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Kermiot (+ his clanmates)

Discussion in 'Reports for Abusive Players/Cheaters' started by BarsukEughen555, Jun 16, 2016.

  1. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    KAG Official TDM EU
    ~ 15:20
    attached (mbh too short?)
    attached 2nd, on the new server w/ those players
    from their eariler behaviour
    20160616123258_1.jpg 20160616123257_1.jpg 20160616123300_1.jpg 20160616123301_1.jpg 20160616123303_1.jpg 20160616123307_1.jpg 20160616123323_1.jpg 20160616123351_1.jpg 20160616122636_1.jpg 20160616122756_1.jpg 20160616122657_1.jpg 20160616122715_1.jpg 20160616122857_1.jpg 20160616122903_1.jpg 20160616123236_1.jpg 20160616123252_1.jpg 20160616123218_1.jpg 20160616122947_1.jpg 20160616123256_1.jpg
    the names (3rd server they have took over, just joined and isntascreenshoted got votekick'd after)
    Taking over server (they were kicking anyone joining), spamming, nacism (idk if that's counted but that's kind of annoying too), behaving like dicks (spamming nonsense like *obama is gay u sux obama *(irl obama))
    attached video, posted in correct thread, as Toffie asked (tried communicating w/ them, they were just answering in russian and were refusing to stop spamming etc)
    the number of complaints on those guys is just insane, and there've been reports on them already, and kermiot got a dayban already. IMHO those guys shall be stopped, as they ruin fun for everyone

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jun 16, 2016
  2. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    CTF US 2
    about 20 minutes ago from original post

