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Grvar Order of Allegiance

Discussion in 'Dead/Inactive' started by UndulatingTitLord, Jan 30, 2016.

  1. UndulatingTitLord

    UndulatingTitLord Óðinn Donator

    Grvar Order of Allegiance
    Welcome to GOA

    Here we uphold the rules of our own and any host that grants us access or welcome into their home, world or place of peace, with the understanding that rules apply as much as the obliteration of a foe.

    Anyone may join irrelevant of past, present, future or any factors that don’t prevent the ability to uphold the conduct expected when acting in association with this Allegiance.

    The Grvar are ancient peoples that stemmed from the first ancestors in the world of KAG. Decedent or not, it is the cause they are that you may choose to represent.

    It is an order for good and evil to unite under a non-judgmental notability.


    Ø Griefing
    Ø Trolling
    Ø Foul Language
    Ø Bullying
    Ø Time wasting
    Ø AFK all the time
    Ø Aimlessly & Pointlessly Building
    Ø Avoiding Combat
    Ø Hiding Behind Shields
    Ø Jabbing
    Ø Military rank symbols are to be used properly

    Follow our rules, and leave your past behind you and you may join!

    The Grvar Order was an order and command to build a society with nothing but true right and fair battles. War and sieges to be fought without cruelty, betray and no forum cold warfare.
    It does not matter what you are under another name or clan.

    Anyone may enrol!

    When you represent this allegiance… you are expected at that point to take your role very seriously in any which way you conduct yourself. Abiding to the rules put in place for you here by the allegiance, and by those hosting you.

    To become a member, post here, PM a current member (the higher in ranks the greater)
    @UndulatingTitLord is your best chance!

    With the up-most consideration of those you encounter in the future fellow members, remember to be fair but righteous in the annihilation of your adversaries.

    You are encouraged to use GOA as your clan tag.
    Each military ranking has a symbol you may add based on where you are ranked in hours as shown in small and bold font in the military rank section.
    You are not required to use these extra ranking symbols in clan tag, but misusing is punishable by the Jarl himself.


    Leader of the Clan
    Always has the final say.

    A single person chosen by the leader, deputy of clan leader.
    Deals with the people, and the council. Makes decisions independently, but bad decisions will be dealt with by the Jarl.

    Member of council, selected by the Thane
    Help to offer advice, opinions, proposed wars or enemies, members and allies.

    Unique Titles
    These can be earned, and taken from others based on action, habit, behavior and achievements.

    Óðinn the ruler & father

    Hel Queen of Helheim
    Njörður Dominator of Ragnarok

    Týr One with the Skies
    Rán One with the Waters
    Bragi One with the Trees

    Ullr of Duelling
    Thor of Battle
    Forseti of Justice
    Freyja of Fertility
    Loki of Trickery
    Eir of Well-being
    Vör the Wise
    Váli the Vengeful
    Sága the Obscure
    Magni the Strong
    Baldur the Peaceful
    Fenrir the bringer of Darkness


    3000+ hours

    1500-2999 hours

    700-1499 hours

    250-699 hours

    100-249 hours

    50-99 hours

    0 - 49 hours

    Fellow Clansmen

    Jarl Óðinn, Vanir of Grvar.


    Fenrir of Grvar


    Vanir of Grvar


    -open recruiting-


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jul 29, 2016
  2. jimster6000

    jimster6000 Horde Gibber

    If you are "Varangian" or "Hersir" rank, I'll be surprised that you are in this clan.
  3. UndulatingTitLord

    UndulatingTitLord Óðinn Donator

    Why? Please do not reply if you are here to make fun of/flame.

    I must add though, both of you are welcome to join. As long as you understand the rules of the order.
  4. jimster6000

    jimster6000 Horde Gibber

    Understood, my lord.
  5. fraser741

    fraser741 Shipwright

    CAn I join you mighty Coc clan?
  6. UndulatingTitLord

    UndulatingTitLord Óðinn Donator

    This is not a mighty coc clan. Please respect this clan or go away. We leave all but our names behind us. Behave, be serious, or leave. Next bad language or flaming I deem by my rules I am more than happy to report to an admin to see if their opinion matches mine. So please re-ask in a more mature way if you are serious.
  7. fraser741

    fraser741 Shipwright

    Ok I am serious... You know my skill I could be good in this team
  8. UndulatingTitLord

    UndulatingTitLord Óðinn Donator

    If you wish to join do you understand that anything you do representing us is to be done under the rules specified above? With the consequence of immediate dismissal?
  9. fraser741

    fraser741 Shipwright

    I have read the rules and ticked the box might titlord... The reason I want to join is...
    Your reputation is only outmatched by you skill in game, you handle things on the forums with great grace and humbleness. I use to be your master now I wish to learn the things you have.. Please oh please give me the chance to fit into a tight spot in the backside of these forums, so we can rise to the font and use our might spears to pierce though the enemy's mighty glory hole :)
  10. Put a smile on my face like no other
  11. UndulatingTitLord

    UndulatingTitLord Óðinn Donator

    Then we welcome you.
  12. Cruxiat

    Cruxiat Haxor Tester
    1. Gather Oceania
    2. KAG World Cup 2018

    Hey there. We, team TOXIC would love to be your clan's first Clan-war opponent. Simply message me on the forums or add me on steam, and we can start organising a game. We're an Australian based clan, so we'd probably use a foreign server to make sure we have equal ping. Hope we can make this fun and enjoyable for both sides. Thanks!
  13. UndulatingTitLord

    UndulatingTitLord Óðinn Donator

    Sounds great, as we lack numbers it may be difficult to round up a full team, but we would love to have a clan war. Though it will probably be two weeks before we can officially have a war okay.
  14. Cruxiat

    Cruxiat Haxor Tester
    1. Gather Oceania
    2. KAG World Cup 2018

    That's fine. just message me when you're ready
  15. miniswrider

    miniswrider Bison Rider

    It appears that I have come upon a group into which I may have the capacity of matriculating. As such, I shall do so, knowing the possibility of my rejection is unknown. I hereby inform that my in-game name is mithrilspearhead as well as my steam account name. Inasmuch as I can, I will request that, assuming that I am accepted in this group, I be allowed to request the title of Fenrir. I ask as much at the fore but the reason will itself be made clear under testing of my playstyle. Thank you for allowing this information to enter your mind without resisting its flow.
  16. UndulatingTitLord

    UndulatingTitLord Óðinn Donator

    Sadly the title Fenrir is unrecognized. Explain to me what you think such a title is?
  17. miniswrider

    miniswrider Bison Rider

    Fenrir the wolf,brother of Thor.
  18. UndulatingTitLord

    UndulatingTitLord Óðinn Donator

    The title is yours, the disputes between you and Tyr may go on, but you shall be the one to swallow the sun come the rise of Ragnarok. When all shall fall in the great battle we all hope to train for upon our entry to Valhalla. How many hours of game play do you have @miniswrider ???
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2016