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Report abusive players (griefers/hackers)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MM, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    Provide proof or stop posting here. Pls. You do know the rules.
    sorry for usseles post,just thought a friendly reminder would do it...
  2. dylanduran

    dylanduran A Most Extraordinary Gentleman Donator

    we have no proof screenshot wise, however i have seen kantek griefing before on incarnum, ban him, thats all i can ask

    SPAM? Why did I get an infraction for spam? God, first Kyzak, now you. What is it with the forum mods today?

    You should not discuss nor comment in this thread! I said it multiple times. Your "Hey cool, there's another one reporting the same stuff I reported. He already created a post about this spectacular incident but I really also need to post to agree with him!"-post includes no new proof or anything else helpful. That's why you got the infraction. Refrain from doing it again pls.
  3. ltdlima

    ltdlima Shipwright

    Neonazi crap on Dec 6th. Player named "Ragnar" built "Hakenkreuz" structures all over the level!

    Attached Files:

  4. baranok

    baranok Shopkeep Stealer

    Type: griefer
    Nick: Down_Below
    Server: Star Server (euro)
    Time: ~15 minutes ago

    as seen he also gave advices to opposite team

    Your screenshot does not provide enough evidence to act here. Pls post more proof.
  5. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    We are discussing internally how reports regarding swastikas formed by ingame-materials are handled. Pls refrain from posting more such reports or discussions until we come to a conclusion.

    Edit: Conclusion.
  6. dylanduran

    dylanduran A Most Extraordinary Gentleman Donator

    I don't really see what peoples problem is with swastikas, they aren't a nazi emblem, I believe they're a Hindu symbol. People who are ignorant enough to believe nazi ideaology created swastikas and take prejudiced action because of it deserve to remain in such an ignorant state for the rest of their lives.

    One more discussion post by you in this thread and you will have some forum-vacations.
  7. Acavado

    Acavado KAG Guard Tester



    'fraid I don't have the time or date or time or uh server yes.
  8. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

  9. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    Ok, that's our conclusion on the swastika-topic.
    • Ingame: If we (KAG Guards) see somebody building swastikas but noone says anything (which most likely won't happen), we move on. If anyone is complaining:
      • We give out a warning (Something like: "You are offending others, cut it!").
      • Player doesn't stop. --> We freeze him. Another (last) warning. We unfreeze him.
      • Player doesn't stop. --> We kick and report him at the forum. He will receive a three day master server ban.
    • Public report thread: We can't warn the reported player because we are not ingame at the moment of action. So we just go with a ban for three days since someone (the reporter) is offended and the swastika-builder obviously didn't stop. Of course we will only act if enough proof is given.
    • We dare to say that more than 99% of the swastika-builders do not have some affinity to the religious meaning of the swastika and mainly just create it to troll other people and gain attention. They are just using the religious aspect as an excuse.
    • The people who make them aren't even playing the game, anyway. They're sucking up room for people who actually want to play. If they want to draw or build something which doesn't help in capturing the flag and which might offend someone who sees the swastika as a Nazi symbol they should do it in a local sandbox game or a passworded server.
    • We already have an "inappropriate conduct" category in our policy ("racial remarks of any type").
    With that said, "Ragnar" and "SS4" (who is just another account of "RocketRony" who was banned for griefing anyway) will get their punishement.
    Rayne, Ryu, Stevedog and 8 others like this.
  10. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    FYI: Punishment = SS4 is banned for multi-accounting, RocketRony has had his existing temp ban extended.
  11. i8ramen

    i8ramen Shipwright

    Name: amongoth

    At experimental server #2

    around 6:25 PM EST

    He was returning the opposite team's flag

  12. Earl

    Earl Shipwright

    1. vipcunt
    2. Speedhacking
    3. Hampshire Heavies #1 - [EU]
    4. Dec 7, 2011. 6:30 PM;GMT-8:00
    5. Many witnesses: including me, Neat, and some of the BACON crew.
    Also a series of obscure screenshots.
    vipcunt is a cunt.gif
    Foxodi likes this.
  13. baranok

    baranok Shopkeep Stealer

    speedhacker VIPGIRL
    i think its the same guy with different account as Earl mentioned above
    but i dont have any proof or animation :\

    it was on OMGWTFBBQ server

    he was acting like cheating is natural so perhaps he isnt doing it first time

    he made typo in his nick...but a lot of people know vipgirl cheats
  14. Miczu

    Miczu Shopkeep Stealer

    1. Deniiel
    2. Spiking up spawn, breaking stuff - was connected for like 2 minutes and it was enough to make me rage
    3. (GJ, there are no server names in logs)
    4. look at screenshot names

