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Discussion in 'Other games' started by Yagger, Oct 2, 2014.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. Yagger

    Yagger Kouji's bitch 5eva Staff Alumni Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    the iOS version makes me want to commit seppuku. like 5 songs, then you have to pay for the rest.
    Hawxx likes this.
  2. Hawxx

    Hawxx Haxor

    So I went through some weird osu! gamemode switch, I started with osu! standard quite a while ago, I struggled with 2 star maps lol, started trying to get first rank with mods and ended up quitting (I had no idea what I was doing honestly) Fast forward a year or so I start playing mania, thought 4k was the easiest because too many keys is too confusing; ended up only being able to play 4k and regret that decision because there were hardly any maps for it. Got pretty good at 4k but my skill level was very unstable in a way, I could easily get an S on some 4 star maps but couldn't even pass some 2-3 star maps; basically my pattern knowledge was shit (so was my accuracy lol) I ended up quitting because I didn't enjoy it anymore and my skill started getting gradually worse, after like 3 months I accidentally open osu! (it was on my taskbar) and say "I guess I could give it a shot." Fail like fuck on o!mania and I am so confused on how I could do that shit, I decided mania isn't for me. Started playing some osu! standard again and got a bit better, I would play it for fun even though my mouse would randomly move across the screen a little bit making me break combos or fail, got a different mouse and continued playing except this one would randomly freeze, so I was playing osu! standard on and off for like a month with these shitty problems, I then ragequit osu! standard and delete literally all the 400 beatmaps I had or so for standard; I gave up. I then started taiko! I found it fun and got decent at it, got like 1,000+ pp and played that for a while, then I just got bored. Didn't play for a month and accidentally opened osu! again and then realised I got a new mouse and started playing again, play for a week having fun and that and then try to play an ar8 map, instant fail, I was like "Wow, I hope I can play that one day, looks like fun." Next day put on osu! and I get halfway through an ar8 map, I was so fucking dumbfounded, how could that happen? From there on I kept on playing and now I am here, have like 380pp, still scrub-tier with bad acc and shitty snapping but I enjoy it a lot more. Also recently my accuracy and general play increased because of switching skin, beat some of my highscores, skip forward 2 days and I switch skin again and play even better, I use the Doomsday skin; it's very nice for mouse and keyboard. Plan on getting a tablet one day to see how it is but chances are by that time I'll be good with mouse + kb so yeah. Also congratulations on reading this wall of text, there are probably some spelling and punctuation mistakes so just ignore them lol.
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 26, 2015, Original Post Date: Sep 19, 2015 ---
    Tonight I realized I can read AR9, progress boys! (neglecting AR 7 and 8 will probably be a bad choice so I am going to play them all equally)
    Yagger likes this.
  3. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    Finally got 100% on one of my favorite songs on which I got 99% literally every time. (HD DT HR). Currently ranked ~600, could've gotten way higher probably but I missed the 9000 swing at the end :|

    Attached Files:

    Hawxx likes this.
  4. Hawxx

    Hawxx Haxor

    Very nice, though if you're a beginner I would not touch mods, mods are there for PP farming and learning DT and HR right at the beginning will mess up your reading completely, in other words play nomod until you can play 3-4 stars or so.
    I'm actually gonna try the map, doesn't look that hard. Wish me luck.

    EDIT: Around the fifth try right after the spinner I accidentally got a 1 on that slider, just great.
    EDIT2: Okay this easy map is kinda annoying, guess I'll do HDDTHR the Normal Difficulty (definitely won't get 100%)
    EDIT3: Passed the Normal diff with HDDTHR, a bunch of 100s and one miss lol, an FC probably would have got me more than 1pp but who cares. Might as well attach it too.
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 27, 2015, Original Post Date: Sep 27, 2015 ---
    Couldn't edit my previous post with the attachment so I had to double post, oh well.

    Attached Files:

  5. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    I can play 3/4 stars, but easy maps are too slow, so I HAVE to use mods to make them faster, otherwise I can't hit anything.
  6. Hawxx

    Hawxx Haxor

    Oh I see, I just thought you were more of a beginner because you only had 65pp, how come you never pass them for dem sweet pp?

    EDIT: On another note, I got my tablet boys! Time to try this fucker out.
  7. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    I don't play a lot and I don't have a lot of maps
  8. Hawxx

    Hawxx Haxor



    --- Double Post Merged, Dec 12, 2015, Original Post Date: Oct 7, 2015 ---
    @Yagger, we need to play MP on osu! again soon, we're around the same skill now so it'll be more fun. (technically I'm better but whatever)

    Also, remember how I couldn't do streams for shit? Streams are ez pz now, I just practiced them all the time, same with my acc. ( also I am jealous on how you got a 92pp score :^( )
  9. jimmyzoudcba

    jimmyzoudcba Haxor Tester

    E.T. nightcore insane
  10. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Is it feasible to play this game without tablet?
  11. Yagger

    Yagger Kouji's bitch 5eva Staff Alumni Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]


    I play mouse and keyboard at home (which is WAYYYY more accurate), but my laptop I use my tablet. It's just a little tricky finding a sensitivity at first that you can be accurate, but be real quick with.

    example of pro mouse / keyboard:

    then an example of pro tablet :

    Hawxx likes this.
  12. Hawxx

    Hawxx Haxor


    If you do plan to play with mouse, you have to option to tap with z+x too, if you find clicking too tiring or uncomfortable, another tip is to turn of mouse acceleration on Windows or just turn Raw Input on in-game because if you don't moving the cursor will be very awkward and inconsistent.
  13. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    I haven't used windows in months. Is this game available on linux?
  14. Hawxx

    Hawxx Haxor

    Ahhh, now that's gonna be a bit of a problem, you can get it somewhat working with Linux, I believe at the current version it works fine; though I can't say for sure. Back around 2014 I was using Linux and getting osu! to run on there was a pain and in the end it barely worked, of course you'd have to use Wine since there is no native Linux support, I'd recommend to just leave it if you don't want to waste your time but as I said osu! might work fine now in Wine but back then it didn't at all.
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 29, 2016, Original Post Date: Jan 9, 2016 ---
    Ah, it's been a while since I've posted here.

    I ain't complete scrub tier anymore, this was back when @Yagger was much better than me, now it's the complete opposite LMAO

    2,211pp and still going, I'll come back again when I'm at 3k pp :^)
  15. Yagger

    Yagger Kouji's bitch 5eva Staff Alumni Tester
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Hawxx likes this.
  16. Hawxx

    Hawxx Haxor

    You need to start playing again, also I am actually gonna catch up to @Brindobob soon too lmao

    Only like 400-500pp to go until I overtake him, ez pz :^)
  17. Brindobob

    Brindobob Bison Rider

    Never catching up :wink::X3:
    Hawxx likes this.
  18. Hawxx

    Hawxx Haxor



    @Brindobob confirmed to be a fraud!!! :^)
  19. eric999

    eric999 Haxor

    I feel proud
  20. epsilon

    epsilon Assonist THD Team Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    I'm looking for someone to play osu!mania with. i'm lonely :(
Mods: BlueLuigi