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need help with autoconfig its a bug

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by chrissf, May 31, 2017.

  1. chrissf

    chrissf Haxor

    for some reason when i change the server name in autoconfig it dosent match it it just says dedicated kag server and the rcon command /rcon /sv_name dosent work eather its a bug or something messed up iam preaty sure its a bug i deleated kag and reinstailled it its still bugged for some reason not sure why it happened when i was seting up a classic server in the classic autoconfig/ and i deleated kag classic still wont fix itself werid
  2. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator

    There's really no way somebody can help you with this limited information, you could post the file and take screenshots/video of what's going on and also explain how you're hosting this. I'm assuming that this server is hosted off your own computer and not a hosting site like gshost, seeing as on gshost you wouldn't need to edit the autoconfig.
  3. chrissf

    chrissf Haxor

    iam hosting it on my computer/laptop/desktop iam on windows 8 iam not sure why its bugged should i post my whole kag folder just in case ?

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    an_obamanation likes this.
  4. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator

    Did not notice this was kag classic at first, i'm a beta player so I can't really help. I did however try setting up a small server using gshost and I experienced name issues as well that I haven't been able to fix with basic attempts so you're not alone in that department.

    Only thing I can really do is give you my fresh autoconfig file that I got for downloading classic briefly to try and figure this out.

    @Vamist Hosts much more beta than classic but maybe he could help? I hope someone with more knowledge about classic can help you out. Have a good day.

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  5. chrissf

    chrissf Haxor

    no the problem is on the beta server nameing but when i tryed to host classic it fucked up both classic and beta etc