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Unturned [Early Access | F2P]

Discussion in 'Other games' started by AdrianC, Jul 13, 2014.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. Leo

    Leo Haxor

    Noburu likes this.
  2. kalynba65

    kalynba65 Catapult Fodder

    Unturned is a zombie infested survival game developed by a sixteen years old young man whose name is “Nelson Sexton” in 2014. It became very popular in a few times among the people all around the World especially on Steam. A single player or multiplayers can play it by connecting their computer systems.

    It is an exciting and interesting game because it’s vast amount of weaponry items and other vehicles. We can play it on any platform i.e. Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. It has high-resolution graphics and also contains secret references to make it more dramatic and appealing game among the people (Get more info about its server setup and details from here http://unturneditemid.com/ ).
  3. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    I'll let this spam post slide as I like the game but going to merge it in into the original post by @Leo.
Mods: BlueLuigi