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Windows One sided admin rights? (and others)

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by jimmyzoudcba, Aug 22, 2016.

  1. jimmyzoudcba

    jimmyzoudcba Haxor Tester

    So some of you may have noticed me running US/NA TDM. Before I was messing around with obamanation and when I gave him admin and me too we can both freeze each other but not unfreeze ourselves. Later I tried banning him and unbanning him didn't work either and I had to do it through the blacklist. After the blacklist clear more weird stuff happened; Obamanation still have his role, and I think I still have mine, but I lost the admin menu bar and access to freezing (or unfreezing). I then restarted the server and I can't even login to rcon anymore, proving that setting me to admin did not work whatsoever (before I set obamanation and myself to admin by give "normal" ALL commands). RIP. Any ideas?
    2 side problems too:
    1. Everyone shows up with admin colour to me
    2. even though I set both me and Obamanation to admin in the admin.cfg, it did not seem to work
    (Obamanation plz fill in for me a bit if I missed anything. Last part was after you left.)
    asger75 and an_obamanation like this.
  2. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator

    I'm very tired and I forgot most of what happened but some things I can add are

    Commands that were entered into rcon gave me no messages back, so if I said /rcon /listbans it would not list anything,
    [21:57:41] <RCON> Rcon authentication passed
    [21:57:44] /rcon /listbans
    the text would not even go to purple, it would still be blue. For some reason commands were still working though, so if I did /rcon /loadmap Amarok or /rcon /nextmap it would go to the nextmap, or load Amarok. The commands entered weren't in purple and didn't give me any response when I entered them, they simply just loaded the map or went to the nextmap no questions asked.

    What I like to call "rcon magic" was still working
    /rcon CPlayer@ player=getPlayerByUsername('an_obamanation');CBlob@ blob=player.getBlob();CBlob@ test = server_CreateBlobNoInit('trader');test.setPosition(blob.getPosition());blob.server_Die();test.Init();test.server_SetPlayer(player)
    Where when I entered that it still changed me to a trader.

    We were able to freeze each other (Despite both having admin privileges) until near the end before I went to go to sleep where Jim couldn't freeze me at all even though he was logged in to rcon, I could freeze him but he couldn't freeze me.

