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A new variable for TDM servers: Starting with items

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by bunnie, Jun 11, 2016.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    Could you, devs (Not tagging u Geti bcuz i heard u don't like it, but pls read this and consider adding it pls :<), please add a new vanilla (Noone wants servers to be flagged as modded :/ ) variable for TDM that can be changed by server hosters (Turned off by default, maybe)? I want an option to make knight and archer start with certain items, archers for example with 2 fire arrows and 1 bomb arrow, knights with 2 bombs and 1 mine (can be customized).

    It would add some variety and each server could make it different ::):
    PUNK123 likes this.
  2. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    > everyone spamming shitty water, kegs or mines
    already disbalanced and annoying asf, don't turn the servers into waterthrowing simulator
    Gurin likes this.
  3. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    Read the post again please. It would be the server owner's choice. It would be turned off by default. If someone wants something on their server, then let them have it. You wouldn't spawn with 3 kegs in inventory, people with more balanced servers would make it 2 fire arrows and 1 bomb and some if they want their server to be more fun would make it 2 mines and 1 water bomb for example.

    P.S. learn how to use greentext :huh?:
    bru-jaz likes this.
  4. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    wasn't going to use greentext tho
    + IMHO this will be better as mod as it will prevent newbs from thinking *ooo this is kag main featuer spaem bombaz!*
    also normal server owners are capable of just installing the already existing mod (idk if its on forums yet tho)
    Magmus likes this.
  5. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    The mod flags the servers modded which noone plays, This is the whole point of the thread dude, make it vanilla. If newbs want 100% official experience than there's offi servers for them.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 11, 2016, Original Post Date: Jun 11, 2016 ---
    I also hope you're aware of the fact server owners can make everything cost 0 coins and add balistas and catapuls while keeping the server not marked as modded?
    hierbo and PUNK123 like this.
  6. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    at least noone doing this yet
  7. Rainbows

    Rainbows KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Sometimes I wonder why the modded filter even exists.
    Decent idea.
    hierbo, jimmyzoudcba, EhRa and 3 others like this.
  8. jimmyzoudcba

    jimmyzoudcba Haxor Tester

    +1 kill modded filters.
    But, I just generally don't think this is a good idea. Especially with water bombs and mines.
    I might make a mod like this tho just with everything directional (another Super Smash Bro like mode).
    hierbo likes this.
  9. Gurin

    Gurin Stop That! Global Moderator Donator Tester

    Just add in your own maps with the shops at the tent, allow for a reward system in doing well in the round before. Also, there is already chests that are in most of the vanilla TDM maps nowadays anyway. Get good and buy your items. It's better to have some sort of a duel rather than "xD I waterbomb you then slash 2 times LUL"
  10. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    I don't want everyone to start with 4 waterbombs. I want every knight to start with a bomb and every archer to start with a burger.
  11. Vamist

    Vamist THD Team THD Team Tester

    It would be better if an archer started off a One firearrow, not two but one, Since it can do 3 hearts of damage, one impact 2 fire. (Which equals the same damage as a knights bomb)
    bunnie likes this.
  12. TheBloodyWolf

    TheBloodyWolf Arsonist

    wot? fire arrows do 2 damage, 1 from arrow, 1 from fire. where did you get this info?
  13. Vamist

    Vamist THD Team THD Team Tester

    oh sheet, right, i forgot, idk what i was on about, but still, its better then a burger, since people can change to archer, drop the burger and go to knight, so a class only item is still better.
    Magmus likes this.
  14. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    i'd like to point out that you can abuse this, if during the preparation perioud (3-5 secs on TDM or smth, during it you instarespawn and get instaressuplies) you suicide few times in row, making it rain bombs/mines/kegs/whatev' else you give on spawn
    Vamist likes this.
  15. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    i'd like to point out that there always is a way to fix something. 99% of bugs in mods can be fixed, but it's just either not worth the time or the modder is just lazy.
  16. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    or those just dont need fixing so far as its useless
  17. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Honestly I'd like this. RTDM in classic was sort of built around this idea, with the bomb being more for mobility than necessarily getting kills.

    I'll see what I can do but I dont see anyone using the config vars that are already there - even though I see players complaining OMG ITS UNFAIR THAT X CLASS GETS Y ITEM WHENEVER THERE IS SHOP. It's pretty hard to motivate yourself to work on features like this when their sibling features don't see any use (hint hint host some custom TDM servers yall)
    Magmus, PUNK123, bunnie and 1 other person like this.
  18. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    I've once hosted a custom TDM server with like 300+ maps. Was dead all the time, people still played at offi tdm :(
    PUNK123 likes this.
  19. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Sadly, If there's not demand for it then there's not demand for it :/

    I'd say 300+ maps, most of them are gonna be totally shit. Aiming for some tweaked configs and 16 really solid maps on good hosting with active admins would be more achievable and fun for players.

    (easy to say of course, we're in the process of dealing with admin activity even on officials..)
Mods: Rainbows