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slash timer shown on mouse

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Goblin_king, Oct 29, 2016.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. Goblin_king

    Goblin_king Bison Rider

    right now,the only way to time your slash is by listening to the sound that trigger when your slash is ready ( or by watching the animation of your knight but it is not possible in intense knight fight). it would be nice if we could see our slash charging progression on our mouse(a bit like classic). why? 2 reason:
    i like to listen to my music when playing kag(don't get the wrong idea,your music and sound effect are absolutly amazing,but it get a bit old after all this time) and so i cut kag sound.i have to remember the slash timing by heart and it is less reactive than the sound.
    some people are more reactive to visual effect rather than having to also focus on sound and i'm sure they would appreciate it.
    how to make it?
    having some little charging bubble around your mouse appear around your mouse in one color for the first slash,and then see it charge in another color for the double slash.
    i have used my insane paint skillz to make you a little drawing of what i am talking about kag_good_idea.png
    joshua12131415 and Psiklaw like this.
  2. _Cuffs_

    _Cuffs_ Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    With experience (like you said) you just learn how long it takes to slash. We all ready have two sensatory queues as to when you can slash. We don't need a third que that just makes the two fairly obvious queues we already have so completely obsolete.
    epsilon likes this.
  3. Goblin_king

    Goblin_king Bison Rider

    well,even with experience i sometime miss my timing,trying to do it a bit too early,it would really be helpfull to have this one.sorry but what does sensatory queues mean?
  4. Psiklaw

    Psiklaw Bison Rider

  5. _Cuffs_

    _Cuffs_ Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Sensory cues. Sorry.
  6. Goblin_king

    Goblin_king Bison Rider

    well about those.one is the animation of your knight ,the other is the sound.the animation of your knight is already useless unless you go for a double slash because if you are fast enough,by releasing the mouse the very second you hear the sound of the slash,you can slash without seeing the animation of your guy.so the sensory cues of the animation is not very helpfull.the next one is the sound one and that bring back my original probleme,if you want to play without sound and listen to your music,you don't have acces to this one and have to learn the timing by heart.that is why i propose a third one ,a visual one so people like me can listen to their music and have a usefull sensory cues about slash
Mods: Rainbows