    For some reason typing in /rcon /list or /rcon /help didn't show me anything, but typing in /list or /help on their own would show me commands.
    [22:10:26] <RCON> Rcon authentication passed
    [22:10:39] /rcon /listbans
    [22:11:09] /rcon /fdsa
    [22:11:12] /rcon /help
    [22:11:14] /list
    [22:11:14] assignseclev
    [22:11:14] assignseclevid
    [22:11:14] auth_autologin
    [22:11:14] auth_login
    [22:11:14] auth_remember
    [22:11:14] ban
    [22:11:14] banhost
    [22:11:14] banid
    [22:11:14] c_dimension_x
    [22:11:14] c_dimension_y
    [22:11:14] c_halign
    [22:11:14] c_history_size
    [22:11:14] c_indent
    [22:11:14] c_key
    [22:11:14] c_linespacing
    [22:11:14] c_valign
    [22:11:14] cc_halign
    [22:11:14] cc_history_size
    [22:11:14] cc_indent
    [22:11:14] cc_key
    [22:11:14] cc_key_team
    [22:11:14] cc_killfeed
    [22:11:14] cc_linespacing
    [22:11:14] cc_valign
    [22:11:14] cl_ask_to_download
    [22:11:14] cl_chatbubbles
    [22:11:14] cl_clantag
    [22:11:14] cl_classnum
    [22:11:14] cl_hat
    [22:11:14] cl_head
    [22:11:14] cl_joinaddress
    [22:11:14] cl_name
    [22:11:14] cl_password
    [22:11:14] cl_popup_shown
    [22:11:14] cl_port
    [22:11:14] cl_sex
    [22:11:14] cl_team
    [22:11:14] cls
    [22:11:14] connect
    [22:11:14] disable_seclevoutput
    [22:11:14] echo
    [22:11:14] freezeid
    [22:11:14] g_debug
    [22:11:14] g_externaleditor
    [22:11:14] g_filtercategory
    [22:11:14] g_filtergold
    [22:11:14] g_filtermode
    [22:11:14] g_filterpass
    [22:11:14] g_filterplayerlower
    [22:11:14] g_filterplayerupper
    [22:11:14] g_fixedcamera
    [22:11:14] g_kidssafe
    [22:11:14] g_locale
    [22:11:14] g_measureperformance
    [22:11:14] g_noswears
    [22:11:14] g_particlegraph
    [22:11:14] g_physicsgraph
    [22:11:14] g_playerlistkey
    [22:11:14] g_registrationtime
    [22:11:14] g_reloadfiles_count
    [22:11:14] g_reloadfiles_wait
    [22:11:14] g_rendergraph
    [22:11:14] g_reportbugkey
    [22:11:14] g_screenshotkey
    [22:11:14] g_scriptsgraph
    [22:11:14] g_sort
    [22:11:14] g_tutorialkey
    [22:11:14] g_videorecording
    [22:11:14] get
    [22:11:14] help
    [22:11:14] ignore
    [22:11:14] ignoreid
    [22:11:14] k_rendersync
    [22:11:14] kick
    [22:11:14] kickhid
    [22:11:14] kickhost
    [22:11:14] kickid
    [22:11:14] list
    [22:11:14] listbans
    [22:11:14] listignores
    [22:11:14] listmutes
    [22:11:14] loadbitmap
    [22:11:14] loadmap
    [22:11:14] login
    [22:11:14] logout
    [22:11:14] m_height
    [22:11:14] m_seed
    [22:11:14] m_width
    [22:11:14] mapscripts
    [22:11:14] msg
    [22:11:14] mute
    [22:11:14] muteid
    [22:11:14] n_graph
    [22:11:14] netobjects
    [22:11:14] netobjects2
    [22:11:14] nextmap
    [22:11:14] performance
    [22:11:14] performance2
    [22:11:14] players
    [22:11:14] printseclevs
    [22:11:14] quit
    [22:11:14] rcon
    [22:11:14] registercommand
    [22:11:14] reloadseclevs
    [22:11:14] reloadsecurity
    [22:11:14] restartmap
    [22:11:14] restartserver
    [22:11:14] rulesscripts
    [22:11:14] s_ambientmusic
    [22:11:14] s_effects
    [22:11:14] s_gamemusic
    [22:11:14] s_menumusic
    [22:11:14] s_musicvolume
    [22:11:14] s_showmixer
    [22:11:14] s_soundon
    [22:11:14] s_swapchannels
    [22:11:14] s_system
    [22:11:14] s_volume
    [22:11:14] savemap
    [22:11:14] security_banflags
    [22:11:14] security_blacklist
    [22:11:14] security_ignorelist
    [22:11:14] security_seclevs
    [22:11:14] security_strictflags
    [22:11:14] security_whitelist
    [22:11:14] security_whitelist_active
    [22:11:14] sv_allow_globals_mods
    [22:11:14] sv_alloweditor
    [22:11:14] sv_bots
    [22:11:14] sv_canpause
    [22:11:14] sv_compression
    [22:11:14] sv_deltapos_modifier
    [22:11:14] sv_enableIPv6
    [22:11:14] sv_enable_joinfull
    [22:11:14] sv_fastdeltas
    [22:11:14] sv_gamemode
    [22:11:14] sv_global_bans
    [22:11:14] sv_gravity
    [22:11:14] sv_info
    [22:11:14] sv_ip
    [22:11:14] sv_ipv6
    [22:11:14] sv_mapautocycle
    [22:11:14] sv_mapcycle
    [22:11:14] sv_mapcycle_shuffle
    [22:11:14] sv_max_localplayers
    [22:11:14] sv_maxhack_warnings
    [22:11:14] sv_maxping
    [22:11:14] sv_maxping_warnings
    [22:11:14] sv_maxplayers
    [22:11:14] sv_name
    [22:11:14] sv_password
    [22:11:14] sv_pingkick_time
    [22:11:14] sv_port
    [22:11:14] sv_preferAF
    [22:11:14] sv_print_tcpr_specific
    [22:11:14] sv_rconpassword
    [22:11:14] sv_register
    [22:11:14] sv_reservedslots
    [22:11:14] sv_restart_on_update
    [22:11:14] sv_sendminimap
    [22:11:14] sv_tcpr
    [22:11:14] sv_tcpr_everything
    [22:11:14] sv_test
    [22:11:14] sv_verify_mods
    [22:11:14] sv_visiblity_scale
    [22:11:14] swapid
    [22:11:14] u_agreedterms
    [22:11:14] u_shownames
    [22:11:14] u_showtutorial
    [22:11:14] u_transparency
    [22:11:14] unban
    [22:11:14] unbanhost
    [22:11:14] unfreezeid
    [22:11:14] unignore
    [22:11:14] unignoreid
    [22:11:14] unmute
    [22:11:14] unmuteid
    [22:11:14] v_bpp
    [22:11:14] v_camera_ints
    [22:11:14] v_drawhud
    [22:11:14] v_driver
    [22:11:14] v_fastrender
    [22:11:14] v_no_renderscale
    [22:11:14] v_postprocess
    [22:11:14] v_screenshotquality
    [22:11:14] v_showfps
    [22:11:14] v_showminimap
    [22:11:14] v_smoothmap
    [22:11:14] v_smoothsprites
    [22:11:14] v_uncapped
    [22:11:14] v_vsync
    [22:11:14] version

    Even commands that didn't exist (For example, /rcon FDSALKJFDSAKLJFLSDA) still did not trigger a warning message stating that such a command didn't exist or was inaccessible or whatever, simply just showed up in blue and didn't do anything.
    [22:10:26] <RCON> Rcon authentication passed
    [22:10:39] /rcon /listbans
    [22:11:09] /rcon /fdsa
    [22:11:12] /rcon /help

    And final note, jim's running a dedicated server on his comp. Hopefully I made some sort of sense and the information I provided was somewhat useful, if not I apologize in advance.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2016
    jimmyzoudcba and asger75 like this.
  3. jimmyzoudcba

    jimmyzoudcba Haxor Tester

    Also, as I start again today, autoconfig.cfg was reset again (had resetted twice yesterday, "wait don't come in lol") and I still have no permission to login.
  4. 8x

    8x Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Realité Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    iirc both /help and /list are not necessarily for admins only, they're just console commands, thus /rcon is not needed. Moreover, /rcon sadkjaskdnsakdn (without a slash before), wil simply put "sadkjaskdnsakdn" in the chat box for other admins. It's a trick we admins use to communicate ingame sometimes.
    jimmyzoudcba likes this.
  5. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator

    Yes, but using /rcon will still trigger a list of commands when using /list, but for some reason it wasn't showing when using /rcon, only /list or /help.

    Yeah I know about that, the posts were with a slash though, and still triggered no response stating it was an invalid command. "/rcon /fdsa"
  6. blackjoker77777

    blackjoker77777 Haxor Tester
    1. Zen Laboratories

    How did you assign adminship? was it by directly editing the "admin.cfg" file or did you use the 'Admin' button (in-game) to assign it?
    Such an information could help diagnosing what was wrong, I mean if you were able to use the admin button to make him a co-admin then we're sure the seclevs configuration is set correctly at some point.
    Well, the lack of this feature freeze_immunity; in the admin.cfg could be the only reason behind that.
    You sure you didn't forget the ban and the unban commands (in the admin.cfg as well)?
    Loosing the admin menu button, is a common bug. Basically I'd simply log in rcon and use the following command to get it working tho:
    Warning: it causes the server to crash at times, rarely happens but consider yourself warned. :^)
    Interesting, you sure your rcon password wasn't changed/disabled somehow?
    Wowowowo, wait you did what?
    enabling ALL commands in the "normal.cfg" simply means that you're giving anyone (literally anyone) joining your server the opportunity to fully mess with it, starting with using rcon commands, changing server settings (such as server name, description, amount of players,rcon password, server password, ...) or even giving himself/herself a higher security rank (admin or superadmin if enabled).
    I'd expect you added the admin_color feature to the normal.cfg since you were messing with that file.
    Maybe broken seclevs, miswriting your usernames, forgetting to put the semicolon (;), using a wrong path in the "autoconfig.cfg", or last but not least forgetting to change the file extensions from "*.example" to "*.cfg" .
    I think your blacklist seems to be broken, or maybe a wrong path of the blacklist.cfg in the "autoconfig.cfg".

    Either that or that you'd forgotten the listbans as a command in the "admin.cfg". (even though, if you've done that you're supposed to have a message stating that you can't listbans as <insert_your_security_level> ).
    I don't recall having it recolored (unless if it's a warning [Yellow], an error [red] or a notification [depends on it's nature]).
    That's what they're mainly meant to do, they nextmap or load one of your choice.
    Maybe you were on different security levels?
    Let's imagine this situation, jim is a "superadmin" (with rcon access) and you're "admin".
    If the "superadmin" lacks the freeze immunity and the ability to freeze others then it would make sense having you being able to freeze him and not vice versa.
    As 8x had already stated, /list and /help are commands that are run by everyone because they exist in the "normal.cfg"; if they aren't included in the "admin.cfg" and the "superadmin.cfg" then it makes sense not having them working (still no idea why it doesn't show any sort of error or notification about the matter).
    1) check your "autoconfig.cfg":
    That frankly doesn't sound that good.
    It no longer works like this:
    so be sure the paths in your autoconfig.cfg are set the same way that screenshot indicates.
    remember to set a password if you're willing to manually log into rcon, make it something you can easily remember.
    2) download Security.zip and extract it inside your "Security" folder, replace the files you've got there if you're asked to (you can always keep a back up, because who knows).
    In the seclevs files I've uploaded to you, you are going to be a "superadmin" (hence having access to every command) and an_obamanation would have the role of an "Admin", feel free to change him to a "superadmin" if you want so, by removing his name (and the semicolon) from the 'admin.cfg' and adding it to the 'superadmin.cfg' after your name (don't forget the semicolon).

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Aug 22, 2016
    jimmyzoudcba and an_obamanation like this.
  7. jimmyzoudcba

    jimmyzoudcba Haxor Tester

    I came back after ditching for one day lol
    Had that.
    Prety sure i tried that. Nope.
    It's ok <3
    Nope ;-;
    Doesn't look like that.

    But I'll try the security you gave me <3
    Thx for the help <3
  8. blackjoker77777

    blackjoker77777 Haxor Tester
    1. Zen Laboratories

    You're welcome, please let us know if you managed to get it working that way.
    In case it didn't, feel free to PM me and I'd be glad to help you further. :)
    Also just a tiny question, are you running the dedicated server from the same folder you're using to play the game? if so then I'd highly recommend to have another fresh installation of KAG just for the server.
    Simply stating that because hosting KAG from the same game folder you're using to play seems to cause odd behaviors, I had figured that out the hard way long time ago. And trying out a fresh install could possibly fix the issues you're having.
    Not even less creepier.
    Have a nice day, and don't hesitate to PM me if you need someone to give you a hand.
    an_obamanation and jimmyzoudcba like this.