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The "I'm new/leaving/back" Thread

Discussion in 'Beginner Box' started by Monsteri, Aug 3, 2011.

Mods: Gurin
  1. mcrifel

    mcrifel Haxor Staff Alumni Tester
    1. MIST

    I am all in your imagination
  2. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    wtf why are you triple posting random shit? and who is this mcrifel guy you're quoting?
  3. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Your mum?
  4. jimmyzoudcba

    jimmyzoudcba Haxor Tester

    lmao best reply 2017
    But Furai as a question do you watch this like everyday 24/7? Because you're like almost always first to reply to a new/old person coming or leaving XD
  5. mcrifel

    mcrifel Haxor Staff Alumni Tester
    1. MIST

    I am already his gf so i can't be his mum, or can I?
  6. Jansef

    Jansef Haxor

    Hey Mcrifel, would love to meet ya someday xd
    i'm curious what you mean by your reply...
  7. Blue_Tiger

    Blue_Tiger Haxor Tester

    Wtf, you're talking to the spooky ghost too?
  8. Jansef

    Jansef Haxor

    I can't? I died few times too m8, check my profile xd
  9. Varistog

    Varistog Catapult Fodder

    Hello, I'm new here too, already played a few matches and really like the game so far!
  10. mcrifel

    mcrifel Haxor Staff Alumni Tester
    1. MIST

    Welcome to the community! Enjoy your stay! :wink:
  11. Jansef

    Jansef Haxor

    I played against you already and you have some potential... or not, idk i'm not Jimmy :/
    Welcome to community!
  12. Varistog

    Varistog Catapult Fodder

    Ha! We'll see, gotta put in those hours...
  13. Lawrence_Shagsworth

    Lawrence_Shagsworth Joke Slayer Official Server Admin

    Will be away in Ireland for a few days; don't expect to see me in-game
  14. Elf

    Elf Bison Rider
    1. A Special Forces [SF#]

    To all classics, I am not here and won't be for some time due to school v_v hard times, and I have exams in few months and I kinda should make sure to pass them, because this year I prolly wil go to university in Sep and therefore I may not be on so often...
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 24, 2017, Original Post Date: Jan 24, 2017 ---
    Or I might simply be using that as an excuse because of different problem on my head, but you won't get to know x)
    hugs and dw, I'll be back in few days/weeks!
  15. jimmyzoudcba

    jimmyzoudcba Haxor Tester

    Have a great time toy and we'll be sure to miss you ;D
  16. platy1knight

    platy1knight Haxor Tester

    I'm leaving Kag for an unknown time due to life problems , thanks for being the best 10 bucks i spent , and thanks all for being a great community :heart:
  17. AmestriStephen

    AmestriStephen Haxor Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    bye mate, come back soon we ll miss yar sexy ass
  18. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

  19. platy1knight

    platy1knight Haxor Tester

    oh crap , i meant that i'm gonna be a whole less active , jeez XD , i should've known.
  20. AgentHightower

    AgentHightower Ballista Bolt Thrower Tester Official Server Admin
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Greetings readers! i hope all of you are having a lovely time and today we will talk about me basically i started knowing about this game in 2015 i started liking it SO MUCH and wanting it to support it but sadly i didn't have credit cards so i couldn't buy it in their website but when i found out it was on steam i had a chance to buy a steam wallet card but then before i was going to buy one in christmas of 2016 a friend of mine has given me a present which was kag itself! on steam so then i started playing it everyday and it has been a month and i have 120 total hours playing with the game which is amazing but then since i am really strict in servers on a chatting software called Discord and support popular servers in that software i decided to help some mod servers in becoming an admin! :D so then i found this server called Aphelion's Roleplay and i loved it so much although when i saw it was a bit dead but not fully dead! so then i attended the staff application since i heard Aphelion has been having inactive admins so then i told my information to him and i got accepted! :D and then i started moderating in that server everyday having so much fun with people and being strict with people who disobey the rules and a bit nice to them BUT i didn't tell you about the server which was BEFORE i became admin in aphelion's roleplay......well it was called TinySandbox and there was a bunch of ranks in it which was players, VIP, Admins, Super Admins (which is like head admin and like a royal guard to the mod server) the server is made by GoldenGuy....a great guy and the hoster is ToughBlade.....a really nice guy so then since he saw that i have been admin in popular servers in the chatting software called Discord he made me super admin so i started moderating also in there a lot with my own staff partner called TerraCraft who is also a super admin! :D and then i have started playing in a mod server called Zombie Night Fortress i really love it so much because it's really cool so then after a couple of weeks ToughBlade shows up and i started playing with him having a lot of fun and also telling him about my life with the community and what servers i'm in admin in so then he tells me if i can be a staff admin because he has being having problems with lack of staff so i accepted and i started moderating also in there and banned cheaters and had a lot of fun with some players! and also in the offical CTF US no.2 i met some admins in there who are Rivet, Gunslinger (two times), Vampire and they are really cool and nice so this is the end and thank you guys so much for spending your time to read this thread.......i hope all of you are having a lovely time! :D
    Biurza likes this.
Mods: Gurin