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Devlog KAG Build 2059 - New APIClient, Updated Maps

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Geti, Dec 6, 2016.


New API Client Working For You?

Poll closed Dec 13, 2016.
  1. Yep!

    1 vote(s)
  2. Can't tell the difference, but game still works.

    11 vote(s)
  3. No, I have issues (leave details in the thread)

    3 vote(s)
  1. Eluded

    Eluded Haxor Official Server Admin

    @cameron1010 is there any documentation for the new API?
  2. Psiklaw

    Psiklaw Bison Rider

    god bless them devs
  3. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    It's not new API. It's just new API client in game. There is no documentation and no need for it. It's something built into KAG's Engine.
  4. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Also, so it would appear that current game doesn't work on Mac...but no users have really complained about it yet except for one person. We did though some internal tests and it seems to really be the case. Cameron is working on fixing it but without real Mac OS X machine to test on it's kind of hard to debug. We'll see what can be done about it. I hope we'll be able to fix it. If not the client will have to be reverted to the old one, which I'd rather avoid...
  5. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    @Mazey your map is derp'd. The flags are all blue so the game randomly adds red flag+spawn(leading to 4 flags vs 1).
    Vamist likes this.
  6. Bint

    Bint Haxor

    PUNK123 and Blue_Tiger like this.
  7. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    I have fixed it, thank you. It should be in the next patch, I assume the next patch will be OSX fix, so bear with it (skip).
  8. Vamist

    Vamist THD Team THD Team Tester

    Hmm, I can't tell if servers are crashing due to this, but here.

    [18:20:15] Request Spawn: luigidoyle57
    [18:20:18] getTokenValidation error: Token found
    [18:20:18] getTokenValidation error: Token found
    Lugidoyle57 joined
    server crashed
    Just froze, which means that the keepalive script did not work. (had to manually restart it)

    [18:43:28] getTokenValidation error: Token found
    [18:43:29] getTokenValidation error: Token found
    Seems to be happening to modded servers only. IKO CTF (non modded) server stayed alive, the two other modded servers died.

    EDIT: To make it clear, after the last token error, game crashes, last thing in logs for both games)
  9. robayy

    robayy Catapult Fodder

    I'm assuming that I'm the mac guy.
    Here is my complete log, my name edited out ofc:

    Game version 2059
    [15:04:25] Controls loaded from ../Cache/player1.dat
    [15:04:25] Controls loaded from ../Cache/player2.dat
    [15:04:25] Controls loaded from ../Cache/player3.dat
    [15:04:25] Controls loaded from ../Cache/player4.dat
    [15:04:25] Initializing Game Script
    [15:04:25] ############ GAMEMODE CTF
    [15:04:25] New track added to mixer Sounds/Music/world_intro.ogg
    [15:04:26] Loaded texture: /Users/name/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Base/GUI/MenuItems.png
    [15:04:32] Authenticating...
    [15:04:32] Authenticating...
    LAG 3
    [15:04:46] Loaded texture: /Users/name/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Base/GUI/server_icons.png
    [15:04:46] Servers received 34
    [15:04:48] Loaded texture: ::dummyMinimap.png
    [15:04:49] Connecting to... KAG Official CTF EU No. 3
    [15:04:49] Connecting to... KAG Official CTF EU No. 3
    [15:04:49] Loaded texture: /Users/name/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Base/Entities/Characters/Migrant/MigrantMale.png
    [15:04:50] Loaded texture: /Users/name/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Base/Entities/Characters/Migrant/MigrantFemale.png
    [15:04:51] Loaded texture: /Users/name/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Base/Entities/Common/GUI/VehicleIcons.png
    [15:04:51] Loaded texture: /Users/name/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Base/Entities/Materials/MaterialIcons.png
    [15:04:51] Loaded texture: /Users/name/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/King Arthur's Gold/KAG.app/Contents/MacOS/Base/Rules/CTF/CTFGui.png
    [15:04:53] Loading rules Rules/Challenge/gamemode.cfg
    [15:04:53] Loading game rules from Rules/Challenge/gamemode.cfg...
    [15:04:53] Loaded team 0 'Blue Team'
    [15:04:53] Loaded team 1 'Red Team'
    [15:04:53] Loading rules Rules/CTF/gamemode.cfg
    [15:04:53] Loading game rules from Rules/CTF/gamemode.cfg...
    [15:04:53] Loaded team 0 'Blue Team'
    [15:04:53] Loaded team 1 'Red Team'
    [15:04:53] Loading rules Rules/Main/gamemode.cfg
    [15:04:53] Loading game rules from Rules/Main/gamemode.cfg...
    [15:04:53] Loading rules Rules/Sandbox/gamemode.cfg
    [15:04:53] Loading game rules from Rules/Sandbox/gamemode.cfg...
    [15:04:53] Loaded team 0 'Blue Team'
    [15:04:53] Loading rules Rules/Simple/gamemode.cfg
    [15:04:53] Loading game rules from Rules/Simple/gamemode.cfg...
    [15:04:53] Loaded team 0 'Blue Team'
    [15:04:53] Loaded team 1 'Red Team'
    [15:04:53] Loading rules Rules/TDM/gamemode.cfg
    [15:04:53] Loading game rules from Rules/TDM/gamemode.cfg...
    [15:04:53] Loaded team 0 'Blue Team'
    [15:04:53] Loaded team 1 'Red Team'
    [15:04:53] Loading rules Rules/WAR/gamemode.cfg
    [15:04:53] Loading game rules from Rules/WAR/gamemode.cfg...
    [15:04:53] Loaded team 0 'Blue Team'
    [15:04:53] Loaded team 1 'Red Team'
    [15:04:54] Client created
    [15:04:54] Requesting auth token...

