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Head Design - $20 Steam Gift card prize

Discussion in 'Old Events/Giveaways/Contests' started by LordPumpkin, Sep 16, 2016.

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  1. LordPumpkin

    LordPumpkin Bison Rider

    Hello, everyone, this is a call to anyone who can make heads in KAG it doesn't matter your skill level just come participate.

    Why: should you participate: Because it's fun and they are very cool and there is a $20 Steam Gift card prize.

    2. Must be able to use in KAG
    3. Must be correct size
    4. Post bellow
    5. Have fun

    Prize: First place gets a $20AUD Steam Gift card (which comes to around $13-$14USD or $12POUND) Prize brought to you by @xX_Spinn_Xx.

    Categories of Judging: 1. Creativity
    2. Appearance
    3. Animation


    Information: You can submit as many heads as you want .
    Date: Start (16/9/16) finishes in 2 weeks so get you're entries in before then.

    Recipient: @Cruxiat will receive the head of his choice out of the entry's because he does not have one


    Last edited: Sep 16, 2016
    4zK, veronartdoob, Cruxiat and 2 others like this.
  2. mcrifel

    mcrifel Haxor Staff Alumni Tester
    1. MIST

    I wil go aHEAD and make one later today.
    dabby1331 and icemusher like this.
  3. LordPumpkin

    LordPumpkin Bison Rider

    Awesome Ha nice pun
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2016
  4. toothgrinderx

    toothgrinderx Ballista Bolt Thrower Staff Alumni Tester Official Server Admin

  5. LordPumpkin

    LordPumpkin Bison Rider

  6. Vexrak

    Vexrak Tech-Mage Donator

    In my time zone it's the sixteenth so... I'm posting.
    Since I know @Cruxiat loves corn memes, I made him this:
    I kinda broke rule #1, but there's not enough colours on that palette. Especially for what I was going for. Hopefully you can make an exception, but if you can't I'll do my best to edit it. ::):
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 16, 2016, Original Post Date: Sep 16, 2016 ---
    Oh, and I just wanna ask if it'd be cheating by asking @Cruxiat what type of head he'd want. :P
    I'm assuming it is, I just wanted to make sure so I don't get disqualified.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Sep 16, 2016
  7. LordPumpkin

    LordPumpkin Bison Rider

    Awesome vexrak its very cool but if you can put in in the KAG color pallet it would be good its very cool
  8. Vexrak

    Vexrak Tech-Mage Donator

    @LordPumpkin Okay, I can't. There's just not enough colours. :QQ:

    Though, may I ask why it has to be in the KAG colour palette? If it's because of bad colour choice, or not blending in with the game, I'm pretty sure mine passes both of those. ::):
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2016
  9. LordPumpkin

    LordPumpkin Bison Rider

    I guess it doesn't but if anyone can try
  10. Vexrak

    Vexrak Tech-Mage Donator

    @LordPumpkin Okay, will do next time. It's funny cause I originally started off by using the palette, but corn needs a lot of detail, so it's hard on that scale with that amount of colours.
    And most of it is actually the palette with a slight contrast or hue shift. :P
  11. LordPumpkin

    LordPumpkin Bison Rider

    I see its very good
  12. Vexrak

    Vexrak Tech-Mage Donator

    @LordPumpkin You never answered this BTW.
  13. LordPumpkin

    LordPumpkin Bison Rider

    O sorry no not really there's nothing he wants but remember he is not a judge he just gets one of the heads
  14. Vexrak

    Vexrak Tech-Mage Donator

    @LordPumpkin I know he's not a judge, but I'd like to make him something he wants to use.
  15. LordPumpkin

    LordPumpkin Bison Rider

    That's very good of you man
  16. epsilon

    epsilon Assonist THD Team Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    I fucking love this head! I also like how you related it a bit to Crux.
  17. Vexrak

    Vexrak Tech-Mage Donator

  18. SJD360

    SJD360 Haxor

    Screw it, I'm gonna be completely honest here. If MadRaccoon enters, he's going to win through favouritism, I don't mean any offense. Yeah, you're a brilliant spriter Coon, but if it's an automatic default that you're the winner, it's kinda demoralizing to other spriters such as Vexrak. Not saying Vex should win, but he should be given an unbiased shot. If either Vex, Coon or some other spriter wins, let it be through what they put into the contest, not by how popular they are.

    But hey, that's none of my business. ::):

    (Best of luck to the lot of ya.)
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2016
  19. Vexrak

    Vexrak Tech-Mage Donator

    Got another head to enter, I call it Beanie Sam:
    Unfortunately this is just for SJD360, so Cruxiat can't use it, which defeats the purpose of this contest. But it doesn't hurt to have more entries.
    Achillios and SJD360 like this.
  20. Cruxiat

    Cruxiat Haxor Tester
    1. Gather Oceania
    2. KAG World Cup 2018

    Beautiful work so far. Hope to see you all submit entries!
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