    kermiot building swatzikas. I dont feel like the admin did anything near enough punishment needed considering this guy is a well known abusive player. If you ask eu admins i think they would be able to confirm they had issues with this player.
    comments: this person frequently builds swatzikas, you can check his steam page, ask an admin(i know @8x has dealt with him), or w/e.
    [13:32:49] <ETID|toothgrinderx> that
    [13:32:51] <ETID|toothgrinderx> was awful
    [13:33:24] <ETID|toothgrinderx> dude i should just host ctf today
    [13:33:35] <ETID|toothgrinderx> this server being all shitty lately is getting old
    [13:33:40] <ETID|toothgrinderx> and ctf 1 is mia
    [13:33:43] <Maka Brunovsky> lol reed nuub
    [13:33:44] pUnk (PUNK123) is now spectating
    [13:33:52] <PUNK pUnk> * >is the shitters fault *
    [13:34:00] <PUNK pUnk> * >implying the shitters arent the people in charge *
    [13:34:13] <PUNK pUnk> * just yesterday furai was wondering what 3rd mod to host *
    [13:34:20] <PUNK pUnk> * and his pings 8 people for their opinion *
    [13:34:28] <PUNK pUnk> * 1/2 of them havent played kag in 3 months *
    [13:34:31] Aidenfrostz left the game
    [13:34:33] <PUNK pUnk> * the others are inactive as hell *
    [13:34:33] <MOLE Titmau5> wut
    [13:34:43] <PUNK pUnk> * as if their fucking opinion would be useful *
    [13:34:50] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * you care too much *
    [13:34:53] Aidenfrostz connected as Aiden Frostz!
    [13:34:54] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * the forum fags are fags *
    [13:34:55] Aiden Frostz! (Aidenfrostz) has joined Red Team
    [13:34:57] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * let them fag it up *
    [13:35:00] Aidenfrostz left the game
    [13:35:02] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * they do nothing here and have no impact *
    [13:35:05] <PUNK pUnk> * then when i told him why it was stupid he said "why do i need to ping you you are already here" *
    [13:35:07] KaBooM left the game
    [13:35:15] Red Team's flag has been picked up by Titmau5!
    [13:35:17] <PUNK pUnk> * just fucking autistic how he thinks *
    [13:35:36] Red Team's flag has been picked up by _Cuffs_!
    [13:35:37] Red Team's flag has been captured by Titmau5!
    [13:35:50] <Maka Brunovsky> bonjour rat
    [13:35:50] <ETID|toothgrinderx> bait arrow cuff
    [13:35:54] <ETID|toothgrinderx> gg
    [13:35:54] <[BoW] Reed> AYYY
    [13:36:11] Red Team's flag has been captured by Titmau5!
    [13:36:18] <ETID|toothgrinderx> literally all cuff
    [13:36:21]  * Scrambling the teams...
    [13:36:21] Pwny (Johnaspwnz) has joined Blue Team
    [13:36:21] Titmau5 has joined Red Team
    [13:36:21] Revinal has joined Blue Team
    [13:36:21] Garden (_Cuffs_) has joined Red Team
    [13:36:23] Reed (RadioActive) is now spectating
    [13:36:28] Makaroto_Br left the game
    [13:36:29] Titmau5 left the game
    [13:36:32] Revinal left the game
    [13:36:35] <[HD!] Garden> Well its only four people
    [13:36:37] <ETID|toothgrinderx> rippity rip
    [13:36:38] <[BoW] Reed> imma follow arsenic
    [13:36:40] RadioActive left the game
    [13:36:40]  * Teams are way imbalanced due to players leaving...
    [13:36:40]  * Remember, swapping to the smaller team makes you a better person!
    [13:36:43] <[HD!] Garden> and an aussssierino
    [13:36:47] AlphaTiyuri connected as Greg's Kitchen
    [13:36:48] Greg's Kitchen (AlphaTiyuri) has joined Blue Team
    [13:36:48] <[HD!] Garden> RIP SEVRR
    [13:36:52] HolyShmoe connected as Butthole Bart
    [13:36:53] Butthole Bart (HolyShmoe) has joined Blue Team
    [13:37:06] <Kizilion> build
    [13:37:15] <ETID|toothgrinderx> i want the server to fill with us players pls
    [13:37:21] <[HD!] Garden> this map is bad
    [13:37:26] pUnk (PUNK123) has joined Red Team
    [13:37:30] <ETID|toothgrinderx> some eu doesnt hurt at all but when its mostly eu everything gets huiahgtruiajhgnf
    [13:37:33] <Kizilion> just try
    [13:37:34] <PUNK pUnk> im gonnakill this map
    [13:37:43] <[HD!] Garden> plis
    [13:37:47] <[HD!] Garden> make forum post
    [13:37:54] <[HD!] Garden> this is like reverse pit
    [13:38:01] <ETID|toothgrinderx> i dont think its that bad
