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CTF GuyDeLu_Utopia

Discussion in 'Maps for the Official KAG Servers' started by GuyDeLu, Jun 4, 2021.

  1. GuyDeLu

    GuyDeLu Shipwright

    Map name: Utopia
    Gamemode: CTF
    Symmetrical: [Y]
    Special features: A bison (hehe), A floating island, and the spawn infront of the flags
    Map: [​IMG]
    Map name: GuyDeLu_Utopia
    Note: please forgive me if i messed up the flag and spawn colors

    Attached Files:

    Demockyyy likes this.
  2. Demockyyy

    Demockyyy Catapult Fodder

    I think it's too op.
    If one team will get the isle so what second team can do to comeback?

    Bison enjoyers :smug:[​IMG]