climb over the wall

    >knights find water

    >surf across

    >knights find even bigger wall

    >bomb jump over

    mostly used to be a force of about 20 knights, with enough determination and a good attitude we could get past almost any obstacle unhindered
    best part of classic had to be making towers of knights and using them as a ladder haha
  18. lisedupuis111

    lisedupuis111 Haxor

    come back to classic, theres still some old ^players and we will be happy to get another one
  19. DarkDragonBoy

    DarkDragonBoy Haxor

    I sometimes come on but will never properly like before.
  20. cesar0

    cesar0 Emperor Donator

    Wait wait wait...you used to have nice people? :eek: