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Installing KAG on Kubuntu(ubuntu)

Discussion in 'General Help' started by kodamann, Dec 11, 2011.

  1. kodamann

    kodamann Shipwright

    Okay, i really hate to ask this, but i'm relatively new to linux, using Kubuntu, and i honestly don't know how to install this program. Please don't bite my head off, but how exactly do i go about installing this on a linux system?
  2. kodamann

    kodamann Shipwright

    Can i get some help please?

    At least wait some days before bumping your thread. Four hours are way too less.
  3. Rioja

    Rioja Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Im not a linux user, but surely theres a general tutorial on installing programs on Linux. If not, go onto the KAG IRC, there will be someone to help :)
  4. HardPenguin

    HardPenguin Horde Gibber

    KAG on Linux is not installed by classic method (software repositories).

    All you need is to download Linux KAG version from 'Downloads' section of KAG website, unpack the game and click on 'rungame.sh' to start the game.
  5. kodamann

    kodamann Shipwright

    I click on rungame.sh and nothign happens....not a single thing
  6. HardPenguin

    HardPenguin Horde Gibber

    Try to run it via terminal and copy the console output here.
  7. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    Instead of bumping, I'd suggest checking #kag on IRC if you're looking for (possibly) faster responses. HardPingwin is right, run from the terminal or paste console logs from kag/Logs