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Community App KAG Mod Manager 1.09

Basic app for managing KAG mods with the new web API system

Mods: Downburst, Mazey
  1. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I can see your mod in the list though? The nameURL is the name that must be unique, and there is one called 'The FUN mod' registered by you with the nameURL 'fun' already.

    It takes up to a minute for new mods to appear in the list due to caching (there's a note at the bottom of the list about this), so maybe that's what was confusing?
  2. Diprog

    Diprog Bison Rider Tester
    1. FUN Servers

    Refreshing mod list. Active filters: []
    Mod list refreshed. Mods found: 7

    But list shows nothing

    Nevermind. I just reloaded mod manager
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 11, 2014, Original Post Date: Mar 11, 2014 ---
    When I press refresh while I'm editing mod, text boxes become disabled but "Submit" and "Cancel" buttons still be active.
  3. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Ah, thanks. I'll fix that tomorrow probably.
    Edit: Fixed today actually, but haven't generated a new .exe yet (I have to reboot in windows for that and I can't be bothered right now :p)
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2014
  4. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Shadlington updated KAG Mod Manager with a new update entry:

    Fixed MAJOR windows bug plus minor bug with refresh

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Just a quick FYI: The next update of KAG will have some changes that affect how verification occurs (the main point being that we'll allow limited support for serverside modification of files for the purposes of managing settings). This changes the verification algorithm and so registration.json files generated previously will become invalid.
    I have had to push these changes to the API early which means that until the next KAG release (should be soon), mod verification will not work. I'll be pushing an update to this app soon, with the corrected verification algorithm.

    There are also changes to how the uploaded files are uploaded/downloaded which has meant that I have had to delete all the currently uploaded mod packages.

    Sorry for the inconvenience, on both counts.
  6. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Shadlington updated KAG Mod Manager with a new update entry:

    Updated to use /settings folder now supported by API

    Read the rest of this update entry...
    Noburu likes this.
  7. Shadlington

    Shadlington THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    So yeah, downloading the latest version of the mod manager should let you make a registration.json file that is compatible with the latest version of the API + game.

    Alternatively, you could just upload your mod package instead, as we'll soon have auto-updating mod support for kag servers. It works by adding "= [mod dev]:[mod name URL]" to your mods.cfg file for any mod you want to auto-update, and it'll DL any new versions uploaded via the mod manager on next server restart. (e.g. if you have a line in mods.cfg that just says 'Blowjob', you'd change that to 'Blowjob = skinney:blowjob).
    This is written and semi-tested - just needs a little more time to iron out some cross-platform issues and it'll be ready to go.
  8. Diprog

    Diprog Bison Rider Tester
    1. FUN Servers

    Can you make ban list for servers? If banned IP in mod = server's IP, this server won't be shown in the server list
  9. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    From where do I get my developer key and how to generate the registry file? I put everything except dev key, I push submit file and it just hangs all buttons greyed out.
  10. JaytleBee

    JaytleBee Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. [Server] Sandbox Reborn

    When I submit a new mod, the Mod Manager freezes for a while. After that, all the buttons in the Actions menu are locked and the fields remain changable. If I quit the application, an error message shows up. The contents of the log file are as follows:
    Exception in Tkinter callback
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "Tkinter.pyc", line 1470, in __call__
    File "modManagerView.pyc", line 266, in <lambda>
    File "modManagerView.pyc", line 461, in action
    File "modManagerController.py", line 90, in submit
    File "modManagerModel.pyc", line 45, in put_mod_info
    File "base64.pyc", line 315, in encodestring
    UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xf6' in position 24: ordinal not in range(128)
  11. use only ascii characters in name and description
  12. JaytleBee

    JaytleBee Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. [Server] Sandbox Reborn

    I did. The problem was a unicode character in my password. Please fix this, Shadlington!
  13. Diprog

    Diprog Bison Rider Tester
    1. FUN Servers

    @Shadlington, I updated a mod, restarted a server, but I get error called "Mods verification failed". If I restart my client, error doesn't appear anymore
  14. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Unfortunately Shad isn't around KAG any more. Is it working as expected after restart? Or does it keep coming back?
  15. Diprog

    Diprog Bison Rider Tester
    1. FUN Servers

    Yep, it doesn't come back. Client restart fixes it
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 28, 2016, Original Post Date: Jan 28, 2016 ---
    Maybe because I upload the mod with registration.json in it
  16. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

  17. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    I pushed submit, 5 minutes later and nothing is happening....
  18. Diprog

    Diprog Bison Rider Tester
    1. FUN Servers

    Also, I know one more bug: I can't see downloaded mod. This bug happens 50/50
    Here it is: upload_2016-2-1_16-59-16.png
    But... upload_2016-2-1_16-59-53.png
  19. Tsilliev

    Tsilliev Haxor

    XXX minutes later its still grayed out nothing is happening, how can I upload/update my mod?

    edit: if i understand how to do it, believe me i will create a special youtube video tutorial and post it here.

    edit2: alright guys i did it instead of using kag mod manager just come here and click add resource at top right corner, you must archive it without rar but with 7z instead.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2016
  20. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    This is currently broken. Bundled SSL cert expired. If anyone has cloned the code while it was still available - please let me know.
Mods: Downburst, Mazey