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Mac KAG kag wont start on steam

Discussion in 'Help' started by Xurxes, Mar 16, 2016.

Mods: makmoud98, Mazey
  1. Xurxes

    Xurxes Shipwright

    So, I open the launcher (which works fine), select "windowed" because fullscreen just gets me a black screen. and then when i click play, the game tries to start up and says "precaching files", then eventually it just closes itself
  2. makmoud98

    makmoud98 You are already DEAD Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    If you could get your logs it would be helpful. I'm not sure how to get them on a mac tho... Basically just find the directory kag is installed in and look in the logs folder and find the file with the most recent date
  3. Bint

    Bint Haxor

    User > Library (if you can't see this folder then: Show View Options (rightclick) > tick "Show Library Folder" at the bottom of the window) > Application Support > Steam > SteamApps > Common > KAG > Show Package Contents (rightclick) > Contents > MacOs > Logs (unless you don't have a logs folder in which case create one and crash it again :p)

    edit: I feel like this should be stickied somewhere, forgot how much faff it is
    Theodore433 and makmoud98 like this.
  4. Theodore433

    Theodore433 Arsonist

    Having the same issue here, which is different from the last way the game would crash before this past update (before it would get to the game then crash, now it just precaches then dies).

    Yea, on my mac (and all others I have personally seen) I have never had a Logs folder in the normal location. Having just created one, it is now filling up with .txt files during runtime. Thanks for the suggestion, Bint! I suppose this is a positive development, though I can't figure out what the app is getting hung up on. I will upload a couple of the logs as .txts below. Seems like the same thing is reliably happening each time, which I suppose is good in that it is consistent at the very least...

    UPDATED EDIT: I tried restarting Steam and trying again. It worked! That is, until it got to the end of the loading screen for joining a game, then it crashed, and continues to do so. So now we are back to how it crashed before (after that update around the holidays). Posted below are a brand new couple of logs, showing that it consistently stops at Rules/CommonScripts/UI/UIHooks.as as part of the main gamemode.cfg running. In addition to the files, I have posted the gamemode.cfg and the UIHooks.as that exist in my KAG below. Anyone feel free to let me know if any other files/scripts are needed.

    # config file for game rules
    # rules name: Main
    # rules description:

    teams =

    gamemode_name = Main
    gamemode_info = main menu

    scripts = UIHooks.as;

    no_shadowing = true
    can_show_hover_names = false
    minimap = false
    chat = false

    // include this in gamemode.cfg rules for menus to work
    #include "UI.as"

    void onInit( CRules@ this )
    UI::Init( this );
    getRules().Tag("list mode");

    void onReset( CRules@ this )
    onInit( this );

    void onReload( CRules@ this )
    onReset( this );

    void onTick( CRules@ this )
    CPlayer@ local = getLocalPlayer();
    if (local is null)
    UI::Tick( this );

    void onRender( CRules@ this )
    UI::Render( this );

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2016
  5. kaizokuroof

    kaizokuroof Agkubuk|'Kaizokuroof' Cilobakil, Roofpointy Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    If it's not creating your log folder, it could be a permissions problem. Try running steam as sudo (root) or even just the game, you can run kag

    chmod +x KAG <- just in case your kag executeable is executeable...
    sudo ./KAG

    You could also change file permissions for the folder that it is run from.

    Try verifying your files integrity from steam, by right clicking on kag in steam, properties, local files, verify files. Also failing that, or before that. Try deleting App/version.txt and run a forceupdate.sh or launch the game again. Failing all that, delete KAG completely and redownload and tell us if the issue persists. Your logs don't have anything in them causing errors, that I can see.
    Theodore433 and makmoud98 like this.
  6. Theodore433

    Theodore433 Arsonist

    Kaizokuroof, I think you are right. I followed your suggestions and the results are detailed below. Hopefully they are telling in some manner.

    Here is what I did:
    + I made sure the permissions were normal for the KAG folder (yup, me and everyone has read-and-write). If you meant something more specific / involved let me know and I will try that too.

    + I tried chmod +x [KAG file path here] and I got (what seems to my uneducated self) a really weird response from terminal:
    -chmod: /Users/vivianhector/Library/Application: No such file or directory
    -chmod: Support/Steam/steamapps/common/King: No such file or directory
    -chmod: Arthur's: No such file or directory
    -chmod: Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/KAG: No such file or directory

    [Process completed]

    Did I go about this the right way? I typed chmod +x /Users/vivianhector/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/KAG as a new command, and got the above.
    + Having enabled root user, using the sudo command leads to terminal spitting out the same thing that the chmod +x command gave, i.e. a list of 'no such file or directory'. This must be on my end / me not understanding how this works well enough. I apologize if I butchered your suggestions through poorly executed action.

    + I verified the files from Steam, and they check out fine.
    + I deleted the version.txt and restarted / rebooted / relaunched and no change.
    + I deleted all KAG files from my computer and redownloaded / installed from Steam and no change.

