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TDM Death Canyon [REJECTED]

Discussion in 'Rejected Maps' started by Ni, May 29, 2017.

  1. Ni

    Ni Battle Angel Global Moderator Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Donator Tester Official Server Admin
    1. Active Forum Users

    Map name: Death Canyon
    Gamemode: TDM
    Symmetrical: Yes
    Special features:
    • Includes 2 flowers.
    • You start on a platform.
    • There is a bit of water in the mid.
    • You can go up and down in the mid.

    /Edit - Fixed:

    //Edit - Fixed:
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2017
    Fuzzle, Biurza, Asu and 3 others like this.
  2. Ni

    Ni Battle Angel Global Moderator Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Donator Tester Official Server Admin
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    Don´t hate, i'm not that experienced.
    PUNK123 likes this.
  3. SJD360

    SJD360 Haxor

    There's a huge difference between "hate" and "criticism". I plan to do neither, but while there is nothing wrong with the map, I feel there are things that could've been added, and I'll add what I think makes an optimal TDM map.

    Things that could've been added:

    Hazards - Spikes, pits, spike pits, mines and so forth. Make the players not the only threat in the map. Sometimes our own stupidity is our downfall. :D

    Route Variants - Some TDM maps, mine included, lack a degree of omnidirectional play. Maps where you can only go left or right usually have a highly predictable end result; such maps aren't necessarily a bad thing, but when it's just that and the map is left bare without any other exciting factors to it such as hazards, shops, and so on and so on, the map itself becomes bland.

    An example of omnidirectional play (by 8x <3), other examples include Monsteri and several others that I can't identify because they have no name to them.[​IMG]
    Monsteri's map.

    While this map lacks any alternate routes, it somewhat makes up for it by adding mechanisms which add value to the map.

    - Mechanisms are an amazing addition not just to TDM, but KAG as a whole, unfortunately however, I can't understand them for shit. I can imagine they can be a bit of a bugger to begin with, but eventually you'll get to grips with the concept and easily plop 'em in your map willy-nilly. (Sweet Christ that sounded so British) Mechanisms are a fluid concept that can morph easily into other aspects; they can be used as a hazard for shooting people in the face with arrows. They can be used to unlock reward chests. They can be used to block or unlock certain alternating routes. Mechanisms. Mechanisms! MECHANISMS! I'm pretty sure if I knew how to use mechanisms, I'd make a mechanism-heavy map called Mechagasm.

    Mechanism maps by Skinney - she does incredible work when it comes to maps. In fact she was the reason why I started making maps in the first place.

    Shops - I don't really need to go into detail here. Plop a shop on each side of the map (not on every map) so people can buy water bombs and smash 'em in people's cakeholes.

    Now, what makes the best TDM map? I have no goddamn clue, such a thing doesn't exist (yet) so I can only say how to make it gooder... or in other words, optimal. Hazards, Route Variations, Mechanisms and Shops. Those are what I believe to be the 4 primes. There are lesser ones such as detail, but when it comes to TDM maps, insane detail isn't required. Of course detail prettifies the map to look gorgeous and is quite lovely to look at, but don't put too much effort into it. Playability overrides detail in every scenario.

    Things NOT to do. Don't do what I used to do and prioritise detail over playability, because when it comes down to it, no one gives a shite about how pretty it is. BUT, try not to do vice-versa either, make it a balance between the two.

    One of my maps. It's pretty but it doesn't play all too well. Technically this is a CTF map.

    Another thing you DON'T want to do is overload your map. Take moderation with what you'll add to your map if you're taking from those 4 primes I listed above. Think of it as a spectrum - on one end you have batshit crazy boring, and on the other side you have holy-shit-why-is-everything-on-fire-aaaaaaaaaahhh. Try to balance it between the two. Don't go way overboard, but don't hold back either.

    Continue making maps, you'll get better after every one you make.
    Ni and Asu like this.
  4. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator


    I can easily see archers camping up on the sides and on top of the middle, and knights will have no way to get them down because the map has no shops or bombs. I think some of the stone should be removed from the middle floating area so knights can dig up the blocks there to give more avenues of attack. Other than that this is such a sight for sore eyes after crowbars and switchblades and pressurecooker, very well done, I knew you could do it :heart:::D::thumbs_up:
    PUNK123, Biurza, SirDangalang and 3 others like this.
  5. Ni

    Ni Battle Angel Global Moderator Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Donator Tester Official Server Admin
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    Thanks for your beeing so honest and giving me these tips c: <3
    I appreciate it and i'll make some more maps with all these things on them c: <3
    @SJD360 Thanks for spendig so much time on this text as well <3
    an_obamanation likes this.
  6. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    The map felt a little claustrophobic to me, so I expanded it a little horizontally and vertically.
    I made it (much) simpler to get from one of those small islands to below, added two to access the top more easily.
    To compensate, archers have an extra tree and still can have pretty good movement. I tried to improve a little the visual style, but it is quite subjective.
    Also, there is a trader shop.


    If there are design issues, I'm not used to make TDM maps. I've only made one so far. :p

    Edit : Tradershop placement fix
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 1, 2017, Original Post Date: Jun 1, 2017 ---
    Also, I'm mostly in favor of what SJD said (and that was a great post, by the way).
    But you do not need to have mechanisms and hasards in your TDM map. CTF and TTH maps generally are designed a similar way to have a consistent gameplay experience, whereas TDM gives you much more gameplay freedom.
    an_obamanation is correct too, you should generally avoid (in TDM) places where archers cannot be reached.
    _Cuffs_, Ni, Biurza and 2 others like this.
  7. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator

    Break the two wooden blocks above spawn and archers are still able to camp (knights can break them with just a few slashes and archers can burn the thing down with a single fire arrow). I believe a good fix would be wooden platforms with stone backwall (which, while you can't do through editing the png AFAIK, I believe you can do using /savemap. If you want me to help you with trying to do this you can message me on the discord)

    A fire arrow, keg, or a few well placed bombs will also make it so that the spawn is floating which not only looks ugly but also sets up archers with an easy camping spot, as without the platforms below spawn you cannot jump up to the two wooden blocks as a knight.

    Finally, both traders are blue. We can't have any anti-red bias now can we?
  8. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    /savemap generates a png file, so there's not anything you could do with /savemap you couldn't do manually.

    Well, it could be changed to bedrock trivially if anything.

    Heh I actually forgot tradershops had a team color.
    an_obamanation likes this.
  9. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    I really dont like this map the dirt islands basically make it function as a hill and there is no realistic advantage to going below. Its too small for a hillmap and imo not good enough for official.
    Ni likes this.
  10. Ni

    Ni Battle Angel Global Moderator Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Donator Tester Official Server Admin
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    Not good enough to be in the official map cycle, pls reject!
  11. mcrifel

    mcrifel Haxor Staff Alumni Tester
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    If you say so