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Discussion in 'Reports for Abusive Players/Cheaters' started by an_obamanation, Jun 1, 2016.

  1. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator

    Server: KAG Official TDM EU

    Time: About 45 minutes ago


    [05:20:13] <SurrealCancer> FUCK MICH YOU AFFE
    [05:20:34] <Turtlebutt> kys
    [05:20:43] <SurrealCancer> DIE OUT FUCKER EXTICTOR
    [05:20:57] <Terri> Why am I always on the one side.
    [05:21:02] <Turtlebutt> not always
    [05:21:04] Turtlebutt has joined Blue Team
    [05:21:04] Terri (an_obamanation) has joined Red Team
    [05:21:05] <SurrealCancer> SHITY
    [05:21:07] <Terri> Now i'm not
    [05:21:46] <Turtlebutt> shit
    [05:21:49] <Turtlebutt> rip grapl
    [05:21:53] <SurrealCancer> DAMN HOW DUMP
    [05:21:55] Turtlebutt has joined Red Team
    [05:21:55] Terri (an_obamanation) has joined Blue Team
    [05:22:07] <Turtlebutt> he gonn glicthchch
    [05:22:10] <Turtlebutt> ded
    [05:22:18] <Turtlebutt> yes.
    [05:22:22] SurrealCancer (BierGranate) has joined Blue Team
    [05:22:22] Turtlebutt has joined Blue Team
    [05:22:22] Terri (an_obamanation) has joined Red Team
    [05:22:25] <Terri> How to abuse glitches simulator
    [05:22:27] <SurrealCancer> CANCER CAN ANYTHING
    [05:22:39] <SurrealCancer> GET BALD AND LEARN GERMAN
    [05:22:54] SurrealCancer (BierGranate) has joined Red Team
    [05:23:08] <Turtlebutt> lel
    [05:23:17] Terri (an_obamanation) has joined Blue Team
    [05:23:35] <Turtlebutt> yes
    [05:23:44] SurrealCancer (BierGranate) has joined Blue Team
    [05:23:44] Turtlebutt has joined Red Team
    [05:23:51] <Turtlebutt> i bought a sponge
    [05:23:51] <Turtlebutt> sht
    [05:24:56] <Turtlebutt> aw

    Reason: Excessive swearing/Glitch abusing or potential hacking

    Comments: I say "Potential hacking" because I don't know if what he was doing was hacking or glitching, either way it's bad, and was done intentionally to get a huge advantage. As you can see in the video he climbs up a wall that can lead to the top void, then manages to glitch himself inside it to spam arrows downward on opponents, making him invincible and invisible in the blackness. As you can also see this glitch teleports him from the right side of the screen to the left on top of my archer teammate. He did this multiple times, and clearly knows what he's doing and knows that he's abusing a glitch, as you can see in the chat logs he responds to us saying "Glitch abusing" with "Cancer can do anything". So he knows this is bad and he just doesn't care.