    Going a tad deeper out of curiosity:
    + I verified the permissions on my HD using Disk Utility, and there were a lot of discrepancies. I attempted to repair permissions, but got:
    Warning: SUID file “System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ARDAgent” has been modified and will not be repaired.
    In the midst of a bunch of repairs that seem to not work, and after re-verifying permissions, seem to have not done anything. Hurm. I seem to be stuck with a bunch of wonky permissions that are corrupted somehow, with no way to repair them because of this odd error.

    This is starting to seem a bit serious, though I am not so good at these things, so perhaps it is something simple, like me not running it correctly with the commands you suggested.

    UPDATE EDIT: I just successfully used the sudo command to try to disable the Apple Remote Desktop thing that seems to be giving the disk trouble, so I have no idea why it did not work for the commands above. It must have been related to the way I referenced the executable...? Also, despite disabling ARD, the disk still won't repair permissions...

    Also: Sorry for hijacking the thread. Over a month had passed with no activity, so I figured more data was better than no data.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2016
    kaizokuroof likes this.
  7. kaizokuroof

    kaizokuroof Agkubuk|'Kaizokuroof' Cilobakil, Roofpointy Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Hey bud,

    Naw, you did it fine. Those commands I gave you run on Linux, for the most part they should run on Mac also, but I forgot that the way Mac packages stuff is slightly different, so nope you're all good and you have a firm understanding anyways, so don't beat yourself up!

    You could download the KAG application again. Rather than installing it into "Applications, try putting the KAG application inside of /Users/vivianhector/
    Because you're that user, you should have full permissions to read/write/execute within this directory.

    Once you've got the app inside of your user folder, you can then try running the start script or running the executable from that directory. So you would open terminal then type:

    cd /Users/vivianhector/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/KAG

    Or whatever path you've put the KAG files in. Then run ./KAG and failing that sudo ./KAG

    Maybe also upload your couple recent most attempts of launching the game (console.txt files). I'm not really much of a Mac guy, but I've got one at home I'd be happy to test (in an hour or so and get back to you, if you still have issues).
  8. Theodore433

    Theodore433 Arsonist

    Alright: I redownloaded (from the official KAG site this time, not Steam, mind you) and installed in my user application folder (though I also tried with it simply floating about in my user folder).

    Same as before, it seems to not like the way I reference it, yielding a 'command not found' for the sudo, and a 'No such file or directory' for the cd command, no matter how I write it...

    Again, as before, no Logs folder existed before I made one. Having made one, it stopped working at the exact same line as it did before, with no change in the process so far as I can tell. I posted one of them below just in case.

    On one hand I feel (definitely more of a feel and less of an educated guess) it must be related to my weirdo disk permissions, but on the other, I know that it has responded that way to permission verification / repair for about 3 years. Also, no other application has ever had weird issues like this. My downloads folder has a magical black hole that occasionally eats documents and all memory of said documents (Senior-level Apple folks having looked at it on multiple occasions throughout the computer's life exclaimed 'This is a really cool bug! Probably best not to worry about it though. We have no idea why it is doing this'), so I guess my computer does odd stuff now and then, but this particular issue with KAG is strange in its persistence and specificity.

    Attached Files:

    kaizokuroof likes this.
  9. kaizokuroof

    kaizokuroof Agkubuk|'Kaizokuroof' Cilobakil, Roofpointy Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Try this in terminal:

    cd /Applications/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/

    sudo ./KAG
  10. Theodore433

    Theodore433 Arsonist

    I moved KAG on over to Applications and used the cd command in Terminal as you wrote above exactly. Worked this time as normal, changing the directory.

    Then, I typed sudo ./KAG into Terminal, typed in my password when prompted, as expected, and got nothing but the ol' command not found when I hit return. Should I be getting something in return from it? Do I need to tell it to run KAG after typing the sudo command in? I thought the sudo ran it?

    Looks like this, the orange text being my inputs:
    dyn-184-171-61-197:~ vivianhector$ sudo ./KAG
    Password: [I typed in my password here and hit return]
    sudo: ./KAG: command not found

    It responds the same wherever I put the application. I tried it in my User folder, using the cd command again to change directories, and the sudo command to try to start it, again, coming up with the password as normal, and then telling me it does not exist as a command.

    Thank you so much for your help with this. I apologize if this is time consuming / annoying to dictate and explain.

    Here is some more info about my setup in case you haven't seen my other posts:
    Mid-2009 Macbook Pro
    OSX 10.8.5
    Running in windowed mode (I believe fullscreen has been disabled recently anyway for mac).
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2016
  11. kaizokuroof

    kaizokuroof Agkubuk|'Kaizokuroof' Cilobakil, Roofpointy Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Can you check your account has administration rights? If not, are you able to make a temp account and confirm this is not an issue due to permissions. Running as admin, or an admin account should null any permission issues.

    EDIT: And uh, no worries. I mean I haven't really helped you much yet haha
  12. Theodore433

    Theodore433 Arsonist

    I am an admin, with admin rights, according to my user info (and the only user at that).
Mods: makmoud98, Mazey