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Glitch - Falling through blocks but not water

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by VaderCraftGamer, Sep 30, 2017.


Were you there when I was glitching through blocks?

Poll closed Oct 30, 2017.
  1. Yes, I saw you glitch and I wasn't sure if you were hacking or not.

  2. No, I've never seen this in my life.

  3. Zombie Fortress Plus should be hosted again to prevent singleplayer glitch PLEASE!

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. VaderCraftGamer

    VaderCraftGamer Ballista Bolt Thrower

    I was on Vans Faction Server when I found this glitch. I travelled through a tunnel and fell through blocks. Only blocks I could stand on were trap blocks and ladders, and I stood on doors but fell. All of those were entities. I also had water under me as most of the map was water and I could swim but go through blocks.

    I then went around the map studying this glitch. At one point I went inside this island and I could jump 2-3 times before fallling through again. I think my singleplayer affected this as I went on sandbox and tried to run Zombie Fortress Plus (the one with assassin and crossbowknight classes etc.) but I was frozen with a red circle. I had 3 mods activated. ZFM+1.6.6a, CustomTitleScreen and Deepthroat.

    I took a few screenshots of me inside dirt blocks. Here they are.
    20170930131846_1.jpg 20170930131847_1.jpg 20170930131844_1.jpg 20170930131836_1.jpg 20170930131350_1.jpg 20170930131341_1.jpg 20170930131339_1.jpg 20170930131338_1.jpg 20170930131335_2.jpg 20170930131335_1.jpg
  2. toffie0

    toffie0 is sweeter than you <3 Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    Last edited: Oct 2, 2017