    [13:38:04] <ETID|toothgrinderx> well
    [13:38:06] <PUNK pUnk> you havent even seen this stupid
    [13:38:10] <PUNK pUnk> in this map guys
    [13:38:15] <PUNK pUnk> i used to slightly like it
    [13:38:35] <ETID|toothgrinderx> the only issue is you can obliterate everything if you use ballista right on your 2nd flag
    [13:38:50] <PUNK pUnk> wtf
    [13:38:53] <PUNK pUnk> are you doing
    [13:39:02] <ETID|toothgrinderx> kizilion
    [13:39:05] <Eclipse | homie64> * IMA RUSH EM *
    [13:39:06] <ETID|toothgrinderx> please dont break other peoples stuff ok?
    [13:39:09] <ETID|toothgrinderx> build as a team
    [13:39:15] <Kizilion> we need to build rocks there
    [13:39:19] <ETID|toothgrinderx> 'no you dont
    [13:39:26] <ETID|toothgrinderx> theres lots of different ways to build
    [13:39:27] <AVAST Greg's Kitchen> lol rip
    [13:39:27] Blue Team's flag has been picked up by qwertykey32!
    [13:39:33] <ETID|toothgrinderx> punk knows what he is doing
    [13:39:36] <PUNK pUnk> this team is special
    [13:39:36] Blue Team's flag has been captured by qwertykey32!
    [13:39:43] <PUNK pUnk> especially garden
    [13:40:04] <PUNK pUnk> watch me tooth
    [13:40:09] <Kizilion> special
    [13:40:24] <ETID|toothgrinderx> watch you dig a hallway
    [13:40:25] <ETID|toothgrinderx> no thx
    [13:40:37] <AVAST Greg's Kitchen> shit
    [13:41:28] Red Team's flag has been picked up by Johnaspwnz!
    [13:41:29] <ETID|toothgrinderx> why didnt you bring a drilll
    [13:41:33] <ETID|toothgrinderx> GO PWNY
    [13:41:37] <ETID|toothgrinderx> nice
    [13:41:38] <PUNK pUnk> see
    [13:41:40] Red Team's flag has been captured by Johnaspwnz!
    [13:41:41] <PUNK pUnk> why
    [13:41:47] <PUNK pUnk> would a map be built like this
    [13:41:50] <ETID|toothgrinderx> for some flavor
    [13:41:53] <Eclipse | homie64> * archer shop plz *
    [13:41:57] <ETID|toothgrinderx> one of the maps they removed did that sort of
    [13:42:01] <ETID|toothgrinderx> idk why they removed any
    [13:42:02] rawrmunchers connected
    [13:42:03] rawrmunchers has joined Blue Team
    [13:42:03] Taotaomona connected as Tao Koi
    [13:42:04] Tao Koi (Taotaomona) has joined Red Team
    [13:42:06] <ETID|toothgrinderx> its just more variety
    [13:42:07] <PUNK pUnk> i remember it
    [13:42:10] <ETID|toothgrinderx> everyone is a little baby
    [13:42:11] Mr_VemMonstruoso connected as OTalDoDouglas
    [13:42:12] OTalDoDouglas (Mr_VemMonstruoso) has joined Blue Team
    [13:42:13] <PUNK pUnk> it was thiner tho
    [13:42:18] <PUNK pUnk> and didnt cancerize mid
    [13:42:20] <PUNK pUnk> this one does
    [13:42:25] <ETID|toothgrinderx> i h8 this map so much therefore its shit and should be removed from the game
    [13:42:30] <PUNK pUnk> yes
    [13:42:34] <PUNK pUnk> it fucking should
    [13:42:37] <PUNK pUnk> if it is cancer
    [13:42:38] <rawrmunchers> LMAO
    [13:42:40] <PUNK pUnk> like the rift map
    [13:42:44] <ETID|toothgrinderx> rifts fine
    [13:42:46] <ETID|toothgrinderx> its variety
    [13:42:47] <rawrmunchers> EUN KID
    [13:42:49] <ETID|toothgrinderx> stop being a baby
    [13:42:50] <rawrmunchers> RUN
    [13:42:52] <PUNK pUnk> this one just makes working the bottom too difficult
    [13:42:56] pUnk (PUNK123) is now spectating
    [13:42:58] <PUNK pUnk> * tooth *
    [13:43:00] <Tao Koi> i will eat you
    [13:43:01] <PUNK pUnk> * you fucking geetard *
    [13:43:10] <PUNK pUnk> * in a pub game the rift is not ok *
    [13:43:15] <PUNK pUnk> * not in any fucking way *
    [13:43:16] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * it's fun *
    [13:43:24] <PUNK pUnk> * you cant utilize the lemmings at all *
    [13:43:34] <PUNK pUnk> * no it isnt *
    [13:43:46] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * idc i'm an all star and i have fun bomb jumping the fuck out of the towers *
    [13:43:49] <rawrmunchers> lolo ok
    [13:43:52] <rawrmunchers> have fun in the box
    [13:43:59] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * who needs lemmings *
    [13:44:01] <PUNK pUnk> * and you wonder why the community is shit *
    [13:44:12] <AVAST Greg's Kitchen> kill this builder
    [13:44:20] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * no i don;t *
