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FX-6300 4.3ghz vs i5-2400 3.3ghz/// And Ramdisk for KAG

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by PooManCHU, Jul 22, 2017.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. PooManCHU

    PooManCHU Shopkeep Stealer

    Meke-as name i know, couldn't think of a better one, so any way this thread is about my CPU "upgrade" or side-grade if you like. as the name suggests my OG CPU was my FX-6300 overclocked to 4.3 on stock cooler, i have had that running since 2013, i replaced it about 2 weeks ago with an old sandy bridge i5 2400, i scored it with a motherboard for 100$NZD. you may be asking yourself why not the i5 2500k, or the G4560, well the Pentium was out of stock everywhere and i didn't want to have to but new ddr4 ram, and the 2500k was was main target, i planned to overclock to 4.5ghz, but i could not find a capable motherboard anywhere but that's what you get with 5 year old hardware. i could only find non overclock able boards. so that's why i went with the i5 2400.

    so now the important stuff has it made an impact in performance in KAG, well yes as many of you already know KAG makes use of only one core, or almost fully one core with very limited use of a second core for secondary tasks, because of this when buying my CPU, i was mainly looking at the single thread performance, on passmark's single thread comparison the fx6300 scores about 1440 or something close and the i52400 comes in at 1760 or something close, so yeah thee is a noticeable jump, in KAG on my fx chip when the servers get full and bogged down and would go from 60-70fps down to 5-25fps. on the 2400 rock about 35-50fps when the server is full with an average of 45. i have yet to play skyrim with the new chip, i am exited because skyrim only use one core as-well i have to re-mod it first, it plays oblivion fine fully loaded up with F-com the convergence super-pack, mine has about 500 mods in it it runs fine, and same go's for my heavily modded Fallout Tale of two wastelands. so yeah if you take away anything from this, remember kids it's all about what yo single core can do baby:wink:

    EDIT: I am now running KAG on a Ramdisk and it's sweet and loads up way faster than my ssd loads maps in like 1-2 seconds and i am getting pretty solid game-play no stutter or lag still broken animation's though::(:. you can run KAG on ram too!!!, what is ram disk you ask well in the name it's a disk made from a pool of your DDR4 or DDR3. i don't think anyone will be running anything older. and i don't know if this method will work with older version of DDR. you can do this if you have a spear 500mb of ram, while KAG itself is only 70.6 mb itself, i think there should be some extra room for logs, at-least till next build were according to Geti the logs will be able to be disabled.
    I will post a text tutorial if people need help as i don't know if anyone's interested or even need's help with this, i expect were all pretty tech savvy round here, and i don't wont to type out something for nothing if it will help no one. plase comment on this thread if you would like instructions

    //EDIT: Please refrain from using unneccessary formatting. ~Galen
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2017
    Geti and MillerTheRealRacoon like this.
  2. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Thanks for the data-point here :) Glad to hear it's mostly sorted out your performance issues in KAG.
  3. PooManCHU

    PooManCHU Shopkeep Stealer

    sweet-as Geti thanks for the like i hope i can advance from catapult fodder soon haha, yeah my next experiment to hope fully get better performance is to try to eliminate the bottleneck that may be caused by the transfer speed of the storage medium were KAG game files are housed, i allready have my KAG on my ssd, but since KAG only takes up a handful of megabytes, i was thinking about even putting in on a ramdisk to see if that speed it up at all any thoughts on ramdisk for KAG? have you ever tried it out before, i have done it with minecraft
  4. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I've never tried KAG in a ramdisk, I just run it off an SSD (both machines I use for development don't even have a HDD); that's an interesting idea and I'd be interested to see how much it helps.

    The config reading/writing is the main culprit for disk speed mattering, but as you say it's generally pretty small. Next build there'll be an option to disable logging to disk as well which would prevent it filling up over time, but I guess if you were going to clone a disk-resident copy of KAG onto the ramdisk each time you'd only have one session's worth of logs anyway.
  5. PooManCHU

    PooManCHU Shopkeep Stealer

    that's very interesting what you said about the logging to disk option, as i have experienced un-explainable slow down after a varying amount of time in KAG, could this be because of the logging to disk. when you say prevent it filling up are you talking about filling up the disk were KAG is stored, or are you talking about the logs filling up some some sort of Memory block, like something akin to the way skyrim Handel's it's logging of used RAM. and yeah that's how im going to do it just copy it over from the disk to the ramdisk Evey time i would like to run KAG on the ramdisk, because it is RAM i am pretty sure that it the only way to do do it. i may even start experimenting right now as i am very curious if id will speed up anything.
  6. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I'm talking about the logs filling up your ramdisk if you kept it persistent for a particularly long time - like if you never shut down your computer and re-run kag without re-cloning the ramdisk; people usually make fairly small ramdisks so they can keep enough of their memory free; if you fill it up the game will probably crash though :)

    Have you tried it out yet?
  7. PooManCHU

    PooManCHU Shopkeep Stealer

    oh yep sweet as i all-ways shutdown mt PC after usinf it so i dont think thats an issue,
    about the ram disk yep i have been using if happily with no problems for days now, it makes KAG load up and into map's in a flash, FPS has remind stable bur no increase
    Geti likes this.
Mods: BlueLuigi