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Can we have a normal server?

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by Bracket, Dec 3, 2011.

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  1. Bracket

    Bracket KAG Guard Tester

    This is just a thread where I express an interest in a normal server. All the lowest ping (I'm in Virginia) , popular servers have custom maps or no-building or unlimited respawns.

    During the last build, there was always this one low-ping normal server that all the guards (Contrary in particular) were always on and now it's not there and it's making me sad.

    So yeah, if anyone wants to do that, it would be appreciated by at least me. Woo. >___>
  2. Wolf95

    Wolf95 Shopkeep Stealer

    I had a server, however I ran into a issue with it, I have low pings (I don't know if you will, most likely not) But it was just out of box KAG, so there was nothing on it, It's called LB543 Official Server, so keep an eye out for it if you're still interested.
  3. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Maybe it was BoW Official server? Is that down now? It was a great server. LB543 seems decent though I think some of the map gens are funky.

    edit: I think this is just Bracket's way of saying he misses me.
  4. xanderte

    xanderte Haxor

    how do i make a server when i dont have premeom
  5. Acavado

    Acavado KAG Guard Tester

  6. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Do what Acavado said, or alternatively you can go rent from HGS, or go get a VPS (more expensive route over the HGS).

    You don't require premium to run a server at all.

    I'm surprised, there should be a few servers with 'normal' maps which I assume you mean the regular pre-generated file. Just, most servers are always empty.

    [edit - trelawney] corrected VPN to VPS as they're entirely different things and could be misleading
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