    [13:44:27] <PUNK pUnk> * >lets keep this stupid map cause a part of this is fun *
    [13:44:28] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * it's shit because evveryone does nothing but bitch *
    [13:44:32] <AVAST Greg's Kitchen> HELP
    [13:44:35] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * instead of try and have fun *
    [13:44:40] <PUNK pUnk> * dude *
    [13:44:42] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * no *
    [13:44:45] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * u dude *
    [13:44:47] <PUNK pUnk> * it is cancer for any class but buoilder *
    [13:44:49] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * if youre not having fun on a map *
    [13:44:51] bloempot connected as MSinia
    [13:44:51] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * doing what you wanna do *
    [13:44:54] MSinia (bloempot) has joined Red Team
    [13:44:55] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * just do something else *
    [13:44:56] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * fuck areound *
    [13:45:03] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * play archer ffs *
    [13:45:05] <PUNK pUnk> * the point is to capture the flag *
    [13:45:08] <PUNK pUnk> * no? *
    [13:45:17] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * the end goal yes obv *
    [13:45:18] <PUNK pUnk> * why would i play around with boulders like hosp *
    [13:45:21] <Kappa OTalDoDouglas> go tdm?
    [13:45:24] <PUNK pUnk> * when i want to fucking win *
    [13:45:31] <PUNK pUnk> * i dont like a cancerous tower camping game *
    [13:45:36] <Kappa OTalDoDouglas> go tdm?
    [13:45:36] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * hosp is cool, and he does some dank shit *
    [13:45:40] <PUNK pUnk> * but then again you probably love that water mid *
    [13:45:49] <PUNK pUnk> * that literally kills all gameplay *
    [13:46:00] <Kappa OTalDoDouglas> msinia
    [13:46:03] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * no *
    [13:46:06] <[HD!] Garden> lol
    [13:46:10] <PUNK pUnk> * or that watermap *
    [13:46:15] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * my favorite maps are ones that i can abuse the landscape *
    [13:46:20] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * and outplay 6 knights at a time *
    [13:46:24] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * bc thats my specialty *
    [13:46:26] <PUNK pUnk> * that is dirt at mid that always deteriates and everyone has to pond fight *
    [13:46:26] Megastone connected as Megarop
    [13:46:29] Megarop (Megastone) has joined Red Team
    [13:46:35] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * that is my least favorite map *
    [13:46:51] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * 2nd worst is the long ass flat map with all the gold at mid that takes 2 hours each rtound *
    [13:46:53] makmoud98 connected
    [13:46:54] Joshuaking69 connected
    [13:46:54] makmoud98 has joined Blue Team
    [13:46:55] Joshuaking69 has joined Blue Team
    [13:46:57] mikeyfraz connected
    [13:46:58] mikeyfraz has joined Red Team
    [13:47:08] <PUNK pUnk> * the rift is shit *
    [13:47:18] <PUNK pUnk> * if someone has a brain theyll just camp the ledge *
    [13:47:26] Mr_VemMonstruoso left the game
    [13:47:29] Mr_VemMonstruoso connected as OTalDoDouglas
    [13:47:30] OTalDoDouglas (Mr_VemMonstruoso) has joined Blue Team
    [13:47:32] Crashtestfetus connected as ntourage
    [13:47:33] ntourage (Crashtestfetus) has joined Red Team
    [13:47:33] <PUNK pUnk> * so youre bombjumping fun will end there *
    [13:47:45] <PUNK pUnk> * nvm the fact that trap buiding is also op *
    [13:47:45] <Kappa OTalDoDouglas> someone would like to go tdm?
    [13:47:50] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * there isnt any tower that can negate bomb jumps *
    [13:47:53] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * just gotta get fancyt *
    [13:47:54] <PUNK pUnk> * because once you cross the rift you cant retrear *
    [13:47:56] gamethe connected as paperpowers
    [13:47:57] paperpowers (gamethe) has joined Blue Team
    [13:48:09] <PUNK pUnk> * if someone is camping the ledge *
    [13:48:14] <PUNK pUnk> * youd need atleast 3 bombs *