    Freezes afterwards.
  10. epsilon

    epsilon Assonist THD Team Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    I've also heard from @KArth that he's experiencing issues with KAG on Mac.
  11. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Mac issue folks, please respond here if things are fixed for you
  12. TFlippy

    TFlippy Arsonist Tester

    The server sometimes crashes a few seconds after a random player joins, it even happened when I joined for the first time today.

  13. Vamist

    Vamist THD Team THD Team Tester

    Yup, found a second problem.

    My server keeps crashing ever so often when somebody is downloading the mod, or joining.

    [21:10:31] Server: Sending script ../Mods/TFlippy_TerritoryControl_v39c/Structures/Workbench/Workbench.as
    [21:10:31] Ignoring script: noteamcollisions
    [21:10:31] Ignoring script: ctf_populatespawnlist
    [21:10:31] Ignoring script: survival_pickspawn
    [21:10:31] Ignoring script: material_sulphur
    [21:10:57] Request Spawn: motor4
    [21:11:04] COLLAPSE by MrDenO (size 14 blocks)
    Player joins game as normal

    [19:46:38] Sending file: ../Mods/TFlippy_TerritoryControl_v39c/Structures/WoodStructureHit.as to 1150019170:57269
    [19:46:38] Sending file: ../Mods/TFlippy_TerritoryControl_v39c/Structures/Workbench/Workbench.as to 1150019170:57269
    [19:46:38] File outside of /Mods: Rules/CommonScripts/UseFakeTechs.as
    [19:46:38] SENDING 212 FILES
    [19:46:41] Token validation status: Token found
    [19:46:41] Token validation status: Token found
    Player downloads the mod, then token error

    [18:40:48] File outside of /Mods: Rules/CommonScripts/UseFakeTechs.as
    [18:40:48] SENDING 212 FILES
    [18:40:49] Token validation status: Token found
    [18:40:49] Token validation status: Token found
    [18:40:49] Player info Received: stolij
    Player joins game

    [18:39:50] Server: Sending script ../Mods/TFlippy_TerritoryControl_v39c/Structures/WoodStructureHit.as
    [18:39:50] Server: Sending script ../Mods/TFlippy_TerritoryControl_v39c/Structures/Workbench/Workbench.as
    [18:39:50] Ignoring script: noteamcollisions
    [18:39:50] Ignoring script: ctf_populatespawnlist
    [18:39:50] Ignoring script: survival_pickspawn
    [18:39:50] Ignoring script: material_sulphur
    Player joins, then server crashes

    [18:00:42] Sending file: ../Mods/TFlippy_TerritoryControl_v39c/Structures/Workbench/Workbench.cfg to 3424320858:51342
    [18:00:42] Sending file: ../Mods/TFlippy_TerritoryControl_v39c/Structures/Workbench/Workbench.png to 3424320858:51342
    [18:00:42] File outside of /Mods: Rules/CommonScripts/KAG.as
    [18:00:42] File outside of /Mods: Rules/CommonScripts/UseFakeTechs.as
    [18:00:42] SENDING 735 FILES
    [18:00:51] Player ollimarrex left the game (players left 5)
    [18:01:04] Token validation status: Token found
    [18:01:04] Player info Received: digga
    [18:01:04] * digga connected (admin: 0 guard 0 gold 1 tester 0)
    [18:01:05] Token validation status: Token found
    [18:01:05] Token validation status: Token found
    [18:01:05] Player info Received: duckypoos
    Player downloads mod

    Also, if it can't be fixed soon, is there a way to make the server auto-restart after server freezes.

    I have a keep-alive script running, but the token error freezes the server, instead of crashing it. Which is fun, means i have to keep manually restarting it.
  14. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    @TFlippy @Vamist is this a crash or an infinite loop/"lockup" - does the server process actually crash?
    In either case, can you start a new thread for this issue, and then:
    • run the server under gdb and either
    • post the backtrace if it crashes (type "bt" into gdb after it catches the crash)
    • or if it doesn't and it just "locks up", break execution manually (ctrl+c) and then get a trace - ideally also type info threads at the same time.
    • If you're running it on windows, none of this applies because the binary doesn't have symbols and hosting on windows is unsupported.
    Basically it'd be very helpful to know where it's actually going wrong, because we fixed a potential cause of this yesterday and afaik we're not having this issue on the officials (ie might be related to modding, but which aspect of modding is unclear).

    You'd probably need to implement a check against the API if the server is freezing, as it'll fail to put its server status - use that to kill the server and the keepalive will kick in. Quite a pain, I know. We'd like this fixed as much as you would.
    cincoscuencas likes this.