    I also say excessive swearing because this guy had caps lock on the whole time, and was just spouting cuss words and nonsense. I even have chat logs of him spamming so i'll post them now
    [05:26:05] <Turtlebutt> terri
    [05:26:05] <SurrealCancer> IT IS NATURAL
    [05:26:09] SurrealCancer (BierGranate) has joined Blue Team
    [05:26:09] <Turtlebutt> obama nation
    [05:26:11] <Terri> He's just mildly annoying though
    [05:26:14] <Turtlebutt> gib trench run
    [05:26:32] <Terri> It's not like he's gonna get the rage reactions he's wanting.
    [05:26:32] SurrealCancer (BierGranate) has joined Red Team
    [05:26:50] <Terri> He's just talking to himself at this point lol
    [05:26:57] <Turtlebutt> chatting8
    [05:27:10] <Turtlebutt> ded
    [05:27:17] SurrealCancer (BierGranate) has joined Blue Team
    [05:27:20] <SurrealCancer> WHAT A SHIT YOU TALK FUCKEr
    [05:27:34] <Turtlebutt> should have not stoped
    [05:27:38] Terri (an_obamanation) has joined Red Team
    [05:28:00] <Turtlebutt> buttsuk
    [05:28:02] Turtlebutt has joined Blue Team
    [05:28:31] Turtlebutt has joined Red Team
    [05:28:31] Terri (an_obamanation) has joined Blue Team
    [05:28:33] <SurrealCancer> YOU ARE SHIT
    [05:28:39] <Terri> Neat.
    [05:29:05] <Turtlebutt> yum
    [05:29:15] <Turtlebutt> birdy
    [05:29:16] <Turtlebutt> yumm
    [05:29:34] <Turtlebutt> aw
    [05:29:41] <SurrealCancer> TWATY SHIT
    [05:29:44] SurrealCancer (BierGranate) has joined Red Team
    [05:29:44] Turtlebutt has joined Blue Team
    [05:29:59] <Turtlebutt> ggg
    [05:30:04] <SurrealCancer> NO SHIT FUCKER
    [05:30:10] SurrealCancer (BierGranate) has joined Blue Team
    [05:30:10] Turtlebutt has joined Red Team
    [05:30:15] <Turtlebutt> hes got chronic caps lock
    [05:30:24] <Terri> And jabspam lol
    [05:30:29] SurrealCancer (BierGranate) has joined Red Team
    [05:30:29] Turtlebutt has joined Blue Team
    [05:30:34] <SurrealCancer> I PREFER EVEN BIGGER ONEWS
    [05:30:52] <Terri> That moment when turtle doesn't move backwards lol
    [05:30:57] Terri (an_obamanation) has joined Red Team
    [05:31:11] <Turtlebutt> wat
    [05:31:21] Turtlebutt has joined Red Team
    [05:31:21] Terri (an_obamanation) has joined Blue Team
    [05:31:30] <Turtlebutt> helo
    [05:31:39] <Turtlebutt> eat cance
    [05:31:44] SurrealCancer (BierGranate) has joined Blue Team
    [05:32:03] <Turtlebutt> kanker
    [05:32:12] SurrealCancer (BierGranate) has joined Red Team
    [05:32:13] <SurrealCancer> Kranker*
    [05:32:50] <Turtlebutt> cnacer got retk
    [05:32:57] SurrealCancer (BierGranate) has joined Blue Team
    [05:32:57] Terri (an_obamanation) has joined Red Team
    [05:33:29] <Turtlebutt> get cancered m89
    [05:33:39] <SurrealCancer> NICE OF YOU
    [05:33:46] <Turtlebutt> rip game
    [05:33:49] <SurrealCancer> WTF

    Very close to every message he posted had some form of cussing, this is just one little bit of it, there's more that i'm not posting to keep the message small, I'll post the full log if requested though. And it did get to a point where it was bothering me and the other player in the match, and we also requested him to stop because it was making the experience mildly worse but he refused.
    Concave and Anszej like this.
  2. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    I need to be able to see his username in the video. Otherwise it's useless.
  3. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator

    Server: KAG Official TDM EU No 2

    Time: 10 minutes ago


    Reason: Glitch Abusing

    Comments: I met up with him again today in a tdm match and he was abusing this glitch as usual, this time however I made damn sure to get his username as much as I could. Also at 0:20 he takes only half a heart from an arrow that was far enough and charged enough to do one hearts worth of damage, no clue how he managed that.
    Concave likes this.
  4. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Banned for a day as a warning.
    an_obamanation likes this.
  5. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator

  6. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator

    Server: KAG Official Tdm EU No 2

    Time: 5 minutes ago





    Reason: Glitch Abusing

    Comments: He seems to only do this on EU Tdms. I guess it's easier to do with lower ping.
  7. Concave

    Concave Wizzy Staff Alumni Donator

  8. _Cuffs_

    _Cuffs_ Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Yeah I banned him for another 1000 minutes last night.
    an_obamanation likes this.
  9. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Concave and an_obamanation like this.