    [13:48:17] <PUNK pUnk> * to clear over them *
    [13:48:31] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * 2 bombs high enough for anything *
    [13:48:42] Mr_VemMonstruoso left the game
    [13:48:51] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * if their camping then it comes to luck p much if i dont use a third *
    [13:48:53] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * i dont mind *
    [13:49:11] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * im going to smoke *
    [13:49:16] <PUNK pUnk> * freaking retarded *
    [13:49:22] <PUNK pUnk> * the whole lot of this community *
    [13:49:32] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * love you 2 *
    [13:49:36] Crashtestfetus left the game
    [13:49:39] <PUNK pUnk> * the pit is the fucking issue *
    [13:49:45] <PUNK pUnk> * the campability is the issue *
    [13:49:48] <PUNK pUnk> * you cant be offensive *
    [13:49:54] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * no, elitism is the issue *
    [13:49:57] <PUNK pUnk> * even if you bridge over theyll break both ends *
    [13:49:57] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * chill the fuck out *
    [13:50:02] <PUNK pUnk> * and the game never ends *
    [13:50:08] bloempot left the game
    [13:50:11] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * except, it ALWAYS does. *
    [13:50:13] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * :^) *
    [13:50:15] <ETID|toothgrinderx> * brb *
    [13:50:23] <PUNK pUnk> * im not gonna chill the fuck out when you start acting like a fucking cuck *
    [13:50:31] <PUNK pUnk> * also no 1/2 the time it ends in next map *
    [13:50:52] Moreblud connected as UNSTUMPABLE 2016
    [13:50:53] UNSTUMPABLE 2016 (Moreblud) has joined Red Team
    [13:51:06] <[HD!] Garden> that keg
    [13:51:07] Bucky3 connected as Bucky
    [13:51:08] Bucky (Bucky3) has joined Red Team
    [13:51:54] Sabzir2 connected as Sabzir_2
    [13:51:55] Sabzir_2 (Sabzir2) has joined Blue Team
    [13:52:20] dutchfan connected
    [13:52:22] dutchfan has joined Blue Team
    [13:52:41] Sabzir2 left the game
    [13:53:00] <[HD!] Garden> mmak
    [13:53:03] <[HD!] Garden> grief
    [13:53:13] <Pwny> what grief mofo
    [13:53:16] phatmonkey6 connected as Phatmonkey
    [13:53:19] <2.0 makmoud98> y did u light keg
    [13:53:19] Phatmonkey (phatmonkey6) has joined Red Team
    [13:53:20] <Pwny> i kill that turd
    [13:53:34] <[HD!] Garden> I think he wanted to kill the builder
    [13:53:36] Blue Team's flag has been picked up by mikeyfraz!
    [13:53:36] <[HD!] Garden> tunneling in
    [13:53:37] <Pwny> bad admins bad server
    [13:53:44] <2.0 makmoud98> no u are right
    [13:53:49] Blue Team's flag has been returned due to teamwork!
    [13:53:49] <VF mikeyfraz> good work mega
    [13:54:01] <rawrmunchers> kngith help oiver here
    [13:54:07] <rawrmunchers> '
    [13:54:08] <Megarop> yes
    [13:54:11] <rawrmunchers> I NEED A KNIGHT
    [13:54:16] <Megarop> you need more backup from the kngiths
    [13:54:19] <Pwny> meh this server isn't fun if the admin uses his 'powers' for self winning
    [13:54:22] <Pwny> baibai
    [13:54:24] Johnaspwnz left the game
    [13:54:24]  * Balancing Megastone to Blue Team
    [13:54:24] Megarop (Megastone) has joined Blue Team
    [13:54:30] <2.0 makmoud98> self winning?
    [13:54:31] <Megarop> the knghts are the most imprtnt clsasa
    [13:54:36] Kermiot connected as Nazi-IDEAL
    [13:54:37] <2.0 makmoud98> ii honestly thought u were griefing
    [13:54:38] Nazi-IDEAL (Kermiot) has joined Red Team
    [13:54:45] <2.0 makmoud98> because i saw lit keg
    [13:54:55] <14/88 Nazi-IDEAL> heil
    [13:54:55] <2.0 makmoud98> in the flag room
    [13:54:58] <14/88 Nazi-IDEAL> sieg heikl
    [13:55:01] Megastone left the game
    [13:55:05] <2.0 makmoud98> i unfroze you and told you i was right
    [13:55:09]  * Teams are way imbalanced due to players leaving...
    [13:55:09]  * Remember, swapping to the smaller team makes you a better person!
    [13:55:10] <2.0 makmoud98> youwere right*
    [13:55:17] <AVAST Greg's Kitchen> YO FALGgg
    [13:55:20] <Bucky> nice catch
    [13:55:20] <Tao Koi> hgahahaha
    [13:55:20] <14/88 Nazi-IDEAL> sieg hei
    [13:55:29]  * Teams are way imbalanced due to players leaving...
