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The TDM arrow trap

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by an_obamanation, Apr 18, 2016.


What do you think about this idea?

This poll will close on Apr 18, 2026 at 6:41 AM.
  1. It's a good idea, I feel like it would make the map better and safer.

  2. I think that arrow trap should just be removed entirely, but your idea at least solves some issues

  3. It's a good idea, but I feel like it could be better.

  4. It's an awful idea, it would encourage greed and teamkilling.

    0 vote(s)
  5. I think that the arrow trap should just be removed entirely.

  6. I don't play TDM so I have no comment.

    0 vote(s)
Mods: Rainbows
  1. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator

    This arrow trap has always been a source of pain for me and other TDM players and I think it's high time it got a bit of gussying up. You know the trap i'm talking about, this one This trap is mainly used for team killing, is very prone to accidents, and can provide nobody who uses it with any kills. I do know why it has neutral arrows, because we don't want people just spamming it for an entire match and decimating the other team right? Well I think the way we solve this is a simple, 1 team arrow, 2 neutral. The team arrow would be in the front while the two neutral ones would be following close behind. I don't know how this could be programmed but I feel like it could be done.

    Basically this idea is that, the team arrow will go through your teammates and not hurt them, but will hurt the enemies and will contribute to the KDR of the person who pressed the button at that time. The two neutral arrows however, will function as they do now, hurting friend and foe alike and contributing to nobody's KDR. This would make teamkilling harder to do, griefers have less power, people can get kills from the trap (giving it more of a point), and it makes the middle of the map much more interesting to fight around in.

    I know some people are gonna say that this would ruin the map even more by encouraging people to spam the trap regardless of whether teammates are in front of it or not, but what is the alternative here? It's a huge trap that people spam regardless of whether teammates are in front of it or not, that kills team members easily, and that people accidentally kill team members with. I feel like this is better, I feel like that the community is good enough to where they would still keep the same mindset about the trap with this change as before the change occurred. Meaning that if teammates are in front of it then they won't use it, if the enemy has 1 health and the teammate has full then they'll risk it, and if they spam it as usual or grief with it, then they'll still do it whether the change happens or not, but at least it's harder to do.

    I personally don't like losing all my health when someone accidentally hits the button, i'd be fine with half of it lost and to have the trap have a more meaningful usage. Otherwise, it just seems like a giant griefers sandbox that does nothing but maybe kill the occasional noob knight or unlucky archer, or team member that trusts you.

    Give me some feedback here, any problems other than the ones I addressed you think could occur? Let me know! => Have a good day.
    EhRa likes this.
  2. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator

    @Galen let me know if this post is redundant or not, I checked through the other ideas and such and saw nothing of this nature so, I feel like it's unique =>
  3. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    To be honest, I like the idea of the arrow trap being fixed, but not in this way.

    I would rather the pressure plate to be in the middle of the map, allowing fighting knights to accidently hurt themselves on it, completely removing the chance of team griefing (but not removing the fact that you can still be tked with it).
  4. Wtf_o-o

    Wtf_o-o Catapult Fodder

    I agree
Mods: Rainbows