    [5217] Deniiel joined blue team
    [5395] <Agator> help
    [6813] <harumaji> Vot kicl denail
    [6969] Deniiel joined red team
    [9665] <harumaji> Vote kick denail he noob player
    [10115] <alone> he is spy!
    [10138] <Deniiel> FUCK YOU


    Probably the sad part about griefing is that take so much time to report one. Mose ppl wont ever bother... Even I do it for the biggest noobs, cause there is no point. Probably less then 1/20 griefer gets reported...
  15. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Jussy22 was griefing the unlimited spawn server only minutes ago. Red was losing and he popped in and demolished our defenses.

    Pretty assholic about it too. This clearly shows him joining, commenting on his awesomeness, then leaving in a few minute span. As you can see, he joins, then I said something about it being a drop trap, so intentional. I had made a drop trap in case blue overan us, and it was triggered. But then our main fort came collapsing down too. At that point I checked the log and he logged off and I saw he was indeed a griefer.
  16. Zefree

    Zefree Shopkeep Stealer

    [king] lehoon
    davinauyt <---not sure about spelling

    mazer 24 pro server

    10:00pm mountain central time U.S.

    Using some kind of exploit that allowed them to fly as knights. I believe I've heard it called "zeppellining" or something like that? Not sure how they accomplished it, and I wasn't able to get a screen shot (they were dropping bombs and killed me rather unexpectedly).

    lehoon, FuzzyBlueBaron and Foxodi like this.
  17. VSpeed

    VSpeed Shipwright

    Beware of next griefers on INCARNUM CTF:
    I didn't write in this topic earlier, but now i'm really upset.
    They blamed me for grief our base.. I'm playing on this server for long time and I'm not Griefer !!!
    I think someplayers can confirm that...

    1. What was the players name? Down.Below and boczektoszynka
    2. What did the player do? They griefed our base ( towers and other things )
    3. In what server? Incarnum CTF
    4. In what time? About 17:00
    5. Are you sure? (Post proofs: screenshots, videos, chat-/consolelogs, etc.)

    I can't exactly prove that, because i have got only screens when I was kicked. I'm writing that because I don't want to you think, that I'm griefer..
    I enter this server, and i went.. but i saw them griefing our base. I write griefers but them started to blame me..
    On the game i wrote fast and i was really suprised ( something like WTF ? ) and i wrote "griefer Death" that was my mistake, the griefer was Down.Below ( both have nicknames what starts with D )

    and base when they griefed.
    Iscann4Griefers and baranok like this.
  18. Klokinator

    Klokinator Such Beta
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Shiiiiiit that's some nasty griefing there :O
  19. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    That's not really hacking, it's a known glitch in game where if two knights put shields up, they can fly in a straight line as long as they go together. But yeah, I can confirm as well that King Lehoon loves using this glitch. I've seen him use it at least in 4 different games, but I can't remember exactly when and where.

    The best thing you can do to deal with it is to shoot them with an arrow, if you are lucky, you may be able to kill both of them.
  20. SpideY

    SpideY Hear Me Roar Staff Alumni Donator

    1. What was the players name? Yarvis

    2. What did the player do? He was building swastika symbols during an entire game. Moreover, he didnt even stop when others players were complaining about that kind of structure.

    3. In what server? Server of Elites ( French server)

    4. In what time? 10-12-2011. 20.30 UTC

    5. Are you sure? http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/3579/screen111210203157w.png

    You cannot see the nickname on this screen but the guard Beef was here. He asked me to report him and he will confirm it imo.
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