    [13:55:29]  * Remember, swapping to the smaller team makes you a better person!
    [13:55:30] Blue Team's flag has been picked up by Taotaomona!
    [13:55:36] <PUNK pUnk> kermiot
    [13:55:38] rawrmunchers left the game
    [13:55:40]  * Balancing mikeyfraz to Blue Team
    [13:55:40] mikeyfraz has joined Blue Team
    [13:55:40] <PUNK pUnk> stop wht the swatzikas
    [13:55:48] Blue Team's flag has been returned!
    [13:55:49] Moreblud left the game
    [13:55:54] <VF mikeyfraz> omfg
    [13:55:57] <14/88 Nazi-IDEAL> swatzika my live
    [13:56:03] Blue Team's flag has been picked up by qwertykey32!
    [13:56:03] <VF mikeyfraz> what a time to get switched lol
    [13:56:06] <[HD!] Garden> damn lag
    [13:56:07] pUnk (PUNK123) has joined Red Team
    [13:56:19] <Bucky> fuck your jabs
    [13:56:23] Blue Team's flag has been returned!
    [13:56:24] Moreblud connected as UNSTUMPABLE 2016
    [13:56:25] UNSTUMPABLE 2016 (Moreblud) has joined Blue Team
    [13:56:25] pUnk (PUNK123) is now spectating
    [13:56:28] UNSTUMPABLE 2016 (Moreblud) has joined Red Team
    [13:57:09] Blue Team's flag has been picked up by Taotaomona!
    [13:57:17] jpsm connected as Pentrix
    [13:57:18] Pentrix (jpsm) has joined Blue Team
    [13:57:22] <PUNK pUnk> makmoud
    [13:57:31] <PUNK pUnk> kermiot is building swatzikas
    [13:57:37] <PUNK pUnk> you mind administrating
    [13:57:46] <Tao Koi> worth attempt
    [13:57:58] Blue Team's flag has been returned!
    [13:58:11] <PUNK pUnk> it's cool im recording
    [13:58:32] Angelfinn129 connected as Angelfinn12
    [13:58:33] Angelfinn12 (Angelfinn129) has joined Red Team
    [13:58:47] <2.0 makmoud98> just ignore the guy, the more attention you give him the worse it is
    [13:58:50] Blue Team's flag has been picked up by Xtex11!
    [13:58:54] <AVAST Greg's Kitchen> gg
    [13:58:55] <PUNK pUnk> YOU CAN ADMINISTRATE
    [13:59:02] makmoud98 is now spectating
    [13:59:04] <PUNK pUnk> you do not fucking ignore a shitter
    [13:59:07]  * Teams are way imbalanced due to players leaving...
    [13:59:07]  * Remember, swapping to the smaller team makes you a better person!
    [13:59:10]  * Balancing Angelfinn129 to Blue Team
    [13:59:10] Angelfinn12 (Angelfinn129) has joined Blue Team
    [13:59:15] Angelfinn129 left the game
    [13:59:17] <VF mikeyfraz> 3
    [13:59:17] <PUNK pUnk> im already recording not that it matters
    [13:59:22] <PUNK pUnk> furai tends to delete my reports
    [13:59:22] Blue Team's flag has been returned due to teamwork!
    [13:59:25] <Bucky> thank you for freezinging him
    [13:59:25] <2.0 makmoud98> please no mroe ok?
    [13:59:28] AlphaTiyuri left the game
    [13:59:28] <PUNK pUnk> like the fuckwad he is
    [13:59:37] <2.0 makmoud98> ok?
    [13:59:41] <14/88 Nazi-IDEAL> :(
    [13:59:46] <2.0 makmoud98> or i will have to give u a short ban
    [13:59:46]  * Teams are way imbalanced due to players leaving...
    [13:59:46]  * Remember, swapping to the smaller team makes you a better person!
    [13:59:50] <[HD!] Garden> Kermoit as been frozen before for spaming racist nazi stuff in the chat
    [13:59:54] <2.0 makmoud98> do u undeerstand?
    [13:59:55] <PUNK pUnk> ^
    [13:59:57] <[HD!] Garden> and he said he'd never do it again
    [13:59:57] <Bucky> seriously...every time with this nazi guy
    [13:59:59] <[HD!] Garden> -.-
    [14:00:06]  * Teams are way imbalanced due to players leaving...
    [14:00:06]  * Remember, swapping to the smaller team makes you a better person!
    [14:00:07] <PUNK pUnk> you'll probably be getting a ban anyway
    [14:00:11] <PUNK pUnk> since i got this on video
    [14:00:19] <2.0 makmoud98> can u respond
    [14:00:26]  * Teams are way imbalanced due to players leaving...
    [14:00:26]  * Remember, swapping to the smaller team makes you a better person!
    [14:00:40] Blue Team's flag has been picked up by _Cuffs_!
    [14:00:44] makmoud98 has joined Red Team
    [14:00:46]  * Teams are way imbalanced due to players leaving...
    [14:00:46]  * Remember, swapping to the smaller team makes you a better person!
    [14:00:51] makmoud98 has joined Blue Team
    [14:00:53] <14/88 Nazi-IDEAL> all all
    [14:00:56] <14/88 Nazi-IDEAL> admin
    [14:01:07] <14/88 Nazi-IDEAL> i play
    [14:01:11] <paperpowers> gg
    [14:01:16] GameTheif connected as ?? Skeletun ??
    [14:01:16] <2.0 makmoud98> no mreo swasticaas ok?
    [14:01:18] ?? Skeletun ?? (GameTheif) has joined Blue Team
    [14:01:20] makmoud98 is now spectating
    [14:01:22] Blue Team's flag has been captured by Moreblud!
    [14:01:26] <Eclipse | homie64> ggggggggggggggg
    [14:01:26] <14/88 Nazi-IDEAL> ok :(
    [14:01:28] <Kizilion> gg
    [14:01:33]  * Scrambling the teams...
    [14:01:33] Tao Koi (Taotaomona) has joined Blue Team
    [14:01:33] Joshuaking69 has joined Red Team
    [14:01:33] dutchfan has joined Red Team
    [14:01:33] Nazi-IDEAL (Kermiot) has joined Blue Team
    [14:01:40] HolyShmoe left the game
    [14:01:51] makmoud98 has joined Blue Team
    [14:01:51] mikeyfraz left the game
    [14:01:52]  * Teams are way imbalanced due to players leaving...
    [14:01:52]  * Remember, swapping to the smaller team makes you a better person!
    [14:01:59] GameTheif left the game
    [14:02:11]  * Teams are way imbalanced due to players leaving...
    [14:02:11]  * Remember, swapping to the smaller team makes you a better person!
    [14:02:15] <Bucky> i never get why people troll in this game when there are so few populated servers...you get banned on this one and there arent too many more to play on
    [14:02:31] <PUNK pUnk> because admins dont ban
    [14:02:31]  * Teams are way imbalanced due to players leaving...
    [14:02:31]  * Remember, swapping to the smaller team makes you a better person!
    [14:02:39] <PUNK pUnk> and very rarely give a fuck enough to do something
    [14:02:44] <PUNK pUnk> ie what just happened
    [14:02:44] KaBooM connected as Kabond
    [14:02:45] Kabond (KaBooM) has joined Blue Team
    [14:02:50] <Bucky> lol i see
    [14:02:51]  * Teams are way imbalanced due to players leaving...
    [14:02:51]  * Remember, swapping to the smaller team makes you a better person!
    [14:03:01] <Phatmonkey> move
    [14:03:01] <14/88 Nazi-IDEAL> punk has not blather
    [14:03:09] <2.0 makmoud98> its just that i dont care much aabout swastica building until lots of people start to compllain
    [14:03:11]  * Teams are way imbalanced due to players leaving...
    [14:03:11]  * Remember, swapping to the smaller team makes you a better person!
    [14:03:16] <Eclipse | homie64> MAKE A TRAP
    [14:03:28] <Tao Koi> its a buddhist symbol you wtats
    [14:03:29] <2.0 makmoud98> because its the kind of thing thaat becomes a problem once everyone is giving the builder attention
    [14:03:31]  * Teams are way imbalanced due to players leaving...
    [14:03:31]  * Remember, swapping to the smaller team makes you a better person!
    [14:03:39] ChupaKilla connected
    [14:03:40] ChupaKilla has joined Blue Team
    [14:03:43] <Bucky> i dont care but its sorta a trend with this guy
    [14:03:45] <PUNK pUnk> it doesnt become a problem
    [14:03:46] <Tao Koi> what about this one
    [14:03:52] <PUNK pUnk> when someone is backwalling it already is a problem
    [14:03:59] Makaroto_Br connected as Brunovsky
    [14:04:00] Brunovsky (Makaroto_Br) has joined Blue Team
    [14:04:06] LinkLoftwing connected as Dusk-Argentum
    [14:04:06] <Eclipse | homie64> its a trap
    [14:04:07] Dusk-Argentum (LinkLoftwing) has joined Red Team
    [14:04:15] <ETID|toothgrinderx> then break it
    [14:04:20] <Maka Brunovsky> sup potato knight
    [14:04:26] <ETID|toothgrinderx> or if i'm here i'll deal with it
    [14:04:27] <PUNK pUnk> i did
    [14:04:30] toothgrinderx has joined Blue Team
    [14:04:31] <PUNK pUnk> he rebuilt it
    [14:04:34] <Tao Koi> ththis guy
    [14:04:35] <PUNK pUnk> i got it all on recording
    [14:04:44] <ETID|toothgrinderx> then spam emotes at him and break it more
    [14:04:53] <ChupaKilla> ;)
    [14:04:55] <Tao Koi> sry
    [14:04:56] ECBicalho connected
    [14:04:57] <PUNK pUnk> admins need to do their job
    [14:04:57] <ChupaKilla> Sup tooth
    [14:04:59] ECBicalho has joined Red Team
    [14:05:03] <PUNK pUnk> end of discussion
    [14:05:08] <Dusk-Argentum> Oh hi tooth
    [14:05:16] <ETID|toothgrinderx> MAK
    [14:05:17] <2.0 makmoud98> lol
    [14:05:18] <Bucky> lol mak
    [14:05:19] <ETID|toothgrinderx> JESUS CHRIST MAK
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2016
  3. Osmal

    Osmal Bison Rider Donator
    1. [Server] Sandbox Reborn


    He was breaking our team's flag doors, my recording software started too slow so couldn't catch that on video, but here he is teamkilling right after it.
    PUNK123 likes this.
  4. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Banned for 7 days. Still, @PUNK123, it seems like you're just on personal vendetta with them. You need to calm down a little bit.
    And @makmoud98 didn't do anything wrong.
    makmoud98 likes this.
  5. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator

    Server: Official TDM EU No 2

    Time: 5 minutes ago


    [06:57:51] <14/88 Nazi-IDEAL> Sieg heil!

    a common chant at political rallies in Nazi Germany, meaning roughly "Hail Victory!"

    I only put this because he said a lot in russian and I didn't want to take an hour getting a rough translation off of google. He has cooled down with the "Sieg heil" spam since I last ever saw him though, now he says it like once or twice then stops before he was just a machine.

    Reasons: Griefing and Teamkilling

    Comments: Basically I bought a keg and Kermiot starts following me around, I then start to attempt my usual hadouken like I always do in TDM matches nowadays and when I throw the waterbomb to launch it Kermiot grabs the keg then drops it in front of me again (I'm sure to kill me) and then amoor grabs it and kills me with the keg I bought, fair though considering he's on the other team that's his job, not my own teammates. I'm sorry about not hitting TAB to show the scoreboard or following Kermiot in spec, it slipped my mind at the time because I just wanted to play and get on with the match. You can see it is Kermiot though if you look in the videos chatbox while i'm typing. I may translate the russian stuff in a little while and edit this post if I get around to it.

    Have a good day.

    EDIT: Nevermind about translating the stuff in russian, for some reason it's coming up as garbled numbers and letters in my chat logs now

    [06:56:48] <14/88 fVerdGonDJf> AC:0
    [06:56:58] <14/88 fVerdGonDJf> A?0A81> 1;0304>@N 70 ?><>IL
    [06:58:17] <14/88 fVerdGonDJf> AC:0
    [06:58:18] <14/88 fVerdGonDJf> 71A

    English comes out fine
    [06:58:36] <14/88 fVerdGonDJf> shit up
    But russian does not, AC:o is supposed to be Cyka.
    So sorry about that.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2016
    BarsukEughen555 likes this.
  6. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    I'll think what to do. Right now not banning.
    an_obamanation and PUNK123 like this.